Female DNA on Boston Bomb NOT from Tsarnaev Widow (Has hospitalized Female Saudi been ruled out yet?)

Ok, so neither the fingerprints nor the female DNA found on one of the Boston marathon bombs belong to Katherine Russell-Tsarnaev, the wife of Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

With this news, we’d like to ask one simple question: Has the female Saudi national who was injured in the blast been ruled out as a suspect? Has her DNA been tested?

There were two Saudi nationals hospitalized after the bombings – Abdulrahman Ali Al-Harbi and a female doctor named Nura Khalid Saleh al-Ajjaji.

It’s already been reported that Al-Harbi received a 212 3B terrorist designation, so what of al-Ajjaji? Does she know Al-Harbi? If so, how well?

Here’s the CBS report on Katherine Tsarnaev being ruled out as a source of the DNA / fingerprints:

h/t Hot Air


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