By Walid Shoebat
A Shoebat Exclusive
So if you think that Malik Obama, president Obama’s brother dons a Hamas scarf for sentimental reasons only, think again. The evidence he materially supports Hamas financially is another reason to begin to consider this man’s terror links.
As Executive Secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization, Malik helps to lead an organization that collects funds and sends them directly to Hamas; this can be found on several Islamic websites.
The types of funding for Hamas are real and chilling, here is but one example:
“The price of Kalashnikov bullet is $3 and the price of the Kalashnikov gun itself now is $2,000; it was $3,500 a couple of months ago. Did you know that the price of R-P-G is $12,000 and the price of T.N.T. that’s used by your mujahideen brothers is $100 a kilo? Martyr Izz el-Deen el-Qassam Phalanxes now manufactures Al-Qassam land-to-land missiles in different sizes and also the anti-shields Al-Banna bomber, Martyr Izz el-Deen el-Qassam Phalanxes also supervises the development of fighting, defensive and attacking weapons and other much projects mustn’t be elaborated for confidentiality purposes…
Your brothers,
Martyr Izz el-Deen el-Qassam Phalanxes
The military wing of Hamas movement- Palestine”
The call to fund the Hamas Izz el-Deen el-Qassam terrorist group is done on several Islamic forums and even on major Islamist websites.
So how does all this link to Malik Obama?
Here’s how:
Malik Obama is the official Executive Secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO) of Sudan’s Omar Al-Bashir, an international criminal who is wanted on seven counts for genocide and crimes against humanity. Malik officially is a fundraiser for IDO (Islamic Da’wa Organization).
While IDO is supposed to be for “Da’wa” which strictly means, “to proselytize”, or “spreading the good news of Islam,” it does much more. IDO also has raised funds for Gaza relief. These are unmonitored funds that use a bank known for its links to Al-Qaeda. The funds are then distributed through Hamas to whichever way they like to spend them. For example, one fund to aid Hamas links to IDO and is advertised by the Muslim Brotherhood as “Aiding Our Brothers in Gaza,” which is set up in the Shamal Bank, an Al-Qaeda bank that was founded by Osama bin Laden. Shamal Bank, as explained in a 1996 State Department report on bin Laden’s finances:
“Bin Laden co-founded the Al Shamal bank with a group of wealthy Sudanese and capitalized it with $50 million of his inherited fortune…”
The Al Shamal bank was also identified as one of bin Laden’s principal financial entities during the trial earlier this year of four Al Qaeda operatives convicted in the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa.
In fact, the banking of Malik’s IDO through Al-Shamal is ironclad and is advertised on their own websites [Here] and [Here].
The funding to Hamas circulates under different monikers and is promoted by several major Islamist websites known for their material and spiritual support for terrorism. For example, the Muslim Brotherhood (Al-Ikhwan) has a Sisterhood branch (Al-Akhawat). We have done extensive research on the Akhawat [here]. In 2010, an APB was sent out for funds to aid Gaza and depending on which Muslim country you are in, several bank accounts are provided via Islamic banks. Malik’s IDO (Islamic Da’wa Organization) is clearly listed:

Translation: “Shamal Islamic Bank – presidency
Account 1782 Foreign donations account:
of the Islamic Dawa Organization P.O Box. 199
Khartoum – Sudan”
The sisterhood posts their ads on which is on The website is no small cookie, it was founded by the leader of the Kuwaiti Muslim Brotherhood Dr. Tareq Mohammed Al-Suwaidan. Al-Suwaidan was listed by U.S. federal prosecutors, along with a group of U.S. Muslim Brotherhood members, as an unindicted co-conspirator in the terrorism financing case against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development in which all defendants were found guilty and convicted on charges that included financing Hamas. Al-Suwaidan was also identified as a member of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood in the HLF case. See evidence [here] [here] and [here]
Malik’s IDO is part of a Coalition of Islamic Organizations (CIO) which also includes the Islamic Society in Gaza, a Hamas front organization founded by Hamas terror leader Sheikh Yassin and headed by Hamas Prime Minister / terror leader Ismail Haniyeh who was its president for almost ten years.
