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Saudis Seeking Jewish Protection from Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey, and Iran

After financing anti-Semitic, Muslim Brotherhood terrorism around the world for decades, the Saudis are now seeking to normalize relations with Israel. In a clear gesture of self-preservation in the face of growing threats from the Brotherhood, Iran, and Turkey, the Saudis are seeking a rather unique alliance. This is obviously not about a change of […]

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ISIS Takes Innocent People, Says They Are Going To Be “Liquidated” For Allah, And Slaughters All Of Them Without Remorse

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat obtained a video in which ISIS takes a number of people and says that they are going to be “liquidated” in Arabic. The victims were said to be a part of the Sahawat, or “awakening” movements, who are working to end the violence done by ISIS. These Muslims are […]

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Satanic Christian Music Has Infiltrated The Churches

By Theodore Shoebat The devil loves disorder, and chaos, and violence. Look no further than “Christian black metal” music to see the truth of this observation. Those who uphold “Christian metal music” will never admit that such a genre came as a result of people taking a demonic form of “music” and putting on it […]

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NEW VIDEO: ISIS Captures Hundreds Of Soldiers And Drags Them Across The Desert In The Nude

The unexpected end and thunderous fall of the Tabaqa Military Airport in Raqqa to the Islamic State (ISIS) has reshuffled the cards on the ground and opened the eastern and central parts of Syria to endless, dangerous possibilities. More than that was a report explaining that the ISIS has used new tactics; adding a poison […]

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Two Muslims Break Into Apartment And Rape A Woman, And They Are Only Sentenced To 5 Years In Jail

By Theodore Shoebat Two Muslims in Kuwait broke into an apartment and raped a woman. The two rapists were sentenced to five years in jail, in a lower court. As we read from a Mid-East source: Kuwait’s Court of Appeals has upheld a verdict by a lower court to sentence two rapists to five years […]

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British Christians Take on Muslims outside Saudi Arabian Embassy

One of the main reasons Muslims in Great Britain have been so successful at bullying Brits is because the former largely does so without significant opposition. A group known as Britain First may be changing that. In the video below, Britain First confronted Islamists aligned with Anjem Choudary outside the Saudi Arabian embassy in London. […]

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ISIS Kidnaps 26-Year Old American Woman, And Is Now Demanding $6.6 Million For Her Ransom

By Theodore Shoebat ISIS kidnapped a 26-year old American woman who was in Syria doing humanitarian work. They are now demanding $6.6 million for her ransom. According to a report: The Islamic State militant group is holding hostage a young American woman who was doing humanitarian aid work in Syria, and the terror group is […]

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Muslim Take Ten Year Old Boys To Be Soldiers, And Force Children To Watch Beheadings And Executions

By Theodore Shoebat ISIS is recruiting boys as young as ten to join their ranks, and they are also forcing children to watch their beheadings, amputations, and executions. According to a recent UN report: In areas of Syria under ISIS control, particularly in the north and northeast of the country, Fridays are regularly marked by […]

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Japan Will Be Building Its Own Fighter Jet To Become Militarily Independent Of America

By Theodore Shoebat Japan will be building its own fighter jet in order to become more independent of the United States. It is said that by 2015 Japan will begin testing experimental engines, and stealth air-frame designs that can dodge radar systems, completely fit for a Japanese fighter. Japan is planning to determine whether it […]

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The Islamic Caliphate is invading Nigeria to Rape and Sell Christian Girls and Turkey is Helping Them and Obama’s Family are Involved in Purchasing Slave Girls in Africa

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) So what does Muslims invading Nigeria, Turkey, and Obama’s Family have to do with the Islamic Caliphate? Well, first watch this demon-pimp, at the 1:00 minute start and see President Obama’s elder brother caught on video doing some slave trafficking and perhaps you will begin to understand the grandiose plan […]

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Muslim gangs Rape 1,400 children in Great Britain and the AUTHORITIES say NOTHING out of fear of being labeled “RACIST”

By Walid Shoebat Submission to Islamic supremacy is in its fullest in England where everyone is less afraid of loosing their head than for being called “racist” even after exposing sex abuse of the worst kind: Blatant failures of political and police leadership contributed to the sexual exploitation of 1,400 children in Rotherham over a […]

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Obama’s Pentagon Admits it Wants to Grow ‘Military to Military Relationship’ with Country that Supports Terrorists like the ones that Hit Pentagon

If there are two nations the U.S. continues to align with for seemingly very inexplicable reasons, they are Turkey and Qatar. Both of these nations support Hamas. Yet, when asked about concerns over Qatar’s support for terrorism in the context of the U.S. partnering with that nation, Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby deferred […]

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When Christian Militancy Goes Down, Islam Rises (Bring Back The Crusade!)

By Theodore Shoebat When Christian militancy goes down, Islam rises. We have lost the once fiery spirit of the Crusades, and now Christendom has all but fallen asleep, awaiting to be awakened from this nightmare so that it may live the dream that was once the glory days of Christianity. We know of the atrocities […]

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BOMBSHELL: The Antichrist CONFEDERACY has been announced in Turkey

By Walid and Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) In an amazing coverage that just came out today that was published throughout the Muslim world, including even CNN Arabic Version, The Chairman of the International Union for Muslim Scholars, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi which his union represents the largest body of Muslim scholars worldwide and on their behalf […]

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ISIS Declares That They Will Invade Jerusalem, The Vatican, And Spain, And Destroy the Christian Cross.

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat And Theodore Shoebat ISIS has declared in a very recent video that their forces plan on invading Jerusalem, the Vatican, and Spain. The video begins with a presentation of ancient Rome, and the black flag of ISIS replacing a Roman statue, accentuating their aspiration to invade the city, and then […]

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Muslim Children Parade The Heads Of Their Victims, While A Crowd Of Muslim Adults Praise Them

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat The Islamic State social networking site has a photo showing a child holding a severed head amid a gathering of other children, which was tweeted and went viral with an attached phrase that said “This is how the cubs of the Caliphate are raised up”, boasting of […]

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