NSA Scandal Reveals two More Stealth Jihadists in U.S. Connected to Sudan

On Today’s Ben Barrack show…

In attempting to tip off and then later defend Muslims who were under NSA and FBI surveillance, Glenn Greenwald – through Edward Snowden – may have inadvertently revealed some shocking information about two such Muslims and their dealings with a State Sponsor of Terrorism – Sudan.

Faisal Gill and Asim Ghafoor have had dealings with the Sudanese government, which should serve as a significant reason to monitor them.

Gill – a Republican – once worked for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under George W. Bush and Ghafoor is an attorney.

In a lengthy article about these five individuals – which include CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad – Greenwald set out to defend them. Here is part of what he wrote about the dealings of Gill and Ghafoor in 2007:

Gill and Ghafoor traveled to Sudan to meet with government officials there about representing the country in U.S. court. Many family members of victims of Al Qaeda terror attacks were suing the government of Sudan for aiding the operations… Under U.S. law, Gill’s legal work for the Sudanese government could not have been used to justify targeting him for surveillance, absent any other evidence. “Representation of a foreign government in legal matters by itself does not make a U.S. lawyer an agent of a foreign power,” NSA spokesperson Vanee Vines said in a statement. According to the NSA spreadsheet, Gill’s surveillance was terminated in February 2008.

What Greenwald does not discuss is Sudan’s status as a State Sponsor of Terrorism. However, in 2009, the Washington Post did in an article about shady dealings between the government of Sudan and former National Security Advisor under Ronald Reagan, Robert McFarlane:

Sudan, whose president, Omar Hassan al-Bashir, faces international war crimes charges for allegedly orchestrating a campaign of murder, torture and forced expulsions in Darfur. The arrangement also places McFarlane, 72, close to the edge of U.S. legal requirements, which mandate disclosure of work for foreign governments and which prohibit doing business with Sudan under sanctions first imposed in the 1990s.

Perhaps most important is Greenwald’s stated affinity for Muslims in America who are either members of or tied to Muslim Brotherhood front groups. In his article, he also issued a disclaimer about his receipt of funds to speak at CAIR events.

The NSA scandal first broke on June 5, 2013, just days after it was learned that President Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama is very closely connected to the government of Sudan and Omar al-Bashir.

The revelation that Greenwald and Snowden actually aided and abetted the Muslim Brotherhood by going public with the classified information also lends credibility to the notion that they were acting as agents of the Obama administration itself.


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