By Theodore Shoebat
Two Pakistani brothers, Mohammad Arif Ali and Mohammad Farman Ali, were arrested after police caught the severed head of a young boy in their home. Superintendent of Police Ameer Ali Khan described the scene:
We found the severed head of a young child, about two or three years old. They probably dug up his body from a grave, but the identity of the child and the graveyard from where his body might have been stolen is not clear. …During initial interrogation, Arif has admitted they chopped the body and cooked it, but blames it all on his elder brother and denies he either helped him or devoured the curry
The same two brothers were priorly found guilty for digging the corpse of a woman, cutting her limbs off, chopping them off, and cooking the flesh into curry and consuming it. Not only that, but these same two brothers were found guilty of digging up and eating 100 human corpses.
This story is just one manifestation of what warned about in our revolutionary article, Islam and Cannibalism
In a recent video interview, one Egyptian scholar exposed the high school curriculum coming from Al-Azhar university, the most reputable of all Islamic schools, showing that it condoned cannibalizing non-Muslims:
We allowed the eating of the flesh of dead humans… under necessary conditions. It [dead human flesh] must not be cooked or grilled to avoid Haram (wrongdoing) …and he can kill a murtadd (apostate) and eat him
The interviewer commented:
The book that is being taught to general high-school students mentions that those who don’t pray can be grilled & then eaten
Al-Azhar finds their support for cannibalism in Islamic authority. According to Al-Shafie, who is considered to be the founder of Islamic jurisprudence:
One may eat the flesh of a human body. It is not allowed to kill a Muslim nor a free non-Muslim under Muslim rule (because he is useful for the society), nor a prisoner because he belongs to other Muslims. But you may kill an enemy fighter or an adulterer and eat his body (716 in volume 1, Al-Kortoby)
As we write in our book, For God or For Tyranny, Muhammad and his minions conducted themselves in the voodoo-like act of blood drinking in which
Malik ibn Sinan drank his [Muhammad’s] blood on the Day of Uhud and licked it up. The Prophet allowed him to do that and then said, “The [Hell] fire will not touch you.” …and “Abdullah ibn az Zubayr drank his cupped blood. The Prophet said, “Woe to you from the people and woe to the people from you.” But he did not object to what he had done.
Abu Saad Khodri who stated in a strong Hadith in Sharh Hayat al-Sahaba, regarding partaking in the blood of Mohammed:
When, at the battle of Uhud, the helmet-rings had been taken out of the Prophet’s cheek, blood flowed from the radiant face of that Lord of the pure, and my father Malik Ibn Sinan sucked the wounds with his mouth, swallowing the blood. When they said to my father, “Malik, is blood to be drunk?” my father replied, “Yes, the blood of the Prophet of God I drink like a beverage.” At that time his Excellency, the Prophet, said, “Whoever wishes to see one who has mixed my blood with his own, let him look at Malik Ibn Sinan: any one whose blood touches mine, him the fire of hell shall not desire.”
Cannibalism is a reality in the Islamic culture, and we will see more of it.