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Stealth Jihadist says Caliphate a “Silly” Notion

Parvez Ahmed, the former national chairman of CAIR, a stealth jihadist organization masquerading as a civil rights group, is distancing himself from the claims of an Islamic caliphate by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). One of the many problems with Ahmed’s credibility on such a topic […]

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Muslims Make A Official Declaration That They Will Invade The Vatican

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims made an official declaration that they will invade the Vatican. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, made the statement, saying: So take up arms, take up arms, O soldiers of the Islamic State! And fight, fight… So raise your ambitions, O soldiers of the Islamic State! For your brothers all […]

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The Current Genocide Of Christians That Obama Doesn’t Want You To Know

By Theodore Shoebat There is a current genocide of Christians that Obama doesn’t want you know about. Its happening in Iraq where the Christian population is on the brink of extinction and being completely driven out or killed. Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Louis Raphael I Sako of Baghdad said: This is very serious. We are losing […]

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Why Christians Should Never Trust Muslims

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Farrouk Saif and Theodore Shoebat The constitution of a nation is not whats written on paper, but what is written on the hearts of the people. We argue over written laws and state declarations, as though the people will change overnight at the movement of a pen, without ever regarding the internal […]

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The Islamic Caliphate in Iraq And The Consequences of The Screwed Up U.S. Policies In The Middle East

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) As far as the U.S., the successes of an Islamic Caliphate in Iraq and Syria creates major contradictions in terms of U.S. position on Iran and the America policy in the Arab world, especially in Syria. The clash between Sunni-Shia in Iraq and the conflict between ISIS and Iraq’s Maliki […]

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Pope Francis Fights Against Feminism, Says Women “taken from a rib”.

By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis fought against feminism today; a feminist interviewer asked him in regards to “underlying misogyny in the Catholic Church”, and Francis responded: The fact is that woman was taken from a rib Francis then said: I’m joking. That was a joke. …The issue of women needs to be gone into in […]

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Muslims Break Into Churches, Butcher And Slaughter Thirty Christians, Burn Many Churches And Put The Homes Of Christians To Flames

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria broke into several churches and butchered and slaughtered thirty Christians. They also burned down the churches and put numerous Christians’ homes to flames. According to a member of a local Christian militia: They killed dozens of people and burned houses after attacking worshippers As we read in another report: […]

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The Man Who Will Oppose The Coming Islamic Antichrist

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Entering the mindset of the Jihadist goes beyond seeing images of terrorism, death and mayhem, but it also includes diagrams of fanciful and complex puzzles on utopian ideas of Caliphate and the allegiance to this figure who will be declared The Mahdi who will ultimately, according to Islam rule the […]

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Terrorists And Enemies of The United States Are Granted Tax Exempt Status

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Enemies of the United States should clearly not have tax exempt status. The problem is that said groups have been receiving such status for decades. Yet, Republicans – as well as attorneys for Tea Party groups harmed by the IRS – continue to ignore it. What is even more […]

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Is The Emerging Caliph In Iraq The Antichrist?

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Regarding Al-Baghdadi, who claimed the Islamic Caliphate in Iraq, who is he and is he the Antichrist? Does he fit the bill of the awaited Mahdi and the last Caliph of Islam? I have had inquiries. Ok, here is what we think. Al-Baghdadi was born in Samarra, a largely Sunni […]

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Muslims killed 30 Christians In The Same Christian Town Where 276 Schoolgirls Were Abducted

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria—Gunmen on Sunday attacked services at three churches near the Nigerian village where 276 schoolgirls were abducted in April, part of a pounding of a Christian pocket in the predominantly Muslim north. Residents of Chibok, where the schoolgirls were abducted from a boarding school just ahead of final exams, said at least 30 people […]

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ISIS Has Declared An Islamist Caliphate So Expect Mass Crucifixions

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) This just came in via Wall Street Journal: BAGHDAD—The Sunni Islamist militant group whose three-week blitz through northern Iraq has nearly upended the country’s fragile unity announced itself as a new Islamist “caliphate” on Sunday, unilaterally declaring statehood and demanding allegiance from other Islamist groups. The announcement, recited in Arabic […]

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Lois Lerner Points Finger at Eric Holder

On Today’s Ben Barrack Show… Segment 1: Former IRS official Lois Lerner may be getting ready to crack. On May 10, 2013, the mainstream media pivoted away from the increasingly hot Benghazi scandal over to the IRS scandal after Lerner was asked a question by a subordinate Lerner planted. Little did anyone know that not […]

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ISIS Vowed To Destroy Mecca

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Some Middle East news (see references below) and countless other social media sites in Arabic are disturbed over some tweets that claim they were sent by Abu Turab Al-Maqdisi, a spokesperson for the ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria). The tweets stated that the head of the ISIS, Al-Baghdadi […]

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Muslims And Buddhists Work Together To Destroy 1500 Christians

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Muslims and Buddhists are working together to destroy the lives of 1500 Christians. The Buddhist nation of Sri Lanka is driving out from its country 1500 Pakistani Christians back to Pakistan where they will be either imprisoned or executed. Local news in Sri Lanka said that “These people were to […]

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