By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive)
So what does Muslims invading Nigeria, Turkey, and Obama’s Family have to do with the Islamic Caliphate?
Well, first watch this demon-pimp, at the 1:00 minute start and see President Obama’s elder brother caught on video doing some slave trafficking and perhaps you will begin to understand the grandiose plan for Africa:
No your eyes are not playing games, its President Obama’s brother, indeed saying that “the brother and mother signed off on the deal” to sell him the underaged girl. Malik Obama proudly talking about how he purchased an African girl as his slave “wife”. Of course, he erupted once he found out he was being recorded. No one has brought up this issue in Congress, the White House or the major media, of course. You will only get this type of leaks on the
Michelle Obama said that she cared about black Africans while she sits in the White House when black Africans are enslaved daily with no one to defend them while the Obama family are doing their bidding to convert Africa into a Muslim nation and Boko Haram is just doing that. Here Michelle, take a look at the girls whom you supposedly wanted released:
Its all about abducting Christian girls and coercing them to supposedly convert to Islam and have them recite the bloody Quran as everyone can see in the above video and then turning them to sex slaves so that they can be penetrated by thugs.
And this is the signature of the Obama family beginning with Michelle’s brother-in-law Malik Obama who was doing exactly what Boko Haram was doing; stealing and buying African girls. This leaked video of President Obama’s own brother should open the blindest eyes. But will it?
More on the Obama’s involvements in Africa later.
And now, L’Express French magazine on the day following the announcement of the Islamic Caliphate of “Boko Haram” says that a new offensive move began to take place in north east of Nigeria. According to the testimony of citizens, many of the heavily armed attacked at dawn yesterday was against the first military base and a police station in the town of Jamburo Njala which is the epicenter of the uprising fighters by Boko Haram which wants to eradicate Christianity from Africa.
The magazine added that heavy fighting between security forces and Muslim rebels, which led to the flight of thousands of citizens to Cameroon and specifically to the city of Votocol, has erupted after powerful explosions at 5:30 in the morning at the police station and the city’s main military base outside the city.
The sources close to the security services in Cameroon described the attack as gravely serious, and explained that they expected to send military reinforcements to the Cameroonian city Votocol.
According to the magazine, Jamburo Njala was the target of a violent attack which took place last May and almost 300 civilians were slaughtered.
In a new video clip by “Abu Bakr Hikaw” of Boko Haram announced that Jawza town has become under the rule of “an Islamic caliphate.”
In Jamburo Njala, the fear of massacres prompted many to flee to Cameroon despite despite the closure of its border with Nigeria because of the Ebola epidemic which is rampant in the country.
Boko Haram’s Islamic Caliphate is now controlling vast areas of north and east parts of the Christian country that has now disappeared, including the army, according to the testimony of citizens and security officials and experts. Boko Haram now controls the main road that connects between Maiduguri, the capital of the country and Bjamburo Njalathm in Cameroon.
Boko Haram did not make it clear that the “Islamic caliphate”, which it was referring to is part of the succession announced by ISIS’s Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, which controls a wide range of territory in Iraq and Syria, or that they want to establish a new caliphate in Nigeria.
But the question is; who is truly behind Boko Haram?
There is one leaked conversation which was a blow to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, who has been hit by a corruption probe ensnaring his key allies and a widening phone-tapping scandal.
In a tape posted on YouTube, Mehmet Karatas, an assistant executive of the Turkish airlines, tells Mustafa Varank, an advisor to Erdogan, that he feels guilty over a national flag carrier’s arms shipment to Nigeria.
“I do not know whether these (weapons) will kill Muslims or Christians. I feel sinful,” Karatas is was heard saying.
For too many in the White House and Congress, Turkey remains a “model” for the Middle East, but in reality, Turkey has become an engine for regional instability and the promotion of radicalism. Indeed, when extremists took over northern Mali and gave al Qaeda free rein, a Turkish ambassador tweeted his endorsement of al Qaeda and condemned the French for intervening.
So what’s the big idea behind Islam’s invasion of Nigeria?
Here again, open your minds, American sleepy heads:
It’s about pimping and enslaving Christians and Turkey comes as number 1 in advancing such Caliphate mentality through Islamist expansion by working with terrorists to dismantle all secular governments.
Turkey beats Iran as the state sponsor of terror with the greatest global reach and support for the most fringe elements in the Islamist spectrum, be they the Nusra Front in Syria, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in Mali, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Islamic State of Iraq.
Few pay attention to the common agendas shared by Boko Haram and the non-profit organizations ran by the Obama family. The primary goals of both is to eradicate western Christian education in Africa and the evidence is overwhelming.
To the Hausa Muslims in northern Nigeria, the word “Boko” is a code word for “Western Education” and “Haram” means “forbidden”, which translates to “Western education is forbidden”. Prior to his death, Boko Haram founder Mohammed Yusuf gave a Lecture in the state of Yobe in which he answered a question about why Boko (Western education) was prohibited by saying:
“It’s the study in schools established by missionaries and this includes: the curriculum prescribed since kindergarten through high school and colleges, to national Service.”