Besides Malik’s Islamic Da’wa Organization, other members of the Coalition the Islamic Organizations (CIO) are involved in the funding as well, like the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Commission for Humanitarian Relief – Syndicate doctors Egypt. Other websites throughout the years have advertised the call to aid [here] and [here]. On a side note, Malik attended events for the World Assembly for Muslim Youth (WAMY) [1] [2] [3]. This involves his other IRS illegally approved (back-dated 38 months by Lois Lerner) Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF) future cooperation with WAMY. BHOF’s tax-exempt status was approved after Lerner was asked to investigate the foundation.
This type of funding is also used to funnel donations to send weapons and explosives to Hamas as was promoted by several terror forums [here] and [here] asking to fund purchasing “Kalashnikovs” “RPGs” “TNT” “missiles” “Al-Banna bombers …”
The story even gets more interesting as all this funding went unnoticed by Americans and only one American found these links and warned about it. Jeremy Reynalds had told the FBI to no avail. He decided to deal with Hamas himself by disguising himself as an Arab and started communicating with them. Hamas even asked if he would like his promised funds to be diverted to whichever type of terror he likes:
“…please tell us the field in which you prefer your money to be spent on such as â€~on martyrdom attacks, on buying weapons to the Mujahideen, training the youth, on inventing and developing missiles, on mortars, on explosives. or if you want us to decide it is also okay?'”
When Reynolds finally had the western host remove the website, he stated:
“U.S. Customs Service which asked that the sites be put back on line again…”
Finally, the good Samaritan who had informed the best way he could, gave up and on Free Republic the concerned Americans unanimously concluded,
“OK, so everyone says that it’s all part of a government ‘sting’ operation (which has been going on for years).”
They are wrong; it wasn’t “a sting operation”. Americans watch too much TV. It is very serious. The same call to fund Hamas with weapons is in Arabic using the official email of the Qassam Martyrs Brigade email address [email protected] (code name Al-Suhba Brigade) which circulates on a litany of forums [here] [here] [here] [here] [here] [here] [here] [here] and on serious news outlets like which is all too keen to spot a sting, they know and communicate with the Hamas, the banks and all.
The fundraising by Al-Suhba Al-Saleha Brigade is predominately done by women from the Sisterhood (Akhawat), the branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, detailed dialogues were captured on the official Akhawat (Sisterhood) website The operate just as regular terrorists and even have women’s female Battalions with code names and everything. Al-Suhba Al-Saleha is “Battalion number two”.
Every news item regarding Malik’s non-profit work we found, involves his attendance at events in his capacity as Executive Secretary for IDO. Such events with Malik are very well advertised in the Arabic media. They are all in the following areas:
A—Attended an event combating the spread of Christian evangelism [1] B—Attended an event regarding orphans in Yemen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] Meeting with Ali Abdullah Saleh, the Prime Minister of Yemen requesting Malik to influence his brother Barack Obama to support the Palestinian cause [1] C—Attending an event for the Islamic Da’wa Organization in Sudan [1] [2] D—Attended the General Conference of the Islamic Council of South Sudan [1] E—Attending an event for the World Assembly for Muslim Youth (WAMY) [1] [2] [3] [4] This involves BHOF future cooperation with WAMY.
We have done detailed research on thee issues.
Malik’s Boss
Let’s take a look at Malik Obama’s superior within the leadership of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO). Suar al-Dahab sits on the group’s board. In 2010, both men were present at the IDO Conference in Khartoum; Sudan’s president Omar al-Bashir presided over the conference.
