Be sure to read our report on the Obamas’ Wahhabist Fundraising Empire.
Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack
Unless you’ve read the entire report on the Obamas’ Wahhabist Fundraising Empire, you may have missed the fact that Barack Obama’s uncle (Sayid Obama) has had dealings not just with major Wahhabist institutions in Saudi Arabia but with the Muslim World League, (MWL). The report also quotes Barack’s cousin (Musa Ismail Obama) as saying that Sayid is the main conduit for communications between the President of the United States and the Muslim side of Barack’s family.
Here is what Saudi media had to say about Sayid’s dealings with the MWL:
His Excellency Dr. Abdullah bin Abdul Mohsin Al-Turki, Secretary General of the Muslim World League and a member of the Council of Senior Scholars in Saudi Arabia in Makkah received on Monday Mr. Saeed Hussein Obama, Kenyan businessman, and uncle of President Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, who paid a visit to the Muslim World League, accompanied by a number of Kenyan graduates from Saudi universities.
As the Secretary General of MWL, Al-Turki leads an organization that seeks to propagate Wahhabist Islamic teachings all over the world, with a current emphasis on Europe. If Barack’s uncle Sayed is meeting with the head of the MWL as a student of Wahhabism, what are we left to conclude except that uncle Sayed seeks the spread of wahhabist Islam as well? Interestingly, the last page of the MWL website that was posted in English appears to be from the first anniversary of the September 11th attacks. As one can expect, the verbiage at the time was very sympathetic to English speaking mouths and English reading eyes.
From approximately 1983 – 1993, another Saudi named Abdullah Omar Naseef was the MWL’s Secretary General. Regular readers to our site are quite familiar with something else Naseef did. He founded the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) in 1979 prior to becoming Secretary General (was he rewarded?). Naseef put the parents of Huma Abedin in charge of the IMMA.
In 1988, Naseef founded the Rabita Trust, which was found to be a financier of al-Qaeda. In fact, it’s been widely reported that Rabita’s director at the time of the 9/11/01 attacks – Wael Hamza Julaidan – was a founder of al-Qaeda. Approximately one month after the attacks, the U.S. Treasury Department identified Rabita Trust as a terrorist organization that funded al-Qaeda and froze its assets. Yet, when it came to the 9/11 Commission Report, neither the MWL nor the Rabita Trust received one mention.
In 1996, while Naseef was still on the advisory board of the IMMA, Huma Abedin joined the Editorial Board and would remain on as an Assistant Editor until 2008.
This means that Barack Obama has a familial connection to the current Secretary General of the MWL and that Huma Abedin has a familial connection to a previous Secretary General of the MWL.
Barack Obama also very publicly defended Huma at a White House iftar dinner.
What are the odds that all of this is coincidence?
Don’t bother trying to figure it out. Your calculator probably doesn’t have enough zeroes.
Walid Shoebat is a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood and author of For God or For Tyranny
Ben Barrack is a talk show host and author of the book, Unsung Davids, which features a chapter on Walid Shoebat