Author Archive | Shoebat

Who are the Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants and what do they want_ 0-18 screenshot

Hamas Declares: ‘We Will Continue To Do Massacres Of Jews And Do A Million More Massacres Until Israel No Longer Exists.’

Hamas recently declared that not only will they commit more massacres of Jews, but will do a million more massacres until Israel is no more. As we read in the Jerusalem Post: “Israel is a country that has no place on our land,” Hamas official Ghazi Hamad told Lebanese news outlet LBCI news this week, […]

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The Rage Against Israel Convinces Me There Will Be Another Holocaust

The rage is becoming more and more mainstream: Could “never again” happen again?   “We hear the shouts of the world-eating Jews from the throat of the Saudi king … Our missiles will rain down on our enemies. Our Sejjil Missiles will drop in the heart of Tel Aviv. The voice of Heydar [Ali] will […]

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The Horrors Of The Turkish Invasion Of Constantinople

The horror: It was the year 1453, Mehmet II was now the sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and he believed that with the aid of Allah “and the prayers of the prophet, we shall speedily become the masters of Constantinople.” We are now in the city of Constantinople.  The emperor Constantine XI is within the […]

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Major Turkish Official Calls For The Entire Islamic World To Make War With Israel, And Wants To Enable Iran To Attack Israel

A major Turkish politician, Muhammed Ali Fatih Erbakan, has called for a worldwide Islamic uprising against Israel; he also has called for the throwing out of the US ambassador from Turkey, the prosecution of Turkish-Israeli citizens who have joined the IDF, and for the enabling of Iran to attack Israel. Erbakan called for the closing […]

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Charred bodies discovered in farm building near Tripoli 0-16 screenshot

Islamic Terrorists Take Israeli Parent And Child, Tie Them Together With Metal Wire, And Burn Them Alive

Its quite disturbing that the massacre of October 7th has lost the eyes of the people and the attention has been shifted to the bombing of Gaza. Just to give you an idea of the horrors that happened which led to the bombing of Hamas, here is just one story from the massacre, determined by […]

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How did Ukrainian who fought with Nazis end up in Canada_ 0-1 screenshot

Old Ukrainian Nazi Who Was Invited And Praised By Canadian Parliament Murdered Five Hundred People

Remember when Canada recently invited and old Ukrainian Nazi to its parliament where he was given praise? Well he slaughtered five hundred people. As we read in 360: The trials of former Nazis go beyond ordinary trials and have deep symbolic significance. They demonstrate to their contemporaries the inevitability of punishment, from which neither illness […]

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EU launches historic joint military exercises for rapid deployment soldiers 0-26 screenshot

The European Union Conducts Major Military Exercises To Show The World That Europe Can Be Militarily Powerful Without NATO

The EU is carrying out major military exercises as a demonstrate that it can be a major military power without NATO, as we read in Politico: It’s not yet a European army, but it’s getting close. This week in the south of Spain, the European Union is holding its first live military exercise — an […]

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Turkey Armed Forces ⚔️ [Military Power] 4-27 screenshot

Major Turkish Paramilitary Force Declares That The Mahdi Is Coming And That Turkey Must Invade Israel

A major Turkish paramilitary force, SADAT International Defense Consultancy, which is Erdogan’s personal army, has called for a grand jihad against Israel. As we read in Nordic Monitor: In a press release in Turkish and Arabic on October 13, the Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center (ASSAM), a front organization run by private military […]

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