Does Alharbi (Saudi national) case show where lack of accountability leads?

These days, Federal government institutions have proven adept at little more than coverups and stonewalls. The more these institutions are able to stave off accountability and consequences, the more brazen they have become; they know – or think they know – that they are untouchable.

This has been a staple in the Obama administration (Fast and Furious and Benghazi are two of the most obvious examples). In fact, when it comes to Saudi Arabia, the lack of accountability in the Bush Administration has seemingly permitted the Obama administration to kick it up a notch.

How about the 9/11 Commission? This was an entity that failed to find the most culpable entity culpable at all. Instead of identifying Saudi Arabia or its most powerful players as the source of the problem, the Commission went out of its way to avoid identifying them at all.

William Murray of the Religious Freedom Coaltion wrote in his post-9/11 diary the following account of what he experience on 9/13/01:

When I confronted one well known Senator about the millions of dollars going to Bin Laden’s terror network from Saudi businessmen, he said to me, “Yes, but they are coerced into giving it to him.”

I responded to this by saying, “Maybe those millionaire Saudi businessmen should be more fearful of us than they are of Bin Laden.” – The Case FOR Islamophobia, p. 283-284

Perhaps there is no better explanation for why the case of the Saudi national who is tied to the Boston marathon bombings is being ignored by both our government and our media. What neither entity seems interested in is the foreboding doom that will result from such thinking.

In her syndicated column, Diana West examines the smoking gun file on Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi, a Saudi national who is allegedly tied to the Boston marathon bombings via his 212 3B status designation, and draws some interesting parallels between him and a 9/11 hijacker.

Basically, we now know we have had an unvetted Saudi on the loose, who, Beck would also report, the Alharbi “event file” also indicated to be “armed and dangerous.” Alharbi’s student visa, by the way, permitted him to study in Ohio. Meanwhile, he was living in Boston.

Remember Hani Hanjour, who crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon? In 2000, the 28-year-old Saudi was admitted on a student visa to study in Oakland. He joined his al-Qaida cell in San Diego instead. Hanjour was one of about 5,500 Saudis enrolled in the U.S. at the time.

Thanks to a reckless agreement to boost Saudi enrollment in the U.S. (why?) between George W. Bush and Saudi Arabia in April 2005, Alharbi is one of roughly 35,000 – an increase since 9/11 of more than 600 percent! How many other Saudi students are here despite SAOs that remain incomplete?

As Republican lemmings flocked to the opening of the George W. Bush Library this week, perhaps they could have better spent their time by asking why the Bush administration put in place, policies that likely contributed to Alharbi being at the scene of the bombings while earning a 212 3B designation.

After 9/11, Saudi Arabia wasn’t held accountable, George W. Bush wasn’t held accountable for preventing it, and the American people applauded the opening of his library just days after the Boston marathon bombings, which appear to have a Saudi connection.

What accountability?

Isn’t it better to honor?


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