Archive | May 13, 2024

Turkish Navy unveils TCG Derya warship 1-25 screenshot

15,000 Turkish Soldiers Are Training To Go To War On The Eastern Mediterranean

15,000 Turkish soldiers are partaking in a major training session on the Eastern Mediterranean, as we read in Hurriyet Daily News: Nearly 15,000 Turkish military personnel have participated in an extensive 11-day military exercise conducted in the eastern Mediterranean. Running from May 7 to 18 off Türkiye’s southwestern province of Muğla, the exercise, dubbed Seawolf-II, […]

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Germany Is Accelerating Itself To Forced Military Conscription In Order To Be “War Ready”

Germany is accelerating its discussion on bringing back forced military conscription in order to be “war ready,” another sign of Germany’s return to militarism. As we read in El Pais: Germany’s military rearmament, in addition to a representing a major financial outlay, also involves solving a pressing problem: the shortage of soldiers in the army. […]

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Thousands of Israelis in Tel Aviv demand cease-fire and Netanyahu's resignation 0-5 screenshot

Major Israeli Newspaper: A Civil War Is Waging Within Israel

Haaretz, a major Israeli newspaper, published an article stating what we at have been saying for years now: a civil war is waging within Israel. As we read in the article: There is an elephant in the Israeli room – and no, it’s not occupation, though that is its main cause. The elephant in […]

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