Archive | General

This category includes articles and announcements.

Germany Under Attack Munich Citizens Are Staying Home! Terrorists On The Run And Another Unconfirmed Possible Attack At Central Station (6 Dead And Rising)

By Walid Shoebat The police Facebook page quoted eyewitnesses as saying they had seen three attackers carrying guns in what the police described “an acute terror situation”. Police in the German city of Munich say the perpetrators of a shooting attack are still on the run, and they advise people to avoid public places. There are […]

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In The United States, The Homosexual Agenda Is More Powerful Than The Muslims. The Homosexuals Are So Powerful That They Stopped The All-Star Game From Happening In North Carolina Because It Refuses To Have “Transgender” Bathrooms

By Theodore Shoebat In the United States, the homosexual agenda is more powerful than the Muslims and the Islamic agenda. In fact, the homosexuals are so powerful that they they stopped the All-Star Game from happening in North Carolina because it refuses to have “transgender” bathrooms. I did a whole video on this: CHRISTIANS ARE […]

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Donald Trump Praises Islamist Erdogan In Turkey. While Trump Wants To Ban Muslims From Entering The U.S. Should We All Be Excited To Find Out That Trump Stands On The Side Of This Devil?

By Walid Shoebat Mr. Donald Trump had nothing but praise for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the man behind the rising Caliphate in Turkey. How could this be? Is Trump part of this kingdom of Antichrist? Are we about to get rid of Obama, Erdogan’s slave puppet to only be replaced by Trump, another puppet? Boy, […]

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Two Muslim Teens Sexually Assault Young Woman Walking By Mosque, Her Boyfriend Beats Them Both Into A Bloody Mess

CAIR tried to tell the media this was an “anti-Muslim hate crime.” They lied and said her boyfriend was using “anti-Muslim slurs.” It totally blew up in their face when it came out that the teens chased the woman and were grapping her breasts and body even through her car window. At first, the NYPD […]

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High Profile Murder Case Of Infamous Pakistani Sex Symbol Exposes The Connection Between Protestantism And Islam

The late Fouzia Azeem, known by her showbusiness name as “Qandeel Baloch” or “The Kim Kardashian of Pakistan,” was murdered by two of her brothers as part of a honor killing done in the name of Islam. With all respect to everybody, there is a lot to digest here. Her brothers were certainly wrong in […]

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The Amazing Prophecy Predicted In The Bible Which Was Stolen By Muhammad The Prophet Of Islam Which Was Just Fulfilled 5 Days Ago

By Walid Shoebat “And the arms of the fighter shall be overcome before his [Antichrist’s] face, and shall be broken …” (Daniel 11:22, Douay-Rheims Bible) No one focused on this key biblical verse that it was probably just fulfilled on July 15th, 2016 in Turkey. Daniel predicted that when Antichrist appears that the soldier will put […]

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Lucifer Must Have Been Loosened Out Of The Pit As Erdogan Makes A State Of Emergency For 3 Months In Order To “Seize The Kingdom By Fraud”

By Walid Shoebat Turkey’s president has declared a state of emergency for three months following Friday night’s failed coup. Recep Tayyip Erdogan was speaking after a cabinet meeting in Ankara. Turkey’s Erdogan declares 3 month state of emergency to “remove threat… to democracy” — BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) July 20, 2016 The state […]

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BREAKING: Obama’s Muslim Militia Beheads A Young Child In Cold Blood [WATCH GRAPHIC VIDEO]

By Walid Shoebat and The Right Scoop A 12-year-old Palestinian boy was beheaded yesterday by a Syrian group supported by the Obama administration. The boy, Abdullah Issa, was being treated in Handarat, an area north of Aleppo, for his diabetic condition. You’ll notice the IV in the child’s arm in the picture below: #الميادين : […]

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Muslims In Turkey Are Already Attacking Christian Churches Because They Are Empowered By Erdogan Smashing The Coup — Genocide Against Christians By The Turkish Government Is Coming

By Theodore Shoebat On the day of the coup, I briefly wrote  that Erdogan will use the failed coup to increase his power and pave the way to implementing full on Islamic despotism and eventually genocide on Christianity. We are already seeing the signs of this societal arrogance, flamed by a short victory over a weak […]

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What The Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About The Demonic Religion Of The Man Who Murdered Three Police Officers In Baton Rouge

By Theodore Shoebat What the media doesn’t want you to know about the demonic religion of Eugene Long, the bastard who murdered three police officers in Baton Rouge. His religion was a mixture of Nation of Islam black supremacy and neo-pagan African supremacy ideology. I did a whole video showing this:   CHRISTIANS ARE BEING […]

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Major Christian Leader Declares: There Is A Well Calculated Plan Being Done By My Muslim Terrorists To Wipe Out All Christians

By Theodore Shoebat   A major Christian leader in Nigeria has declared that there is a calculative plan being done by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria to kill all of the Christians in the country. Here is the report: There is a grand plan to wipe out Christians from Nigeria and believers may be forced to […]

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Erdogan’s Media Accuses: “The US tried to assassinate Erdoğan!” Claiming That US Declared War On Turkey. 1000 Americans Are In Danger Not To Mention 50-90 Hydrogen Bombs

By Walid Shoebat Yeni Safak is Erdogan’s main mouthpiece, its main journalist İbrahim Karagül is now accusing the U.S. of masterminding the coup and that this is a declaration of war on Turkey: “I’ll say it loud and clear: The U.S. administration planned a coup in Turkey through the Gülen terror organization and tried to cause […]

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Erdogan Holding U.S. Tactical Nukes At Inkirlink Taking Control Of The Second Most Powerful Army In NATO And Is Hailed As Mahdi

By Walid Shoebat Turkey, in less than 24 hours was occupied by Erdogan’s pro Muslim Brotherhood militia and entered the U.S. base where tactical nukes at Incirlik are held. Period. Plain and Simple. Yet there are no headlines in any media that reveals this global catastrophe in this way. Why?   Even the air base, which is used by NATO […]

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The Man Who Took A Truck And Slaughtered Over Eighty People In Nice, France, Was a Homosexual Who Enjoyed Sodomizing Men And Fantasizing About Murdering People

By Theodore Shoebat The man named Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, who took a truck and slaughtered over eighty people in Nice, France, was a homosexual. I did a whole video on this reality with my own commentary on how Islam is a homosexual religion:   According to one report: Bastille Day terror killer Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel […]

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Muslim Scholars Worldwide Declare Erdogan To Be The Supreme Leader For The Entire Muslim World

By Walid Shoebat (Sunday Special Bonus) After the failed coup in Turkey, a crucial letter of allegiance granted to Erdogan by all Muslim scholars globally was sent from none other than Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, president of the World Federation of Muslim Scholars. Qaradawi represents all Sunni Muslim scholars globally. He even tweeted some of its contents. […]

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The Slaughter Of Police Officers In America Is A Sign Of Major Civil Unrest And Mass Violence Hitting The United States

By Theodore Shoebat After the killing of five police officers in Dallas, I spoke with our Balkans correspondent, Lazar, and he explained to me that what is happening in the US is similar to events that occurred in Serbia before the outbreak of the war in the Balkans. Albanian terrorists began to shooting police officers, […]

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