Scientists Say That It Will Take Over A Year To Make A Vaccine For Coronavirus

By Theodore Shoebat

Various scientists have been saying that its going to take over a year to come up with a vaccine against coronavirus, according to a report from TVXS:

Generally, scientists say it will take more than a year for the new vaccine to be ready and there is no time to speed up the process. 

Kate Broderick of Inovio Pharmaceuticals in San Diego, working on a vaccine, told CBS that “as much as I want to tell you that the vaccine will be ready next month, as you can imagine, these things are needed time. ” 

Vaccine researcher Peter Hottes from the Texas Children’s Hospital, who was involved in developing a potential vaccine against SARS coronavirus, characteristically states: “The idea of ​​operating within a year seems like a very aggressive timetable.” 

Anthony Foki, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, says it may take between 12 and 18 months for a new coronavirus vaccine to be widely available. 

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