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Islamic Terrorists Capture Jewish Man, Take His Clothes Off, Spit On Him And Laugh As They Rape Him

More horrific details are coming out about what happened on October 7th. One story has come out that further sheds light on the evil that occurred. One man was captured, spat on, denuded and laughed at as he was being raped by Hamas terrorists, as we read in Haaretz: A survivor of the Nova music […]

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Ted Cruz Gives This Warning To All Republicans: ‘Do Not Underestimate Kamala Harris, She Will Not Be Easy To Defeat.’

Ted Cruz has just given this warning to all Republicans not to underestimate Kamala Harris, stating that she will not be easy to defeat, as we read in Fox News: Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz warned Republicans against underestimating Vice President Kamala Harris as she emerges as the top contender for the Democratic Party’s nomination […]

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Joe Biden Knows That Kamala Harris Does Not Have What It Takes To Beat Trump

There is a reason as to why Biden was hesitant to leave the race and endorse Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee: he was not very confident that she can beat Donald Trump, as we read in Axios: President Biden hesitated to drop his re-election campaign in part because he and his senior advisers worried […]

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Ukraine Plans To Raise Up A Quarter Of A Million Troops And Wants To Use NATO Weapons To Bomb Russia

As Ukraine plans on raising an army of a quarter of a million soldiers, it also wants to use NATO weapons to bomb Russia, as we read in al-Jazeera: It plans to raise a quarter of a million new troops this year, but training and equipping them will take time. A senior NATO official told […]

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The Government Of Russia Declares: ‘Russia’s War In Ukraine Is Not Going To End. Even After Ukraine Accepts Defeat, NATO Will Bring Ukrainian Fanatics To Power And Russia Will Crush The Ukrainian Viper.’

Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Counncil, Dmitry Medvedev, has stated that even after Ukraine accepts defeat, Western countries will prop up the fanatics of Ukraine and that Russia will crush “the viper” (referring to Ukraine). As we read in BBC: Medvedev said a week earlier that “even this will not be the end of Russia’s […]

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The Ukrainian Government Is In Such Shambles That Its Parliament Has Become Useless And Zelensky Is Now Having To Work With Pro-Russian Politicians

Ukraine’s war is so fragmented, that it has become an empty shell of its former self, and this is the case even with all of the tens of billions of dollars that have been flowing into Ukraine. Zelensky’s party, Servant of the People, is in such a desperate state that it has been having work […]

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BREAKING EPIC MOMENT_ RNC Goes Wild When Trump Arrives As Lee Greenwood Sings 'God Bless The USA' 2-38 screenshot

Republican Politicians, Including Donald Trump, Are Lowering Their Tones To Prevent Violent Escalation In The United States

Republican politicians, Donald Trump included, have been lowering down their tone and tempering their rhetoric to prevent violent escalation within the United States. Trump even spoke of having a speech ready but then throwing it out because it was too “tough” and that he wanted to work to better unite the country. All of this […]

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