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BREAKING: Muslim Pilot Of Flight 804 Converted The Plane Into A Portable Mosque And Said Farewell Before He Crashed The Plane And Slaughtered Everyone

By Walid Shoebat More evidence is arising to show that the pilot of Flight 804 went suicide. He did some bizarre things. He converted the plane into a makeshift mosque, used the equipment to tell passengers the direction of Mecca. Had a last supper and said “farewell” as if ‘we who are about to die […]

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Donald Trump You Need To Build That Wall. Watch The New Documentary That Just Came Out That Reveals The Most Horrific Massacres And Atrocities Being Done In Mexico And How Terrorists Are Infiltrating The United States And Slaughtering Americans

If you doubt that masses of human beings are being ritually sacrificed as we speak on the altar of Mesoamerican gods, then watch this just released documentary. Behold, the human slaughterhouses in Mexico and the United States. The compelling, shocking and eye opening documentary makes it impossible to deny; a quarter million people (and rising), butchered. This is a holocaust […]

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This Is Great For Trump: Iran Is Flexing Its Muscles Threatening To Attack U.S. Vessels And Block U.S. Access To Waterways

By Walid Shoebat Remember when the American hostages were formally released into United States custody minutes after the new American president, Ronald Reagan, was sworn into office? Just imagine Trump winning and all this muscle flexing by Iran will cease. Iran has now officially threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz to U.S. vessels and allied traffic which […]

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More Americans Have Already Flocked In Support For Donald Trump Than Muslims Have Flocked To Worship Allah At Mecca

By Walid Shoebat It is estimated that 2 million Muslim pilgrims flocked to Mecca for the annual Hajj pilgrimage to worship Allah. That number (2 million) was the number for only the difference so far in voters who flocked to The Donald over Mitt Romney’s record in 2012. Even democratic strategists realize it; Donald Trump will beat Hillary Clinton like […]

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Europe’s Future Axis Of Evil Is Arising: Germany And Turkey Are Uniting Together, France And All Of Christendom Will Arise, God Will Divide Europe Sheep From Goats And Christians Will Be Victorious

By Walid Shoebat Germany’s right wing party wants to split the E.U. saying: “France and southern EU states – Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece among them – to be banished from Eurozone, as they lack “cultures of stability” like Germany’s.” Few examine prophecies that predict a split in Europe (explained here in detail). There are prophecies that speak of […]

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The Government Of Turkey Is Now Confiscating Christian Churches And Will Be Demolishing Them. Antichrist Empire Of Turkey Is Also Planning To Slaughter All Christians

By Walid Shoebat Turkey’s ancient church buildings –some of which pre-date Islam– have been managed, historically, by church foundations. Erdogan just confiscated them to redesign them into Muslim Ottoman style mosques. Erdogan last week also just took control of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation from Egypt which represents the body of 57 Muslim states. He called […]

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The Amazing Story Of A Woman Who Saw Jesus And Was Taken In A Time Tunnel To Biblical Times To Witness Christ’s Life Story In Great Detail

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) For two decades being a Christian I never once believed anyone who said “God told me” until this week when a priest told me of a woman who claimed “Jesus told me”. In the early 1940’s during World War II, she claimed Jesus appeared to her and walked her through […]

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ISIS Just Released Chilling Video “To The Nations Of The Cross” Promising That The UK, Berlin And Rome To Be Attacked Soon

By Walid Shoebat ISIS has threatened a new wave of attacks as deadly as the Paris massacre to soon commence in London, Berlin & Rome. The chilling video shows images of the UK parliament and Eiffel Tower crashing to the ground. CHILLING VIDEO: Boasting about their SUCCESSFUL attacks in Paris & Brussels, ISIS hint the […]

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Leaked Video Shows: Muslim Man Murders His Own Wife And Then Commits Suicide By Slitting His Own Throat

By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man in Indonesia murdered his own wife before slitting his own throat in another case of demonic self-destructive behavior. Islam is of the antichrist, it is demonic and satanic religion that hates humanity, and those who are under the control of the devil, will always end up in self-destructive behavior. […]

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The Prophecies Of The Muslim Invasion Of Europe Was Predicted By Saints And Is Happening Right Before Our Eyes

By Walid Shoebat (A Shoebat Sunday Special) One Milwaukee news paper in 1945 posts a prophecy by St. Francis of Paula said before it was etched in 1508 on his tombstone where he predicted television, submarines and airplanes and that a little later, Europe will be engulfed in war and drenched in blood: When pictures look alive with […]

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New Study Reveals That Bible Prophecy Is On Target As Turkey And Other Nations Have Been Experiencing The Worst Drought It Has Ever Seen For The Past 900 Years

By Walid Shoebat Drought that began in 1998 in the eastern Mediterranean, especially in Turkey, Cyprus, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Israel and the West Bank was likely the worst of the past nine centuries, according to a study from NASA. Its called The Levant drought. The study found that the 1998-2012 period was drier than the previous driest interval in the […]

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Germany Is Not An Ally, It Is Still An Evil Nation That Wants To Control All Of Europe, The German Military Is Already Working On Creating An Elite Army Of Muslims

By Theodore Shoebat The German military is amongst the top ten most powerful militaries on earth, and in this discourse it will be seen that it is conspiring with the Muslims with the aspiration of reviving back its evil empire, whose sinister roots go back to centuries of bloodshed, genocide and the bent to destabilize […]

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Major Evangelical Leaders Are Worshiping One Gay Activist As God While He Makes Them Desecrate The Bible, And One Young Christian Is Fighting Them

By Walid Shoebat So how far will the Evangelical movement in the United States go to please the LGBT agenda? When posted this video calling for a death penalty on four homosexual wrestlers who raped two boys it upset one blaspheming homosexual and Right Wing Watch. These in turn taunt anti-gay activists within the Evangelical movement who quickly line up […]

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The Militaries Of The U.S., Turkey And Saudi Arabia And Russia And Iran Are All Surrounding To Kill Caliph Al-Baghadi

By Walid Shoebat Today the news says that the US special forces – escorted by Apache attack helicopters and heavy weapons – have arrived at Ein al-Assad airbase in Baghdadi District, west of Anbar in Iraq. The loss of Mosul and Raqqa would kill off Al-Baghdadi’s delusion of an Islamic Caliphate. Thats the plan. Then we […]

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The Evangelical Movement Is Filled With Evil And Demonic Lies, And Is Filled With Satanic Propaganda Against The Catholic Church

By Walid Shoebat Who can honestly deny that in our modern ‘civilized’ west, blaming everything on Jesuits is the most popular conspiracy theory while hating Catholics is the only accepted prejudice? While belief in the Jesuit Conspiracy has not permeated the whole culture (knock on wood), blaming everything on Jesuits is one of the most important and enduring conspiracy theories […]

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Christianity Is On The Rise In Europe, Christendom Is Going To Revive, All Christians Will Become One Again, Christ Is Going To Return With His Armies Of Saints And He Will Destroy The Antichrist.

By Walid Shoebat The Christian world will be refined as gold is refined, that is, through fire. Many forget this. And when the European Union founding father, Jean Monnet said “Crises are the great unifier” his statement came to be true. Today, we see Europeans under the pressures of homegrown terrorism. We see a massive migrant […]

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