Archive | 2017

Four Black Lives Matter Supporters Kidnap Mentally Challenged White Man And Livestream Themselves Sadistically Torturing Him While Laughing To Facebook

A shocking and sick video has emerged on the Internet. According to reports, four black lives matter supporters kidnapped a mentally challenged white man, tied him up and then livestreamed to facebook a video of them torturing the man because he was white: Chicago PD Press Conference reveals that the four suspects in custody are […]

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United States Appears For The First Time On List Of Countries To Watch For Persecution Of Christians

According to a new report from International Christian Concern, for the first time the United States has been placed on the “Wall of Shame” for countries to watch for Christian persecution. While noting that what Christians experience in the USA in not at all what Christian in countries like Iraq or Nigeria experience, the report […]

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Landmark Federal Court Ruling Opens The Way For Explosion Of Constructing Mega-Mosques Across America

I have been warning repeatedly that Islamization in America will not happen through any sort of military action, but it will come through the courts, that the biggest danger America faces is not from guns and terrorists, but lawyers in well-pressed suits and activist judges. In another case which illustrates my point, a court in […]

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‘It Is Going To Be Worse This Year’ Major Christian Rescue Group Says Christians Worldwide Are Going To Be Persecuted Worse This Year Than In 2016.

Last year, over 90,000 Christians were horribly slaughtered for their faith. This is a level of persecution that has not been seen since ancient times, and according to one major Christian rescue group, 2017 is going to be even worse: Violent persecution of Christians is set to increase in 2017, warns Release International. The greatest […]

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Eight Muslim Men Gang Up On Woman, Punch Her In The Face And Call Her A “White Sl_t,” Her Iraq War Veteran Husband Fights Off All Eight And Sends One Of Them To The Hospital

Liana Tyrrell and her husband were at a marine sanctuary in Australia when she saw a group of Muslim men illegally catching crabs and cooking them. She told them what they were doing was illegal, and in response the Muslims attacked her, punching her in the face and calling her a “white sl*t”. Her husband […]

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Muslim Terrorist Attacks A Christian Man As He Is Sitting Down, Takes A Knife, Puts It On His Neck And Slits His Throat

  By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim terrorist attacked a Coptic Christian man from behind as he was sitting down, slitting his throat and murdering him, as we read from one Egyptian report.  The horrific crime took place in Alexandria before dawn on Tuesday.  The attacker, who is unknown at the moment, killed a Coptic merchant in […]

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Hitler’s Mein Kampf Is Now A Major Best Seller In Germany, Nazism Is On The Rise

By Theodore Shoebat Mein Kampf is now a major bestseller in Germany, Nazism is on the rise. I did a whole video on this:   According to one report: A massively annotated version of Adolf Hitler’s political manifesto Mein Kampf became a bestseller in Germany last year, Der Tagesspiegel, the publisher of the book said, […]

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Christian Pastor Tries To Build Church In Muslim Area, Suddenly A Koran With His Name In It “Appears” In The Street, Now The Muslims Have Arrested The Pastor For “Disrespecting The Koran”

A group of Christians led by Pastor Babu Shehbaz have been trying to build a Church build a church in Lahore, but Muslim zealots have been trying to stop them. Suddenly, these same Muslims “found” a Koran with Pastor Shehbaz’s name written in it. In response, the Muslims called the authorities and using Pakistan’s infamous […]

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‘Stop Blaming The Muslims For Your Problems – If You Didn’t Stop Believing In Christ And Then Start Selling Your Churches To The Muslims You Wouldn’t Be So Afraid’ Major Catholic Cardinal Gives The Hard Truth To Europe

Cardinal Schönborn of Austria is one of the most respected voices in the Church today. In a recent interview, he said out his opinion on the major issues of European politics today such as the Muslim invasion of Europe, the apostasy of the European people, religious freedom, refugees, Brexit, and American President Elect Donald Trump: […]

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Christian Pastor Arrested By Muslim Sudanese Government And Facing Death Penalty For Helping Persecuted Christians Is Released At Last From Prison

Rev. Kwa Shamaal has been in prison for weeks on false charges that he ‘tarnished the image of Sudan’- a charge which carries the death penalty. The reality is he was arrested for being a Christian and doing missionary work in this Muslim majority nation, and he has been harassed by the government before. In […]

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Chinese Government Threatens The Church- ‘Create A Pro-Communist Church- Or Else’

While Christians are being butchered in the Middle East, the Chinese Government is also increasing pressure on Christians. Their message? Become a ‘Chinese national’ church- or else: Chinese Catholics are under pressure to distance themselves from the Vatican and come under Beijing’s influence. A senior Communist Party official told a government-approved church body that Catholics […]

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PRAYER NEED: Priest Kidnapped By Muslim Terrorists In Yemen Seen In Video Begging For His Life, Asking Pope Francis For Help

Last year, we reported that a Catholic priest who was kidnapped on Good Friday by Muslim terrorists, Fr. Tom Uzhunnalil was in the custody of Yemini security forces and was going to be released. Since that time no further reports emerged until now- It turns out that he was never released, he is still in […]

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Muslims In Poland Murdered A Polish Man. Now Scores Of Poles Are Rising And Are Combating The Muslims By Burning And Stoning Muslim Restaurants

By Walid Shoebat Perhaps a self-test is necessary as you read this story to examine who is at fault. On Sunday, a 21-year-old local resident named Daniel threw a firecracker at an Elk café called Kebab Prince in the town of Elk owned by a Muslim and managed by immigrants from Tunisia. The café staff then […]

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Muslim Terrorists Demand Christian Man To Convert To Islam And He Refuses, They Tie Him Up With Barbed Wire, Beat Him With Sticks, And Then Pour Salt In His Wounds, He Says “If I Die I Will Die Proud Because I Am A Proud Christian”

The man who was originally from Jordan did not die from the torture. He miraculously survived and fled to Spain where calling himself “Carlos,” he recounted the horrible ordeal when Muslim terrorists tried to make him convert to Islam: One refugee in Jordan said he was captured by ISIS militants back in 2014 after they […]

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Germany’s Involvement In The Armenian Genocide And The Muslim Migration Crises

  By Theodore Shoebat The German government had an involvement in the Armenian genocide, and this history has a connection with the current migration crises. I did a whole video on this: CHRISTIANS ARE BEING KILLED AND RAPED EVERY SINGLE DAY, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION TO OUR RESCUE TEAM THAT WILL SAVE […]

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A Horrific Storm Of Evil Is Rising Up And Is Sweeping The World, It Is Leading Europe Into The Hands Of The Antichrist

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special, PART I) There is a tremendous movement brewing across Europe and other parts of the world where the players real agenda is not so obvious to the naked eye. The Church is extremely silent not daring to expose it. And it is all focused on invading Jerusalem. People do not stop and ask: […]

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