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Archive | 2012
Video: Fort Hood shooting victims speak out
This is a must-see video about the Fort Hood shootings; it features the victims of that day who are not too happy about Jihad being termed workplace violence. That cover-up takes on added significance in the wake of the Benghazi cover-up. Both took place on Obama’s watch and both attacks were actually…. Acts. of. War. […]
Video: Jewish Democrat who voted for Obama becomes Republican, will vote for Romney
Ari was once a Jewish Democrat who voted for Obama. He is now a Jewish Republican who is voting for Romney.
Gadi Adelman debunks the ‘keep enemies closer’ myth
As evidence continues to mount that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. Government, the only defense those who refuse to admit it (think John McCain and John Boehner) will have left is the one that says, ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer’. Gadi Adelman does an excellent job of taking that excuse […]
Ed Klein’s sources: Benghazi cables exonerate Hillary, implicate Obama
Edward Klein, author of the Amateur, has developed a pretty solid reputation for having reliable sources when it comes to the Obama administration. His recorded interviews with a very candid Jeremiah Wright certainly helped. Klein is now saying that his sources are convinced that the Benghazi cables exonerate Hillary and implicate Obama. Via the Daily […]
Does ‘Innocence of Muslims’ have something in common with ‘Holy’ Olive trees?
Walid has reported extensively on the Innocence of Muslims video that has been in the news since September 11th. The media narrative is that the film was produced by a Coptic Christian. He has repeatedly challenged this assertion and has produced plenty of evidence that indicates Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (Mark Bacile Yousef) is not a […]
Video: Yet another Jewish Democrat not voting for Barack Obama this time
This is becoming quite the trend. Meet Renie Tell:
State Department: We’re not ruling out role of ‘Innocence of Muslims’ in Benghazi attack
The State Department, which has been taking heavy fire after having to admit that its assertion that the Benghazi attack was the result of ‘Innocence of Muslims’, appears to be leaving open the possibility of going back to the movie narrative. To that, we say it’s time to revisit who was really behind that movie. […]
State Department: We’re not ruling out role of ‘Innocence of Muslims’ in Benghazi attack
The State Department, which has been taking heavy fire after having to admit that its assertion that the Benghazi attack was the result of ‘Innocence of Muslims’, appears to be leaving open the possibility of going back to the movie narrative. To that, we say it’s time to revisit who was really behind that movie. […]
Video: Another Jewish Democrat voting against Obama this time
Michael Goldstein, another Jewish Democrat who voted for Barack Obama in 2008, explains why 2012 will be the first time in his life he will vote Republican. h/t My Buyers Remorse
Obama’s Grandma: ‘disobedient wives should be beaten’
You read that headline correctly. In an article by Jeffrey Lord at the American Spectator, where he cited our work on Barack Obama’s familial connections to wahhabist fundraising, another significant discovery was unearthed. In particular, Lord points to an article that appeared at the left-leaning Guardian, written by Martin Robbins. In it, Robbins relays an […]
Oversight Committee should call Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin to testify over Benghazi-gate
With Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly accepting ‘responsibility’ for the security of all State Department diplomats stationed at the various outposts all over the world – including at the Benghazi consulate – shouldn’t the matter of her closest adviser, Huma Abedin become relevant again? Hillary’s acceptance of responsibility should also come with a requirement […]
Investigating the Assassination of Ambassador Stevens
Walid Shoebat Anyone who surfed the internet when the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi was attacked can figure out that photos with guys carrying AK-47’s standing in front of the embassy meant that terrorists were carrying out a terrorist attack and were not participating in a demonstration over a film. Despite this, Joe Biden – in […]
Video: Jewish Democrat voting against Obama this time
Brad Rose is Jewish. He’s a Democrat. He voted for Barack Obama in 2008. He’s voting against Barack Obama in 2012. h/t MyBuyersRemorse
Muslims in UK protest outside Google; time to get to the truth about who made ‘Innocence of Muslims’?
What do you call thousands of Muslims exercising their free speech rights to demand that the free speech rights of others be shut down? If you said ironic hypocrisy on steroids, you’d be right. After the riots at various U.S. embassies last month, the Obama administration attempted to get Google to take down the Innocence […]
Darrell Issa going after Benghazi like he did Fast and Furious
When it comes to the House Oversight Committee’s investigation into Operation Fast and Furious, Chairman Darrell Issa exhibited true leadership in the face of a massive stonewall. Obstructions were in abundance from the Department of Justice, the Obama administration, and from ranking member of the Committee, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), who’s also a member of […]