It would appear that the President’s brother Malik Obama is either a bald-faced profiteer or very hard up for cash. He apparently has two letters from his brother Barack – on White House stationary – that he is selling for $15,000 a piece. Via New York Post: Malik is selling the two letters on White […]
Archive | May 30, 2013

Paging George Clooney… Brother of President you love is in bed with the Sudanese Government you hate
By Ben Barrack If there is one cause Hollywood actor George Clooney supports, it’s ending the genocide in Sudan and putting a stop to President Omar al-Bashir. If there’s one president Clooney supports, it’s Barack Obama. In May of 2012, Clooney held a Hollywood fundraiser for the Obama campaign and raised $15 Million. Approximately two […]
Jeffrey Lord picks up on the Malik Obama story
The American Spectator’s Jeffrey Lord has picked up on our work on Malik Obama’s ties to terrorists and has laid out a very telling timeline that contrasts the treatment Malik’s foundation received from the IRS and Lois Lerner vs. the treatment received by Tea Party groups. A must-read: The IRS and FBI: Breach of Faith […]

Were Benghazi Talking Points given to the AP on the night of the attack?
By Ben Barrack We now know five things unequivocally. First, Hillary Clinton issued a statement about the Benghazi attack prior to 10:42pm EST on 9/11/12. We know this because an AP report published at that time made reference to it. We also know that Hillary and Barack Obama had a phone conversation at approximately 10:00pm […]
Liberalism Is Pure Evil
Theodore Shoebat on multiculturalism and tolerance. Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get the latest book, For God or For Tyranny