The Backlash Against Israel Is Happening, But Its Leading People To Evil
In this video I discuss the problems that I see with the anti-Israel movement, and how its leading people to evil ideologies that are of a Hitlerian nature:
Donald Trump Wants European Soldiers To Be Deployed In Ukraine To Maintain Order And Stability
Donald Trump wants European soldiers to be stationed within Ukraine as a way to keep the peace and maintain stability. As we read in the Wall Street Journal: The outlines of President-elect Donald Trump’s initial efforts to end the war in Ukraine from his visit to Europe last week are starting to emerge for the […]
UK Police Report Declares: ‘British Police Took Too Long To Respond To UK Riots.’
A UK police report has concluded that British police took too long to respond to the British summer riots, as we read in the New York Times: Police leaders waited too long — three days — to trigger a national mobilization to tackle the anti-immigrant violence that broke out in Britain this year, a report […]
Syrian Refugees Don’t Want To Leave Germany: The German Elections and the Syrian Refugee Crisis
I Am Tired Of Them Pushing The LGBT+ Agenda And Ruining All Things Holy, And Making Movies, Video Games And Books Ugly
The Sackler Family And The Rising Tide Against Jewish People
Evil In Israel, Evil In Turkey: The Israeli and Turkish Invasion Of Syria
I can totally foresee Israel having a civil war before Turkey invades it
I Wouldn’t Be Surprised If The Iranian Regime Gets Toppled
We Are Witnessing The Dawn Of The Neo-Ottoman Empire
In this video I discuss the revival of the Ottoman Empire as seen in Turkish expansionism within Syria: