Archive | General

This category includes articles and announcements.


Video: Jewish Fraternity members have Swastikas keyed into their cars

If you could go back to the 1930’s in Europe, things like this were likely quite prevalent. Members of a Jewish fraternity at Washington University in Missouri found their cars keyed with swastikas. How are these not hate crimes? From KSDK via GWP: CLICK HERE for the video.

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More reasons not to assist Syrian Rebels?

While prominent U.S. Senators like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Joe Lieberman all seem to think that providing assistance to the Syrian rebels in the form of weapons or bombing campaigns is a good idea, more reasons such a strategy would be foolhardy can be found to America’s south. Remember, by siding with Syria’s rebels, […]

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Is Saudi Arabia Exporting more Oil in Anticipation of Iranian Sanctions?

Earlier this week, we reported on the Jerusalem Post story that charges Saudi Arabia with sending weapons to the Syrian rebels and how the extremely acrimonious relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia can only be exacerbated by such a development. Now it looks like we can add another layer to this as Saudi Arabia appears […]

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Egyptian Cleric: “the trees and the animals” glad Coptic Pope is dead

Can you imagine a religion where trees and animals celebrate the death of a Christian pope? Let me save you the trouble. An Islamic cleric has made such a claim; his name is Wagdi Ghoneim and as an added bonus, take note of how he champions the Muslim Brotherhood sentiment that “the Koran is our […]

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Egyptian Cleric issues fatwa to kill Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad

Folks, don’t look now but some very serious lines are being drawn in the Middle East. A fatwa has been issued for the death of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad by an Egyptian cleric. Via Gulf News, h/t Jihad Watch: Egypt’s prominent Muslim cleric Safwat Hejazi has said that the killing of Syrian President Bashar Al […]

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Video: Anti-Defamation League (ADL) throws CAIR a Bone; opposes anti-Sharia law bill

The Jewish civil rights group known as the Anti-Defamation League has apparently decided to give CAIR – a Muslim Brotherhood affiliated group – quite a bit of ammunition against passage of an anti-Sharia law bill in the state of Florida. In this video, you see a man by the name of Ahmed Bedier, founder of […]

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Video: Former London Mayor wants to make the city a “Beacon” of Islam

His name is Ken Livingstone and he has already served two terms as Mayor of London, with the second term ending in 2008. Well, he’s running again and he’s decided that the best path to victory involves turning London into a “beacon” of Islam. Livingstone did everything short of promise to turn Big Ben into […]

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Very “Influential” Obama advisor walks back her tweet about Syria’s Assad

Take a look at what some have called the Obama administration’s “most influential figure” when it comes to Middle East policy – Dalia Mogahed – is saying about Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. IPT’s Steve Emerson has exposed Mogahed’s strong support for Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated groups, to include CAIR and ISNA. It now appears that Mogahed is using […]

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ABC News: Russian Troops now in Syria, helping Bashar al-Assad

Syria is very quickly becoming a bright flashpoint in the battle between Shiites and Sunnis. Russia has now put much more skin in the game after long ago choosing its side – the Assad regime. Via ABC News: A Russian military unit has arrived in Syria, according to Russian news reports, a development that a […]

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Video: Former CAIR Official says “Moderate Islam” a “violation of Islam”

Former CAIR official and current Egyptian presidential candidate Bassem Khafaji appeared on Al-Hekma TV in Egypt last week and talked about his time in America, how he loved the “place” he lived in but hated the country. Once again, the true sense of their misery is always lost on such individuals but I digress. The […]

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Video: Egyptian Cleric Predicts Islam will Conquer Rome

Ok, this one is for the “anti-Christ will arise from Rome / Europe and Catholicism will be at the center of it all” crowd. Is there anyone of any authority in Rome or Italy who is attempting to rattle sabers with Middle Eastern countries? The answer is no. Conversely, is there anyone of any authority […]

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Report: Saudi Arabia enters the Syrian Fray, sends Weapons to Rebels (Muslim Brotherhood)

If you want to see the front line of the war between Sunni and Shia today, look no further than Syria, which has become a place where it’s getting increasingly difficult to find middle ground. In most cases, you’re either with the Iranian-backed Assad regime or with the Muslim Brotherhood-backed rebels. Allegorically, it’s a very […]

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Why the Sudan is so Important Geopolitically today

The Sudanese region has been in the news quite a bit lately. The viral video Kony 2012 highlighted the atrocities committed by a man – Joseph Kony – who has been funded for years by Northern Sudan’s leader, Omar al-Bashir. Bashir was drawn into the news this week as well, when Hollywood celebrity George Clooney […]

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Turkish Author openly declares that his country will own Europe’s Future

This is an interesting piece of news for those who continue to assert that the anti-Christ will be European. As we have been predicting for years now, Turkey is where westerners should be focusing such attention. Now, a book from a Turkish author is beginning to raise eyebrows. Via Stonegate Institute: A second-generation Muslim immigrant […]

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Israeli Feminists being Sexually Assaulted by… Palestinians

Haaretz is reporting that Israeli left wing feminists are running into a bit of a problem that doesn’t seem to jibe with their worldview – sexual harassment from Palestinians. The article opens with a letter penned by one of those feminists: “Hi everyone, I’m writing this here because I’m not really sure when the next […]

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Hollywood Actor George Clooney Arrested while protesting Muslim Brotherhood leader

Yes, you read that headline correct. Not only was George Clooney arrested after storming the Sudanese embassy in Washington, D.C. but so were various Democratic congressmen. The man Clooney was protesting was none other than Omar al-Bashir, Northern Sudan’s leader. Bashir is also responsible for funding Joseph Kony, the subject of the viral Kony 2012 […]

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