Renowned Iraqi Sunni Cleric: “ISIS Created by Jews, Al Baghdadi Is a Dog” Source Al Monitor Mid East News It is truely breath taking what Arab Muslims and even Christian Arabs come up with to tar the name of Jews. This cleric swears by his Satanic diety that he will go to hell if he […]
Tag Archives | Obama administration

The Muslim Antichrist Is Coming To Destroy Christianity, And Christendom Will Arise To Destroy Him
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat The Muslim Antichrist is coming soon, to destroy Christianity, and Christendom will arise to destroy him. This Antichrist will come from Turkey, not Iran or the New World Order. Stop focusing On Iran as though it will be the nation of Antichrist. We must focus on Turkey as the main […]
Elite Leader Of The European Union Says That Christianity Is The Enemy
By Theodore Shoebat An elite leader of the European Union, named Carl Bildt, had declared Christianity as the enemy and biggest hinderance to the leftist conspiracy of establishing anti-Christian values. He said this regarding Putin’s anti-homosexual policies in Russia: The new anti-west and anti-decadent line [of conduct] of Putin is based on the deep conservatism […]
Muslims “cut hands, cut heads, play with corpses” Of Their Victims
By Theodore Shoebat A battle is occurring right now between Kurds and Muslims who are members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), in the area of Kobani in northern Syria. The Kurds, fighting for the Democratic Union Party (PYD), are combating the jihadist besiegers of their lands, and look upon the […]
Famous Psychologist Does Detailed Study On Muslims, And Then Concludes: “Islam creates monsters.”
By Theodore Shoebat A well known Danish psychologist, named Nicolai Sennels, did a detailed study on the effects of Islam on Muslim youths, in which he concluded: The cultural and psychological cocktail of anger, low self-esteem, victim mentality, a willingness to be blindly guided by outer authorities, and an aggressive and discriminatory view toward non-Muslims, […]
Christian Pastor: “They are killing Christians because they are Christians.”
By Theodore Shoebat Bishop Ibrahim Ibrahim, founder of the American branch of the Chaldean (Iraqi Catholic) Church, just recently made this eye-opening statement about the Muslim persecution of Christians in Iraq: No one is defending us…They are killing Christians because they are Christians. …We know that before the invasion of the Americans in Iraq, (terrorism) […]
Two Muslims Cut Young Boy’s Body Into Pieces, Cook His Flesh In Curry, And Eat Him
By Theodore Shoebat Two Pakistani brothers, Mohammad Arif Ali and Mohammad Farman Ali, were arrested after police caught the severed head of a young boy in their home. Superintendent of Police Ameer Ali Khan described the scene: We found the severed head of a young child, about two or three years old. They probably dug […]
Muslims Trap Human Beings In Markets And Stores, And Burn Them Alive
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria trapped many human beings in markets in stories, and burned them alive. This happened in the most recently horrific attack on Christians in Nigeria, in which 300 people were slaughtered. As one report tells us: Wearing military uniforms, the militants arrived with three armored personnel carriers, villagers said. The […]
Muslim Man Desires To Murder His Whole Christian Family, Then Sees Jesus In a Dream And Converts To Christianity
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man named Taher desired to murder his whole Christian family, only to later have a dream of Jesus Christ and convert to Christianity. Taher is from Iran, and when his wife, daughter and son, accepted Christ, he beat them and abused them, and even threatened to kill them. Taher went […]
Muslims Take Three Hundred People, And Butcher All Of Them In Twelve Hours
By Theodore Shoebat In the Nigerian town of Gamboru Ngal, Muslims came on the attack, and in twelve hours, butchered three hundred people. As we learn from one report: As many as 300 people were killed when a band of extremists attacked the town of Gamboru Ngala, on Nigeria’s border with Cameroon, according to local […]
Obama Administration Trains 3000 Muslim Soldiers To Work For Hamas
By Theodore Shoebat 3000 Muslims have been trained by America, under the Obama administration, and are on their way to fight and work for Hamas. According to a report: 3000 Palestinian Authority soldiers/policemen are set to go to Gaza, and serve together with their Hamas compatriots, according to a report in Ma’an News. These 3000 […]
New Information Reveals That Obama Administration Covers Up For Muslim Terrorists
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack The Obama Administration has been seeking to dialogue with The Islamic Front which comprises six major Islamist rebel groups. And in doing this, they have been covering up for Muslim terrorists. Secret documents which have been circulating the Middle East media for some time, reveal that Saudi Arabia, instead […]
‘Top Secret’ Documents Implicate Obamas, Clintons
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack Shocking documents (screen shots at bottom of this post) by Egyptian security forces monitoring the movements of Malik Obama’s Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO) and the father (Essam el-Haddad) of a former Clinton employee (Gehad El-Haddad) sheds further light on the nefarious dealings of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. These […]
Muslims Shove Crucifix Into Christian Man’s Chest
By Theodore Shoebat Yesterday I wrote about how two Christians in Syria, Fadi and Firas, were attacked by five Muslims, and that Fadi was beheaded as soon as the attackers saw that he was wearing a cross. Now, from a report from Agenzias Fides we know that after the Muslims decapitated Fadi, they took the […]
Obama Administration not criticizing Egypt’s President Mursi over Protests
Not only has the Obama administration defended Mohammed Mursi’s regime in the wake of the Benghazi attacks that implicate Mursi personally but now Obama is refusing to criticize Mursi as millions of Egyptians demand Mursi’s ouster. Via a tweet by NBC’s Chuck Todd (h/t WZ): POTUS will not criticize Morsi specifically, says not U.S. Position […]
Obama and the Democrats are Coming!
By Keith Davies Two hundred and twenty seven years after the declaration of independence and the famous Paul Revere warning, “The British are coming,” it’s time to let the American people know today that “Obama and the Democrats are coming.” It is ironic that the modern Tea Party movement – named after the Boston patriots […]