Last May, al-Dahab paid a visit to Gaza and spent a large portion of his time with Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
While at an event with Haniyeh and Qaradawi in Gaza during that visit, Suar al-Dahab made the following comments beginning at approximately the 5:30 mark of the video below (tanslated):
This (Gaza) is the land of jihad… Greetings from our people in Sudan. Despite the conspiracies our people have had to endure, like last week, as we were attacked from outside by killers… Sudan will be a very strong power to confront the enemies of the Islamic nation until we liberate all holy places and on the top of the list is al-Aqsa [Jerusalem], Allah willing and Palestine as a whole that is from river to sea… Our people wish for and long to join you in order to liberate this holyland [Palestine]. For that, we assure you that we in Sudan are with you heart and soul, despite the oil problem because we consider the case of Jerusalem and the repatriation of Palestine is the highest priority for Sudan. Trust and be assured that your brothers in Sudan are with you, soul and heart. May Allah give blessings upon you and may we all be victorious by the will of Allah.
At another speech, while in Gaza, al-Dahab said the following (translated):
This great opportunity for us to gather together with the jihadis (terrorists) and we’re proud to be with our great spiritual leader during our visit to Gaza – Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Gaza is the fortress for jihadists. Despite our distance, Gaza has never left our minds, nor has the al-Aqsa [Temple Mount] for one moment, despite our problems in the Sudan…
…we are not too busy to stand here with you, with our hearts and prayers, including everything we own [financially] to give you victory by the will of Allah. Truly, we assure you that the people of Sudan who participated alongside our brothers here in Palestine, in jihad operations from 1948 until now, we stand with you in heart and soul, elated by this meeting.
To come to Gaza, the fortress that assures we are victorious by Allah’s will and Jerusalem will be returned to us, Allah willing, and that Gaza has been liberated, that we will have a state called Palestine, with a capital in Jerusalem, Allah willing…
…be assured that your brothers of Sudan are with you and they will never depart from participating in jihad with you. May Allah protect you and give you health and happiness so we stand with you and peace be upon you.
Some critics have also conceded that our findings on Malik Obama are true by avoiding the charges altogether and proclaiming that just because Malik has done these things doesn’t mean Barack is guilty. There are at least two problems with this assertion. The 501(c)(3) status granted to Malik’s BHOF by Lois Lerner very much appears to be illegal simply by being backdated so long. Lerner implicates herself as being an accessory to terror funding while committing that crime. This is why she should be granted immunity to testify as to who directed her to do this.
The other involves Form 86, which became an issue in the Huma Abedin story that broke in the summer of 2012, one year after we broke it. Forme 86 specifically requires all government employees to divulge any familial relationships which might compromise the loyalty of said government employee. As we now know, Barack Obama has at least four family members whose allegiances he should have disclosed both publicly and privately before running for office.
One of those family member is his brother. The other three are his Step-grandmother, Mama Sarah, his cousin Musa Ismail Obama, and his uncle Sayyid Obama.
Predictably, after we identified the scarf worn by Malik Obama during a trip to Yemen in 2010 as a ‘Hamas scarf’, the critics protested. While objecting to the moniker we gave Malik’s attire, these critics completely avoided addressing the fact that the statements and symbols on that scarf match exactly, the fundamental beliefs of Hamas. For example, on Malik’s scarf, a map of Palestine that includes the absence of Israel is accompanied with the following saying:
‘From the River to the Sea!’ and ‘Jerusalem is ours – We are coming (or) we march forth’!
Consider what Hamas leader Khaled Mesha’al said at a Hamas ‘victory’ rally upon his return to Gaza, via the U.K. Guardian:
Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal vowed Gaza’s rulers would never give up “an inch of the land” to Israel in an uncompromising speech before tens of thousands of cheering supporters at a triumphalist “victory” rally in Gaza City.
“Palestine is ours, from the river to the sea and from the south to the north. There will be no concession on an inch of the land,” he told the crowd on his first visit to Gaza. “We will never recognise the legitimacy of the Israeli occupation and therefore there is no legitimacy for Israel, no matter how long it will take.”
Is this not exactly what Malik Obama’s scarf said? Case closed. It’s a Hamas scarf. Therefore, on this issue, Malik and a top Hamas leader are in full agreement with what should happen to Israel. Drawing a line of distinction between Malik’s scarf and a Hamas scarf is like trying to separate Al-Qaeda from Ansar Al-Sharia; there is no difference. Besides, who is in charge of Gaza today? That’s right, Hamas.
Still not convinced?
Ben Barrack contributed to this report