Archive | General

This category includes articles and announcements.


Video: Woman returns to British hometown; sees it overrun by Islamists

This brave and patriotic woman’s name is Stacy Dooley. She is originally from Luton, Great Britain but has since moved away. Here is video of her after returning home to see Islamists marching in the street. To her credit, Dooley is not the least bit intimidated when confronting the marchers. Also making an appearance in […]

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Hillary Clinton seems to have no problem with Muslim Brotherhood taking over in Egypt (think Huma)

The Muslim Brotherhood pledged that it would not run for the Egyptian presidency. They have since reneged on that promise (are you shocked?). While visiting Istanbul, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – who has been known to go back on a word or two – didn’t seem to much mind. Via CNS News: Secretary of […]

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South Sudan mobilizing for possible War with the North?

In January of 2011, the people of South Sudan overwhelmingly voted for Independence from Sudan when it elected a devout Christian named Salva Kiir to lead them. The official inauguration took place last summer and South Sudan was finally free. That doesn’t mean they won’t have to soon fight to keep that freedom. The youth […]

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Iraq’s Sunni Vice President flees to Qatar; Shiite Prime Minister Al-Maliki demands he be returned

Syria is not the only place where the Sunni / Shiite divide is heating up. It’s also manifesting itself at the highest levels of government in Shiite-controlled Iraq. Last December, it was learned that an arrest warrant had been issued for Iraq’s Sunni Vice President – Tariq al-Hashemi – who fled to northern Iraq to […]

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CNN Demonstrates Pro-Islamist bias… Again… this time over French deportations

During an appearance on The View, Bill O’Reilly stated that “Muslims” attacked the United States on 9/11. The comment so enraged Whoopie Goldberg and Joy Behar that the two unhinged liberal celebrities stormed off the set. The feigned outrage was directed at O’Reilly not drawing a line of distinction between Muslims and terrorists. That’s what […]

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The Shoebat Foundation stands with 1st Lt. Michael Behenna

The simplified version of 1st Lt. Michael Behenna’s story is that he received 25 years in prison for killing an Al-Qaeda operative that was subsequently reduced to a 15-year sentence. Though the longer version will show that Michael may have taken some missteps, which actually resulted from a bone-headed decision from his superiors, the notion […]

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Retired Marine Striker: Obama an “existential threat to Israel”

Well, the concerns about the Obama administration just keep mounting. The latest involves an obvious leak of an Israeli tactical operation relative to a strike on Iran. That operation ostensibly involved a partnership with Azerbaijan whereby Israeli fighter jets would utilize Baku runways. Tehran is a mere 300 miles away. The operation is for all […]

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$1 Billion Real Madrid Resort in United Arab Emirates, Minus one tiny Cross

Real Madrid is a royal Spanish soccer team that is central to a $1 Billion resort island project in the United Arab Emirates. The video (shown below) demonstrates just how luxurious the resort will be. However, in addition to costing $1 Billion, it will also cost Real Madrid something so small that hardly anyone will […]

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About Hillary Clinton’s meeting with Saudi King…

The Obama administration seems bound and determined to see a Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan) victory in Syria. Make no mistake. If Bashar Al-Assad is overthrown, that’s what will happen. This greatly serves the interests of Turkey, which borders Syria to the north. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Saudi King Abduallah this week, ostensibly, to […]

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European “Counter-Jihadists” Rallying in Denmark

If you’ve ever wanted to see liberal media bias on display, look no further. Check out the very first paragraph from a France 24 news article about “Counter-Jihadists” rallying in response to the Toulouse, France murders: An al-Qaeda-inspired gunman kills paratroopers and Jewish children in southern France. A far-right fanatic enraged by Muslim immigration guns […]

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Katy Perry’s Pro-Military music video

As most of you know, we don’t pay much attention to pop culture here at the Shoebat Foundation but this is definitely worth the watch. We rarely never see a western celebrity pop icon of this stature do such a pro-Military music video, which is what makes this so refreshing. We here at the Shoebat […]

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Video: Obama State Department refuses to identify Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel

The video exchange below is jaw-dropping enough but the Right Scoop has posted an interesting juxtaposition that makes it even more disturbing. First, here is an exchange between a member of the press and State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland. Via Right Scoop: Contrast that with Obama Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan who, while speaking to […]

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Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder says Islam not responsible for Jihad in France

Ok, this is rich. The French Jihadist behind the Toulouse shootings hate crimes was a Sunni who had ties to Al-Qaeda, which is an off shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. The grandson of Hassan al-Banna, Tariq Ramadan, has not denounced his grandfather. In fact, all signs point to his having the utmost reverence for him. […]

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Lone Jihadist Ranger (Part II of II) by Walid Shoebat

In Part I, Walid exposed the absurdity of any argument that identifies French Jihadist, Muhammad Merah as a lone wolf. In Part II, he explains the significance of the black flag used by Jihadists in general, al-Qaeda in particular, while relating his personal experiences that back up these claims. To view Part I, CLICK HERE. […]

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Lone Jihadist Ranger (Part I of II) by Walid Shoebat

The Shoebat Foundation’s Walid Shoebat has a very uniquely qualified take on the recent French jihadist murders. Below is Part I. Part II will be posted by Noon EST on March 29th so be sure to check back… WAS MERAH A LONE (JIHADIST) RANGER? – PART 1 By Walid Shoebat Was French Jihadist, Muhammad Merah […]

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