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Germany Now Has “Sharia Police,” Who Patrol The Streets Enforcing Islamic Law

By Theodore Shoebat In a city of Germany, there is a “Sharia police” who patrol the streets enforcing Islamic law. According to a report: Police in the German city of Wuppertal are investigating a case of several young men who announced themselves to be ‘Sharia police’. The group was ‘patrolling’ the streets, urging people to […]

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Muslim Tells Christian Family To Convert To Islam, When They Say No, He Takes Their Toddler, And Rapes Her So Brutally That She Needs 5 Surgeries To Survive

By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim in Pakistan ordered a Christian family to convert to Islam. When they refused, he kidnapped their toddler and raped her. When the father saw what was going on, he charged at him and he ran away, leaving the daughter unconscious and bleeding. The daughter needed five surgeries. The interview of […]

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ISIS Captures Lebanese Soldier And “Sacrifice” Him To Allah

By Theodore Shoebat ISIS captured and executed another Lebanese soldier, named Abbas Medlej. According to his mother, My son was sacrificed As we read from one report: Mr Medlej would be the second captive Lebanese soldier killed by the Islamic State group, underscoring the grave challenges that face the ill-equipped Lebanese military as it fends […]

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The Jewish Exodus from the land of Antichrist Just Begun

By Walid Shoebat U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday urged the devil to coverup his horns when he asked Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to “combat anti-Semitism” amidst reports that say that Turkish Jews are leaving the country due to growing anti-Semitism, exacerbated by the Islamist AKP government’s antagonism towards Israel and Jews. Turkey is […]

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Examining The Photos of the Killing of ISIS Caliph Al-Baghdadi

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Several Middle Eastern sources and newspapers from Iraq to Turkey are announcing that Caliph BagDadi has been bagged even including a photo claiming to be Al-Baghdadi’s body: But Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists. Should we trust the Pentagon, especially since an airstrike in the […]

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TIME Magazine gives Leader of Muslim Brotherhood Front Group a Platform to Profess ‘Islamic State’ is ‘Anti-Islamic’

The leader of perhaps the most prominent stealth jihadist organization in the U.S., which is connected to Hamas, Nihad Awad has been given a platform by TIME Magazine to prevent people from connecting his group to ISIS. Unfortunately for Awad, he may have been better off remaining silent. Right out of the gate, he asserts […]

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Muslims Are Atheists

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims are atheists. Why do I say this? The modern perceptive on atheism is that it signifies no belief in God’s existence or the existence of anything supernatural. While this is true in the modern sense, atheism can also indicate a disbelief in orthodox doctrines. Both Atheism and Islam want to force […]

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New Archaeological Discovery Proves The Catholic Church

By Walid Shoebat One of the oldest Catholic amulets was found when a 1,500-year-old fragment of Greek papyrus with writing that refers to the biblical Last Supper and “manna from heaven”. It was discovered by Dr. Roberta Mazza, a research fellow at the university’s John Rylands Research Institute as part of her studies on thousands […]

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Muslims Take Christian Family And Make Them Slaves, When The Daughter Gets A Horrible Illness, The Parents Beg For Mercy, But The Muslims Cruelly Leave Her To Die

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Rescue Christians just recently rescued three Christian families from Islamic slavery in Pakistan, who were forced to be slaves laboring in brick kilns. These poor Christians were kept as slaves, abused and forced to not observe their Faith. The saddest case was that of Waseem Masih and his wife Nasreen. […]

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David Cameron: The UK Will Not Pay Ransom Money For British Hostage Held By ISIS

By Theodore Shoebat David Cameron just affirmed that the UK will not be paying the ransom for a British hostage held by ISIS, named David Cawthorne Haines, saying: There is no doubt in my mind that the many tens of millions of dollars that ISIL has raised from ransom payments is going into promoting terrorism… […]

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ISIS Now Rules Over Territory The Size Of The UK, And Makes $979,866 A Day

By Theodore Shoebat ISIS now rules over a territory the size of the UK, and makes 600,000 pounds a day, which is $979,866. According to one report: ISIS now controls territory the size of the UK, is making £600,000 a day from selling oil and ransoming hostages and has a fighting force of 10,000 militants, […]

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Local Christian Militias Pick Up Assault Rifles And Automatic Machine Guns To Defeat ISIS

By Theodore Shoebat Christians living in the small border town of Qaa, that lies between Syria and Lebanon, have taken up their cross, and are now holding up automatic rifles to defend themselves against ISIS. They take up positions on hills and lay ambushes, being always vigilant and ready for the ISIS Muslims. One of […]

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“The CROSS will soon Stomp the CRESCENT in Armageddon” Even The Secular Ignoramuses Admit

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) We know that a national confession is on its way and sooner or later, America by large with a host of its ignoramuses will soon confess that Armageddon and the Bible are truth. It is already beginning and pretty soon, America by large will witness a great revival and many […]

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Assault on First Amendment taking place at Wake Forest University using Hillary Clinton’s ‘Istanbul Process’ Model

Whether its leaders realize it or not, Wake Forest University is laying the groundwork for Hillary Clinton’s stated techniques for implementing the Istanbul Process, which seeks to eliminate criticism of Islam. Beginning this school year, Wake Forest is encouraging students to anonymously “report bias” according to a letter on the school’s website that includes instructions […]

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