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Still Gloating Over Murder – West Needs to Understand Jew Hatred
Click here for the video clip Still gloating over murder, this 92-year-old woman originally from Hebron exposes the Jew hatred that makes peace impossible… You can click here to visit a memorial we posted for the Hebron Massacre
Here is a Memorial of the Very Massacre the “Palestinians” Celebrate
Click Here for a Hebron Massacre Memorial The arabs want to convince the world the Israelis and Jews are the aggressors and killers, while at the same time trying to cause the world to forget the first massacre, a massacre they committed… You can click here for the footage that inspired us to show this […]
Yemenite Jews Get The Usual Treatment A group of Yemenite Jews have been forced by a group of armed Muslim extremists to flee their homes north of the capital Sanaa.
‘Son of Hamas’ Attacks My Veracity
[Click here for an archive of the discussion AND the original media that started it.] In an attempt to defend himself from my exposure of his record and actions, Mosab Hassan Yousef has solicited help from Gonen ben Itzhak – Yousef’s former handler within Shin Bet (Itzhak was fired from the organization). Itzhak intended to […]
Response From Walid Shoebat to Mosab Hassan Yousef
Mosab, a direct point-by-point response to your letter: Mosab stated: Nevertheless, I want you also to know that I forgive you with all my heart Walid’s response: 1—What sin am I in need for your forgiveness? Show me a single line I have written that was in error or any of my translation work that […]
Dear Walid Shoebat, Signed Mosab Hassan Yousef
Dear brother Walid, I would have liked to have sent you a letter in private, but since I don’t have your personal address and since your first message to me was public, I must reply publicly. Walid, I want you to know that I love you in our Lord Jesus Christ with an unconditional love. […]
Dear Mosab Hassan Yousef, Signed Walid Shoebat
Dear Mosab, I would hope you publish our exchange on your blog as I will publish it on mine. Since many are confused, I think that we should post this dialogue. Mosab, read carefully. I am not a man who bases my faith on emotion, but I am not immune from hurt either. And this […]
Indonesia – A Hotbed of Islamic Barbarism
Walid Shoebat’s New TV Series, New Episode Released
The latest episode released is episode #3. Click here for the current episode, or to view one of the other episodes.
CAIR calls on CNN to throw dirt on peace activist
Please Click Here For the Full Article From Its Original Source: CNN sends two reporters to ambush DHS event after CAIR circulates Press Release “Just another ploy by CAIR to smear former Muslim terrorist Walid Shoebat?” May 13, 2011 (MMD Newswire) — Former PLO terrorist Walid Shoebat spoke at a Department of Homeland Security […]
Click Here For Article With Media Attached CNN Sends two Reporters to Cover Small Event, Attempts to Smear Former Muslim Terrorist and his Foundation Walid Shoebat spoke at a Department of Homeland Security event in Rapid City South Dakota on May 11th. It was not promoted outside that state but the Council on American Islamic […]
Islam Not Mentioned in Honor Killing Report
Gruesome murder of stepdaughter by Muslim fundamentalist, issues of Islam or “honor killing” not even mentioned in Fox affiliate report. No report at all from other main Stream Media. Politicians and Media from both parties complicit in downfall of America. We the people are all that are left to fight the Islamo fascists. Original Report
Finnish Pastor Persecuted For Calling A Terrorist “A Terrorist” Finnish Pastor persecuted by his own government and his church for speaking the truth and calling terrorists “terrorists.” The world is a mess, a very big mess. “When evil is called good and Good is evil”
Scottish Cardinal Comes Forward with Courage Cardinal Keith O’Brien from Scotland criticises the UK government for aiding countries that persecute Christians We need this from clergy right across the spectrum in this country.
The Mosab Yousef Saga: Did Hamas ‘Defector’ Dupe All of Us?
By Walid Shoebat While a prisoner of Israel in 1996, Mosab Hassan Yousef — the son of Sheik Hassan Yousef, a founding member of Hamas — was approached by Shin Bet agents who looked to recruit him to spy within Hamas. He agreed. Mosab’s information soon had Shin Bet calling him “the most reliable source […]