By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack
Another complaint has reportedly been filed with Egypt’s Attorney General, Hisham Barakat. According to multiple Arabic sources (Al Wafd and Vetogate among them), this one is said to allege that the wife of ousted President Mohammed Mursi not only admitted in an interview with Turkey’s Anatolia news agency that she sought to excite domestic insurrections to overthrow Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi but that she collaborated with Hillary Clinton.
Mehwar TV Channel has posted a video of a news report, via Almesryoon, given by Nasr Qaffas, who relays the details of Mahmoud’s interview with Anatolia. Key excerpts of the report translated by Walid Shoebat, beneath the video below:
Qaffas: According to Anatolia Press, Mahmoud said, “I have between my fingers, a treasure trove of secrets from the White House and Mrs. Clinton fears my wrath.” She said, “I will not speak about Huma Abedin”. When asked if she had a close relationship with Hillary Clinton, Mahmoud said, “When my husband returns from his kidnapping, the one who led the coup will pay a hefty price.” Of Mrs. Clinton, she said, “We have a long friendship of many years. We lived in the U.S. and my children learned there. This friendship increased further when my husband became the legitimate president of the country.”
Mahmoud went on to say that they were recruited by the Clintons from the U.S. and began their friendship in the 1980’s. This appears to be a conspiracy that is being hidden.
When asked if they still have friendships with each other, Mahmoud said communications never ceased and that the conversations are all recorded. The wife of Mursi divulged that Mrs. Clinton seeks the assistance – both official and unofficial – of several members of the Muslim Sisterhood organization to help with problems in the Middle East. “We also have routine business dealings with the Clintons.”
Mahmoud further stated that “Hillary depends on us tremendously to help her succeed in the coming presidential elections, just as we helped Barack Obama win twice.” She is quite the looney bin to believe she helped Obama win.
When asked about her relationship with Michelle Obama, Mahmoud said it is very good but it never developed to the point of close friendship, like with Hillary.
On the ability of women to take the lead in the revolution, Mahmoud said that could indeed happen with the Sisterhood. “I have many wives of Brotherhood leaders with me. Many of their husbands were kidnapped and jailed too. I tell them to be patient, for you will have a great reward in the future. I tell them that if their husbands are martyred, we will see to it that they are married off to other men as soon as their menstrual period is over,” she said.
According to Mahmoud, the police will not touch the women, which is why the women are so effective.
On her concerns that the Muslim Brotherhood could be identified as a terrorist organization, the wife of the former President said she was not and declared that she and her colleagues are in the process of organizing a “coup against the coup”.
“We are under the condition of war and Jihad,” she said, “and we have a good command of the necessities of war, the ancient and the modern. I will keep the tactics of war secret because in Islam, war is trickery.”
She said her conscience will not be eased until all of the traitors are hanged in the gallows.
As mentioned previously, this alleged interview with Anatolia has prompted a complaint to be filed with Egypt’s Attorney General, Hisham Barakat. This is the same AG with whom case 1761 was filed by Sadek Ebeid against Malik Obama.
Via Al-Wafd (translated):
Egypt’s Attorney General Hisham Barakat is inspecting the complaint submitted by attorney Assem Qandil against Naglaa Mahmoud, the wife of ousted President Mohammed Mursi. The complaint accuses Mahmoud of being behind the waves of violence that have befallen the nation. The complaint goes on to say that she is planning a coup to remove the current government.
The complaint requests that Mahmoud be arrested and interrogated.
Qandil told Almesryoon under the subject, ‘The wife of Mursi has between her fingers, a treasure trove of secrets of the White House’, which was stated on Mehwar TV. The complainant went on to say that the subject of the complaint stated to the news agency that she is the first person involved in terrorist conspiracies inside Egyptian universities, especially al-Azhar University.
Qandil also added in his complaint that Mursi’s wife is the main political operative and that with her are ladies from the Muslim Sisterhood who have been instructed to carry out these terrorist actions. The aim of these acts is to bleed the nation’s security by having women demonstrate in and around the universities. She stated that neither the military nor the police will bother the women. She confessed that her relationship with her husband, other Muslim Brotherhood leaders, and the U.S. administration was one of business. By doing so, Mahmoud is confessing that she is involved – her and her husband – with the CIA.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others reportedly carried on these relationships.
The complainant demanded Mahmoud’s arrest and an investigation into both Mahmoud and other Muslim Brotherhood wives. Qandil demanded Isma Zaid, the editor of Almesryoon, and Nasr Qaffas be questioned as well, to present what they have by way of evidence.
A key revelation in these reports is Mahmoud’s claim that the Clintons befriended her family in the 1980’s while living in the U.S. As one of 63 leaders in the Muslim Sisterhood, Mahmoud is a colleague of Saleha Abedin, another one of those 63 leaders. Saleha is the mother of Huma Abedin, who is a close adviser to Hillary Clinton and wife of former Democratic Congressman, Anthony Weiner.
Huma first landed a job with Hillary in 1996 after attending George Washington University and having served on the Board of her University’s Muslim Students Association (MSA), a Muslim Brotherhood group. Were the seeds sown for the relationship between Hillary and Huma years prior via Mursi and Mahmoud?

Hillary at Dar al-Hekma University in 2010 with Sisterhood leader Saleha Abedin (left). Huma (Saleha’s daughter) and Hillary (right).
As for Mahmoud, leading protests in a post-Mursi Egypt is not new. Just days after Senators John McCain (RINO-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (RINO-SC) failed in their attempt to have Muslim Brotherhood leaders freed during their trip to Egypt this past August, Mahmoud led protests. If the complaint filed by Qandil is valid, it can be surmised that the purpose of said protests likely mirrored the ones being promoted today.
The claims that Mursi and Mahmoud worked with the Clintons, the Obama administration, and the CIA seem to further bolster a report that came out last month that was posted by Egyoffline. The report, translated by Eman Nabih, alleged that documents had been obtained that showed the Obama administration’s complicity in exciting domestic insurrections in Egypt in order to overthrow the current government in Egypt, a goal shared by Mahmoud.
As for Anatolia News Agency reports, these are not new either. At about the same time that Mahmoud was leading protests in Egypt this past August, multiple Arabic sources reported that Saad Al-Shater, the son of jailed Muslim Brotherhood deputy Khairat Al-Shater, told Anatolia that his father had the goods on Barack Obama and his administration’s collaboration with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood.

Malik Obama: denies being connected to Muslim Brotherhood despite his boss Suar Al-Dahab being Muslim Brotherhood.
This past September, Malik Obama, half-brother of Barack Obama, granted an interview to Anatolia Press in order to attack our claims that he is involved with the government of Sudan as the Executive Secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO), which is an arm of Sudan’s Omar Al-Bashir. As is usually the case, those who cannot refute our charges attack our character, which is what Malik did.
It should be noted that until we are able to locate the primary Anatolia News Agency source of Mahmoud’s claims, we cannot independently confirm the veracity of her claims. We are simply relaying the claims of reliable Arabic sources.
**UPDATE at 11:09am EST on December 13, 2013**
Arabic source El-Fagr is reporting that the complaint number filed with AG Barakat by Qandil is 18337.