In his largely fictional missive about Benghazi, New York Times writer – and Cairo Bureau chief – David Kirkpatrick argued that neither al-Qaeda nor groups outside Libya were involved in the attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound. He seemed to concede Ansar Al-Sharia was, but in so doing, Kirkpatrick decided to play semantics. As […]
Archive | December 31, 2013

Do Liberals care about Slaughtered Christians?
While guest-hosting on the Lynn Woolley show, Ben Barrack was talking about the idea of conservatives uniting in common cause against liberalism. In particular, the subject of Duck Dynasty was being discussed. The point was that when there is enough outrage, a conservative backlash can be very effective, as was the case with A&E deciding […]
When Muslims Behead Christians, Don’t Complain
Brother Rick is angry, he writes, “Please understand that I am very angry, I am very close to withdrawing my financial support from Rescue Christians.” And why is he angry? He adds his complaint, “Ted has posted this expose of Martin Luther; How in the world did become a Catholic blog?” So what does […]
Russia Will Get Tougher On Islamic Religion
By Theodore Shoebat The recent series of terrorists attacks which have taken place in Russia, in which tens of people were killed, are events that are only adding to the nation’s already growing tension against Islam, and it as well prefigures a religious inquisition being imposed on Muhammad’s heresy. According to the pro-Russian government newspaper, […]
Why NY Times Lied about Benghazi
Cairo Bureau Chief should know better The New York Times’ David D. Kirkpatrick may have a motive for wanting to leave out any evidence of an Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attacks on 9/11/12; he is the Cairo Bureau Chief. After reading what amounts to his “novel” – replete with actual chapters – in the […]