By Theodore Shoebat In the Nigerian town of Gamboru Ngal, Muslims came on the attack, and in twelve hours, butchered three hundred people. As we learn from one report: As many as 300 people were killed when a band of extremists attacked the town of Gamboru Ngala, on Nigeria’s border with Cameroon, according to local […]
Archive | May 7, 2014
Michael Savage interviews Walid about Benghazi Email
National radio talk show host Michael Savage interviewed Walid about our latest explosive report at In essence, the ‘smoking gun’ email from White House Deputy Ben Rhodes may demonstrate a concerted effort by the Obama administration to point to a video as being responsible for the Benghazi attack but an additionally shocking revelation is […]

Geert Wilders Gaining Power across Europe
By Ben Barrack A very interesting dynamic is at work in Europe right now. In the macro, the movement to beat back Islamic fundamentalism appears to be on the brink of uniting with the movement to secede from the EU. As has reported in the past, France’s Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders are […]