In June of 2012, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and four other congressmen sent letters to five separate Inspectors General (IG). Each letter contained questions about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration into the U.S. Government. The letter addressed to the IG at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and CC’d to then DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, raised concerns […]
Archive | December 3, 2013

Former FBI Agent on why CIA Director converted to Islam
Former FBI Agent profiles CIA Director, explains why he may have converted to Islam. Last year, Islam expert and former FBI Agent John Guandolo revealed that he had two sources inside the U.S. Government who confirmed that CIA Director John Brennan converted to Islam in the 1990’s. In this interview conducted recently, Guandolo reveals why […]
Democrat Senator concedes Obama Lied about al-Qaeda
Even Democrats are not contesting that Barack Obama lied repeatedly about Obamacare in order to get re-elected (they spin away from that issue as quickly and as abruptly as possible). Now, an extremely prominent Democratic Senator – Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) – seems to be conceding to another Obama lie, told in order to help him […]
Christian Militias To Muslims: If You Follow Islam You Will Die, Christianity Is Here To Stay
Listen to Theodore Shoebat in a very recent interview with Laurie Roth, talking about the current Holy War between Christian militias and Islamic Jihadist. The Crusade is coming back! CLICK HERE TO LISTEN After listening, DONATE NOW TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES Also, don’t forget to purchase Theodore Shoebat’s new 2 disk DVD set of four […]
Muslims Attack Family, Murder Husband And Hack Others To Pieces
By Theodore Shoebat A violent murder has taken place in Central Africa in which Muslims attacked a Christian family and murdered the husband. They slashed at people with machetes and butchered five victims. The mans’s wife had this to say: I saw the Seleka take my husband. They bludgeoned him. They attacked his mother after […]
Russia Outlaws The Building of Mosques, Will Get Tougher On Islam
By Theodore Shoebat The Crusade continues, and will only grow… The city of Moscow has now decreed that there will be no new mosques built, and has now put a ban on the construction of any one of those houses of heresy, and this of course demands our emulation. The mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, […]
Obama Friend: Palestinians live in ‘gussied up’ Prison
Obama friend and colleague Rashid Khalidi recently gave a speech at Columbia University in which he derided politicians for not giving Palestinians more land. The speech, captured on video and posted to Mondoweiss, shows Khalidi mocking the idea of a two-state solution as ‘Wizard of Oz stuff’ and saying that the Palestinians live in a […]