By Theodore Shoebat Obama just made this declaration to the American people: We are not at war with Islam… We are at war with people who have perverted Islam. In the rest of the statement he said: They try to portray themselves as religious leaders, holy warriors in defense of Islam… he said. …We must […]
Archive | 2015
Obama Refuses To Support Egypt On Its Destruction Of ISIS While He Sides With Antichrist Turkey Allowing ISIS To Control North Africa
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Obama’s aides declined to back Egypt’s military operation against ISIS. Why would the United States throw away one of its closest friends in the Middle East remains a mystery to many including reporters who asked White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest about endorsing Egypt’s growing campaign against ISIS, and so did State […]
LEAKED DOCUMENTS REVEAL: ISIS Is Planning On Taking Advantage Of Europe’s Weak Borders To Cross Into Europe, Conquer All Of The West And Make Rome Into A Muslim City (THE VATICAN BETTER GET TOUGHER ON ISLAM)
By Theodore Shoebat There is now leaked information from ISIS on their plans to conquer Europe via Libya. Libya is right near Southern Europe, and ISIS is planning to use its close proximity to the West as a means to enter with ferries Italy, and ultimately conquer Rome. From the anti-terrorism British think tank Quilliam, […]
Nigerian Military Overtakes Three Hundred Muslim Terrorists And Slaughters Them All
By Theodore Shoebat The Nigerian military just recently overtook three hundred Muslim terrorists in battle and slaughtered them all, as part of a defense against Boko Haram. The victory was done as security forces were fighting to take back 11 towns from the jihadist gang. As the report tells us: Nigerian forces have killed more […]
GOOD NEWS: Liberals Are Finally Having to Admit that Islam Is a Violent, Evil Religion
Dr. Bill Warner, a physicist with a PhD in both mathematics and physics, makes the compelling case that the mainstream media and leftist leaders are successfully being dragged, kicking and screaming, to reality. For example, he contrasts what the mainstream media said about ‘Jihad’ after 9/11 vs. what it says today. The message here is […]
A Photo Of Obama Extending His Index Finger. Is This Proof OBAMA IS MUSLIM?
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Did Obama declare he is Muslim from a photo? Someone referred me to an article by By F. W. Burleigh from The American Thinker which supposedly proves Obama is Muslim from a photo: … a photo taken at last August’s U.S.-African Leaders’ Summit in Washington D.C. might shed considerable light. It shows Barack Hussein Obama flashing […]
Pope Francis Holds Meeting With Major Homosexual Group, And Never Condemns Them (THE VATICAN HARLOTS ITSELF YET AGAIN)
By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis just had a meeting with a major homosexual group and he never condemned them. In fact, they were brought in by a top Vatican official and also an American bishop. According to the report: A prominent American Catholic gay rights group was given VIP treatment for the first time at […]
Muslims Are Running A Massive Operation Harvesting Organs And Trafficking These Operations From The Middle East To Albania Selling Them To Turkey And Saudi Arabia
By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) When last year reported that Muslims were kidnapping folks to sell their organs to Turkey and Saudi Arabia people accused us of passing a blood libel. Now, it has been confirmed, this organ trafficking is not just by ISIS, but is an operation that stretches from the Muslim Middle East […]
Push Back Against Obama’s Refusal to Call ISIS Islamic From American People is Starting to Get to Him
After and others posted the comments of State Department spokesman Marie Harf, she found herself having to respond. During an appearance with Wolf Blitzer, Harf insisted that her position is simply ‘too nuanced for some’ to understand. Perhaps the best and most telling part of this exchange comes at the end. After Harf admits […]
Muslim At Bus Stop Asks Two People if they are Muslim; When they Say they Are Not, He Stabs Them
While at a bus stop in Detroit, two men were approached by a Muslim man who asked them about their religion, wanting to know if they were Muslim. When the two men answered that they were not, the man representing the religion of peace began stabbing them. According to one report that described the attack: […]
Catholic Priests Take Young Man, And Force Him To Watch Anal Sex For Three years, They Also Make Him Watch Homosexual Pornography (THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST HORRIFYING CASES THE CATHOLIC CHURCH WILL EVER DEAL WITH)
By Theodore Shoebat Catholic priests in Spain have been charged for taking a young man and having him watch them conduct disturbing sex acts, for three years. They also had the boy endure other torturing sexual situations, such as watching the priests shower together. This will be one of the most disturbing cases of child […]
The United States Sends Out This Message To Christians In Nigeria: We Will Not Help You Fight Boko Haram Unless You Accept Homosexuality
By Theodore Shoebat The United States has sent out this message to the Christians of Nigeria: We will not help you fight Boko Haram until you accept homosexuality, birth control, and other evils. This information has come to us from Bishop Emmanuel Badejo of Oyo, Nigeria, who said in a recent interview: I provided analysis […]
VIAGRA and Kinky Underwear on the Booty List of ISIS Fighters
According to one report, ISIS fighters are on the lookout for both VIAGRA and kinky underwear for their women whom they abuse. One is left only to speculate as to why but it seems that ISIS terrorists are becoming more violent and ruthless in more ways than one: Militants fighting for the Islamic State in […]
Tweet Shows ISIS Made Up of Foot Soldiers for the Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey
A tweet sent out by Mohammed al-Houfi is very revealing about just how aligned ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey are. explained much of this dynamic in a post entitled, Egyptian-Libyan Crisis for Dummies. Here is an image of the tweet, with a translation underneath: Translation: Why are they afraid of the Ottoman Empire? […]
America’s Leaders Have Allowed Stealth Jihadists, Al-Qaeda Terrorists and ISIS to Grow Stronger BEFORE and AFTER 9/11 But there is a Simple Solution – COMING CLEAN
This article is the second in a series. Part one can be read here. Before Ayman al-Zawahiri became a leader with al-Qaeda, he was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. After the U.S. invaded Iraq, al-Qaeda took root there thanks to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Since then, it has become ISIS. To say American leadership has […]
Mary, The Mother Of Jesus, Is Fighting Against Islam And Is One Of The Greatest Warriors Against Jihad
By Andrew Bieszad This article will be a series of ongoing pieces about the role of St. Mary in the defeat of Islam. Islam was born from a conglomeration of Christian heresies mixed with pagan lore that abounded in the Arabian peninsula of his time. One of the most obsitant and dangerous of those heresies […]