
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood president fires Military leader

As the Egyptian elections unfolded, we watched the power struggle between President Mohamed Mursi and Hussein Tantawi. Both have been jockeying for position. That jockeying may be coming to an end; Mursi has dismissed Tantawi as well as Army Chief of Staff, Sami Anan. Via Al Jazeera: Morsi, from the Muslim Brotherhood, and his Islamist […]

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Huma sits with ISNA President at White House Iftar dinner

Yesterday, we commented on the news that President Barack Obama defended Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s closest adviser, Huma Abedin, at the White House Iftar dinner on August 10th. What we didn’t know is that Huma was seated next to the President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Mohamed Magid. The two seemed to […]

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The Man who should have been listened to in the days after 9/11

While doing some research for this post, I came across a document that appeared to have been written less than one month after 9/11; it was written in the form of a journal but did not have an author’s name (I have since learned it and reveal it at the end of this post ). […]

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Barack Obama defends Huma Abedin at Iftar Dinner

The list of Huma Abedin defenders continues to grow; the latest person to do so publicly is none other than President Barack Obama himself – at the recent White House Iftar dinner with Huma in attendance. Such high praise in light of the facts about Abedin is indeed curious. Via David Nakamura at the Washington […]

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Another Republican Congressman comes out against Bachmann

The list of shame has grown by one (Democrats are excluded because they’ve migrated from the list of shame to a much more despicable list long ago). We can now add Rep. Mike Simpson (R-UT) to the list of Republican Congressmen / Senators (John McCain (R-AZ), John Boehner (R-OH), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Scott Brown (R-MA), […]

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From our ‘America as it used to be’ Series

In this installment of our ‘America as it used to be’ series, a Public Service Announcement (PSA) warns of male homosexuals. Perhaps the victims of Penn State’s Jerry Sandusky could have benefited from something like this. “One never knows when a homosexual is about; he may appear normal.”

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While we Announce, will Huma Denounce?

Walid Shoebat I am ANNOUNCING that in the coming days, we will release a bombshell more explosive than before. This time, it’s the link between the family of Huma Abedin, the closest advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Wahhabist grand plan in Saudi Arabia. It is a plan that represents a grave […]

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Andrew McCarthy smacks down Dana Millbank with one Paragraph at NRO

Earlier today, we posted a response to the op-ed penned by the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank in which he attempted to smear Andrew McCarthy over the latter’s rightful questions about how Huma Abedin got a security clearance with the State Department. Millbank, who was at the press conference, attempted to diminish Abedin’s influence with Clinton, […]

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Washington Post’s Dana Milbank latest to defend Huma Abedin

If one starts from the premise that Rep. Michele Bachmann, et. al. is right to question the background of Huma Abedin, there are a lot of people who are wrong. The latest Huma-defender is the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank, who attempts to do so by smearing the most prominent voice to call her background and […]

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CNN’s Wolf Blitzer vigorously defends Huma Abedin in interview with Newt Gingrich

Wolf Blitzer, perhaps the most prominent anchor at CNN – the network that attempted to smear Walid as a ‘fraud’ – conducted an interview with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich; the subject of Huma Abedin was discussed. Blitzer was nearly apoplectic when discussing the interest of Rep. Michele Bachmann, et. al. in the background of […]

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Video: Top Obama Homeland Security Advisor scoffs at Bachmann’s concerns

While appearing at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Barack Obama’s top Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan was asked about the concerns raised by Rep. Michele Bachmann and four other Congressmen about the possibility of Muslim Brotherhood penetration of the U.S. Government. Brennan all but openly mocked Bachmann in his response. Via Huffington Post: The […]

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Video: Andrew McCarthy Press Conference on Muslim Brotherhood Penetration

Today, at the National Press Club, the prosecutor of the Blind Sheikh – Andrew McCarthy – gave a press conference the expounded on the penetration of the U.S. Government by the Muslim Brotherhood. As you can imagine, Huma Abedin was a main focal point. McCarthy explained why Huma’s access is so alarming. He again reiterated […]

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Blind Sheikh Prosecutor Andrew McCarthy to hold Press Conference; promises new revelations about Huma Abedin

On Tuesday, August 8th at 11am EST, former Blind Sheikh Prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy will be at the National Press Club to talk about Muslim Brotherhood penetration of the U.S. Government. The press release also promises new revelations about Huma Abedin. Via Center for Security Policy: A presentation of new information concerning Muslim Brotherhood influence […]

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Video: New Jersey Governor may have crossed the Rubicon; doubles down on support for Hamas-connected Imam

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has officially doubled down on his defense of two Muslim men, one of whom has a verifiable connection to the Muslim Brotherhood; he used to belong to the organization. At a July 24th Iftar dinner, held at the Governor’s mansion, Christie singled out both Imam Mohammad Qatanani and Sohail Mohammed. […]

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Predictable: Left blames Michele Bachmann for Sikh Temple shooting

Now that the Sikh Temple shooter – Wade Michael Page – has been identified by multiple news sources as a neo-Nazi, the Los Angeles Times writes in the very first sentence of this story that Page associated with ‘right-wing extremists’. Leftists are using twitter to blame the likes of Michele Bachmann and Rush Limbaugh. If […]

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