With four words, Syria’s Bashar al-Assad has publicly put the Obama administration, Turkey, and NATO on the side of political Islam. The slaughter of Christians in Syria is being done in the name of political Islam, which is what makes Assad’s comments so significant relative to the U.S. and Turkey. While celebrating the anniversary of […]
Archive | April, 2014
Muslim Man Sees Jesuit Priest, And Shoots Him To Death
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim gunman saw a jesuit priest named Fr. Frans van der Lugt in the Syrian city of Homs, opened fire on him and shot him to death. He was killed in the Bustan al-Diwan neighbourhood. He was trapped in the city, alongside numerous other Christians and Muslims, who were all suffering […]
Look At What America Is Giving To Terrorists
By Theodore Shoebat Look at what America is giving these terrorists in Syria. This is a BGM-71, one of the most widely used anti-tank guided missiles.The weapon is used in anti-armor, anti-bunker, anti-fortification and anti-amphibious landing roles. The TOW is in service with over 45 militaries and is integrated on over 15,000 ground, vehicle and […]
The Most Brutal Murders Of Christians Is About To Happen
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat The Most Brutal Murders Of Christians Is About To Happen… The Muslim government in Pakistan have now sentenced to death a Christian husband and wife who we have been desperately trying to rescue. Their names are Shafqat Emmanuel and Shagufta Kasuar, and they were arrested after they were groundlessly accused […]
Benghazi Attacks and Christian Holocaust both Consequences of U.S. Alliance with Turkey
By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** A Turkish connection to the U.S. presence in Benghazi prior to the 9/11/12 attacks is not in dispute. A Turkish diplomat was at the Special Mission Compound approximately one hour before it was attacked. Days earlier, a Libyan ship reportedly carrying weapons bound for Syria docked in a Turkish port. […]
France Continues to Wake Up while Great Britain Still Comatose
In France, a man was convicted for performing the Nazi salute in front of a Synagogue while in the UK, the grandson of the man who founded the Muslim Brotherhood, a group that allied with the Nazis in WWII, serves as a government adviser. to the British government. If Cameron would like some advice on […]
Friedman: Global Warming ‘laid the predicate’ for Human Slaughterhouses in Syria
The title may not be a direct quote but it certainly encapsulates the belief New York Times writer Thomas Friedman expressed on national television recently. According to him, the civil war holocaust in Syria is the result of drought, not Islamic fundamentalism. While the mainstream media does all it can to ignore the mass genocide […]
Muslims Execute Child in Cold Blood
By Theodore Shoebat **WARNING: GRAPHIC** Help Rescue Christians save Christians in Syria
British PM Cameron has Painted himself into a Muslim Brotherhood Corner
When it comes to Great Britain’s Islamic problem, the path of least resistance has been the path of choice for years. After announcing that the MI5 and MI6 would be launching an investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood, Prime Minister David Cameron now has a bigger problem on his hands than if he’d have confronted a […]
Antichrist Turkey more Brazen; embraces al-Qaeda Financier who Founded University where Huma Abedin’s mother Served as Vice Dean
Al-Qaeda financier Yasin Kadi has reportedly been making multiple trips to Turkey and meeting with senior government officials there. As Shoebat.com reported in 2012, Kadi is also a founder of Dar Al-Hekma College in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This is the same institution where Saleha Abedin – the mother of close Hillary Clinton aid Huma Abedin […]
The Muslim who Died While Rescuing Non-Muslims from Genocide, in Defiance of the United Nations
His name was Mbaye Diagne and in 1994, he saved hundreds of lives in Rwanda, including Marie-Christine Umuhoza, the daughter of the murdered Prime Minister Agathe Uwilingiyimana, who was also the first woman to hold that position in Rwanda. While Diagne was certainly going against an overwhelming current of genocide that claimed the lives of […]
Perjury and Dhimmitude on Full Display at Benghazi Hearing
To watch the show on T-SPAN Channel 5, click here. When former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell attempted to explain why he changed the phrase, “Islamic extremists” to simply “extremists”, he completely torpedoed the credibility of his opening statement. The reason Morell gave at a House Intelligence Committee was two-fold. First, he said he didn’t […]
China’s Government Harassing Christians as Muslim Uyghurs Declare War on China, Commit Terror attacks
Thousands of Chinese Christians have descended on Sanjiang church in Wenzhou, China to prevent it from being demolished by the atheistic Communist Party that runs the country. The church, which took six years to build, was issued a demolition notice after being visited by Xia Baolong, the Communist Party provincial chief. According to the Telegraph, […]
Muslims Raiding and Seizing Christian Homes; Owners have no Recourse
Imagine leaving your home to go to work only to come home to find it seized by Muslims who threaten to kidnap you or your family members if you file a complaint. Those threats are viewed as legitimate because the courts charged with meting out justice don’t do their jobs. Welcome to how Christians are […]

Stockholm Syndrome Jihad taking Country to Third World Status
The term ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ was coined in 1973 after a bank robbery / hostage situation caused hostages to bond with their captors and help them fight off those who were there to rescue the hostages. Ironically, there is a new brand of the syndrome smack dab in the country where it originated – Sweden. Only, […]
The man who let Terrorists Kidnap Americans is ok with letting one of those Terrorists become U.N. Ambassador
Former President Jimmy Carter has chimed in on Iran’s decision to appoint one of the terrorists responsible for holding 52 Americans hostage for 444 days on Carter’s watch, as its ambassador to the United Nations. In an interview with WTOP radio, Carter said the following about Hamid Aboutalebi: “You know, those were college students at […]