This is precisely the Obama family’s agenda in Africa. As has revealed, President Obama’s cousin Musa Ismail Obama may demonstrate this better than any other Obama family member. Al-Arab Newspaper interviewed Musa about his efforts in spreading the same brand of Islam that Boko Haram seeks to spread. The headline of the article reads, Scholars in Kenya Call Their Brethren to Spread Islam and Teach Arabic (translated). It further states:
Muslims [in Kenya] suffer from the monumental Christianization aided by Zionist expansionism that infiltrates the nation.
Musa was photographed for the article on the sidelines of the inauguration ceremony of World University Ruff in Nairobi, a school that teaches Islamic fundamentalism and rejects western education.
It all about the spread wahhabist Islam and reject Christian western education.
In what seems like a prepared script, Musa reads what he considers the catastrophe of Kenya, the lack of the process of proselytization, which goes hand-in-hand with Saudi interests seeking help from wealthy Saudis to transform Kenya into a Muslim majority.
This goal is also expressed by Al-Arab Newspaper, which covered the call of the Obamas in an interview with Musa Ismail Obama on the sidelines of the inauguration ceremony of World University Ruff in Nairobi [photo here].
Under the title, “Scholars in Kenya Call Their Brethren to Spread Islam and Teach Arabic” it states: “Muslims [in Kenya] suffer from the monumental Christianization aided by Zionist expansionism that infiltrates the nation.” (Muhammad Lasheeb, Al-Arab Newspaper, 8816th edition, published on August 1st, 2012)
(Photo above of Musa on Al-Arab Newspaper)
Al-Arab Newspaper expounds on the effort to advance “education” by the Obama family in Kenya. Under the title, “Education First” assistant Mufti of the coastal city of Mombasa Ahmad Bimsallam, chimed in explaining that, “the grand destruction that came upon Muslims in Kenya, came from the education and schools that are planted all over the nation by Christian missionary movements.”
Al-Arab does not even consider President Obama’s conversion to Christianity an issue and included a section entitled, “Obama’s Islam” while stating:
President Obama’s Islamic faith was considered a polarizing subject between Muslims and Christians in the Republic of Kenya. It is a center of struggle in the media and continues, as the Anglican Church there attempted to orchestrate a baptismal ordination for his grandmother Sarah in a grand celebration at the Gomokinyata playground in Kizimo, the third largest city in Kenya. It was a trick to trap her, pretending to invite her as a guest, as the church sent out information about her conversion and abandonment of Islam. The young Musa Ismail Obama, the cousin of the American president commented during his interview with Al-Arab that he was with his grandmother during Ramadan in the Holy Land in Mecca to do the Umra festivities after she completed her pilgrimage by invitation from the King of Saudi Arabia. Musa Obama who studied Sharia in Medina spoke to us regarding the situation of Muslims in Kenya calling upon the Arab and Islamic states to put more effort toward aiding the Kenyan Muslim brethren, especially since there is much support coming from Western nations and Western churches, spreading to the rest of Kenyan society from different religions. Musa opined that the situation of Muslims in Kenya is continually getting better, pointing to the village of Barack Obama, Kogelo, which is situated on the shores of Victoria Lake, in Western Kenya, for example, had no Muslims except his family. But now, they are increasing, and that the majority of new Muslims adopted Islam from the kind treatment of their family and that they have now a benevolent institution to raise funds and give important aid to the orphans and the poor, and it also gives scholarships to study Sharia in Medina [Saudi Arabia]. Musa also stated that despite the fact that Barack Obama hasn’t visited his tribe in Kenya since his election in the United States, there is a continual communication between him and several members of his family and his tribe in Kenya, of which the Kenyan prime minister is also a member. We have also had members of the tribe who came to celebrate the appointment of one of their tribesmen as president of the United States a while ago. Musa also clarified that the election of Barack Obama had an impact for the betterment of the Muslim situation in Kenya to a certain degree, despite the attempts of churches to obstruct Muslim demands and rights, especially what relates to segregation and persecution against them in schools, as well as the issue of hijab and the lack of constitutional rights for Muslims in establishing Sharia courts.”
This is why Boko Haram kidnapped schoolgirls.

Malik Obama and Omar al-Bashir: at same 2010 Islamic Da’wa Organization Conference in Khartoum, Sudan.
In an explosive declaration made by a Franco Majok, a Christian activist during an interview with Fox News, Boko Haram’s origins can be found in the Sudan, which has been led by al-Bashir, the direct boss of Malik Obama, since long before Boko Haram was founded.
According to Majok, who works on the ground in Nigeria:
“The [founders] of Boko Haram trained in Khartoum [Sudan] with Usama bin Laden and then they were sent to Nigeria.”
Reports indicate that Boko Haram founder Mohammed Yusuf, was receiving funds from al-Bashir’s Sudan as far back as the 1990’s.
Yusuf died in Nigerian custody in 2009 after an intense battle. He was replaced by his deputy, Abubakar Muhammad Shekau, who was injured in the battle and reportedly fled to Sudan only to resurface as Boko Haram’s leader in Nigeria. It is Shekau who has taken credit for the recent schoolgirl kidnappings.
Shekau’s Islamic vision includes a resurrection of what’s known as the Borno Empire, which includes Sudan as well as Nigeria.
But who cares anyway about innocent Africans, the media is focused on Michael Brown’s civil rights. The true hero of Africans can be seen here:
L’EXPRESS” French magazine