Wow! Must-Hear Audio: Man claiming to be Drone Operator over Benghazi on 9/11/12 Speaks out

This is amazing audio from a man who called in to Sean Hannity’s radio show claiming to have been one of the men who was operating the drone over Benghazi on the night of 9/11/12. In addition to essentially piling on the ‘Susan Rice lied’ bandwagon, ‘John’ from Iowa said that he was able to see dozens of people around the consulate who were armed and ultimately saw the building on fire.

The big takeaway here very well could be John’s claim that there should be recordings of what the Drone saw. He said that the only time recordings are destroyed is when nothing of consequence is recorded. In this case, Americans were murdered.

Hello Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. We have an entirely new can of worms to be opened if video of the attacks in Benghazi has been destroyed. Then again, we have an entirely new can of worms if it hasn’t been and is released.

Moreover, if this guy is willing to come forward, it could signal more who are willing to do the same.

Via Right Pundit (h/t GWP):

Is it a good thing to be afflicted with Islamophobia? Get the new book from Walid Shoebat, The Case FOR ISLAMOPHOBIA: Jihad by the Word; America’s Final Warning.


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