By Theodore Shoebat Conspirators for revolution always use propaganda to anger the common people and stir up them up to commence a revolt. Beware of this deception; for the biggest victims of revolutions are the common man: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going
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Michael Voris: Older Men With 16 Year Old Boys Is Permissible In Catholicism
By Theodore Shoebat Michael Voris, in his interview with sodomite and pederast advocate Milo Yiannopoulos, recently said that going with 16 year olds is permissible in Catholic Canon Law. The conversation was being said in the context of Milo’s advocacy of pederasty. Voris asked Milo: “Do you think that the age of consent should be lowered […]
Horrific Massacre In Haiti: Armed Men Dressed With Masks And Police Uniforms Go House To House Pulling People Out. They Round Up Twenty One People And Hack Them To Death With Machetes Or Shoot Them To Death
By Theodore Shoebat There was a horrific massacre in Haiti, in which armed men dressed with masks and police uniforms went house to house rounding people up, eventually taking twenty one, hacking them to pieces or shooting them to their deaths. As we read in one report from the Independent: At least 21 people have been […]
Lesbian Woman Gets Mad That The Eagles Lost To New Orleans, Gets Her Girlfriend’s Dog And Puts It In The Microwave
By Theodore Shoebat From the wacky world of the depths of the most diabolical people of the United States, another dismal story arises from the surface of local news. A lesbian woman on Pennsylvania got mad that the Eagles lost to New Orleans and so decided to put her girlfriend’s dog in the microwave. As […]
Episcopalian Bishop Bans All Homosexual Weddings In His Diocese. Now The Episcopalian Church Is Punishing Him
By Theodore Shoebat An Episcopalian bishop recently banned all homosexual weddings in his diocese. Now the Episcopalian church is punishing him. As we read in a report from the Christian Post: An Episcopal Church bishop who was punished for refusing to allow gay marriages in his diocese has stated that he plans to appeal the […]
The Financial Crises And The Coming Bloodbath In Europe
By Theodore Shoebat My thoughts on engineered financial crises and the coming bloodbath in Europe: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going
New Paternity Testing Allows For Men To Expose Cheating Wives And Girlfriends, And Why The Future Of Relationships For Men May Not Be So Dismal For Them
When a man marries a woman, he assumes that the children she conceives are of his actions. Due to the actions of some women this does not always happen, and while some will murder the child in secret, others will try to assert that it is the husband’s or boyfriend’s child when it is not. […]
How Iran Rescued Thousands Of People From The Holocaust
By Theodore Shoebat How many people know that Iran actually rescued people from the Nazi reign of terror. It is a fascinating reality of history that very few people ever discuss. There is a detailed article about this that was published by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. I will post some excerpts here: In July […]
Yellow Vesters In France Brutally Beat Up A Journalist, They Surround Another Journalist And Say: ‘We Are Going To Pull You Out Of Your Car And Rape You!’
By Theodore Shoebat Yellow Vesters in France brutally beat up a journalist. They also surrounded a female journalist while she is in her car and told her that they will pull her out of her car and rape her. The mobs support this behavior. Welcome to the Euro Spring: According to one report from the […]
84,000 People In France Take To The Streets To Protest Against Macron
By Theodore Shoebat The Euro Spring continues on as 84,000 people took to the streets to protest against the government. As we read in a report from Tens of thousands of demonstrators turned out across France for new protests against President Emmanuel Macron, amid a marked decline in violence despite dozens of arrests and […]
Man With Down Syndrome In Germany Who Survived Abortion Dies At The Age Of 21
By Theodore Shoebat A man in Germany who survived an abortion has died at the age of 21. As we read in a report from the Irish Times: Tim was not supposed to be born, and certainly not to live. Now the man who survived a failed late-term abortion in 1997 has died aged 21. […]
Germany Is Tearing Europe Apart (Again)
By Theodore Shoebat Some of my thoughts on how Germany is tearing Europe apart again: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going
The Government Of New York Now Wants To Make Infanticide As Part Of Its Constitution
By Theodore Shoebat The forces of eugenics never stop in their cause for murder, as the government of New York now wants to make infanticide — what they call abortion — as a right embedded right into the state’s constitution. As we read in a report from Democrat & Chronicle: Gov. Andrew Cuomo called Monday […]
Major American Pastor Declares That Christians Must Reject The Ten Commandments
By Theodore Shoebat & Walid Shoebat Major American pastor, Andy Stanley, recently said that Christians “are not required to obey any of the commandments found in the first part of their Bibles”. In an article written by Stanley, the pastor effectively argues for indifference for the removal of the Ten Commandments from courthouses because, as […]
Violence In Ukraine Is A Bloody Image That Presages Another Horrific War That Will Devastate Europe
By Theodore Shoebat Millions of people have suffered in Ukraine because of the political machinations of both NATO and Russia. A recent report from the BPB recounts this dismal reality: Since 2014, more than 10,000 people have died in the war. According to the German Red Cross , around 3.4 million people were dependent on humanitarian aid in […]
The Government Of Pennsylvania Rules: ‘Unborn Children Are Not Human Beings, Therefore Taking Drugs While Pregnant Is Not Child Abuse.’
By Theodore Shoebat The government of Pennsylvania has ruled that taking drugs while pregnant is not child abuse. The premise of the argument entails the insidious belief that unborn children are not human beings and therefore have no rights. As we read in one report from the Daily Item: A state lawmaker wants the Legislature […]