By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special, continuation of Part I, Part II, Part III) Many Christians live their lives in confidence believing they are equipped to handle Antichrist’s deception. But after comparing the rarely discussed link, between Hitler’s Germany and the Muslim Ottomans, with what conservative movements are campaigning for today, you will reconsider, that you too, have swallowed an Antichrist bait, without […]
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Major Muslim Leaders Declare That Within SEVEN YEARS The Muslim Caliphate Will Be Established And Erdogan Will Be Caliph Of The Muslim World
Its time we put this puzzle together, especially when all these major Muslim figures are discussing that the Caliphate is to emerge in seven years from now. It could even be quicker as we see reported this morning that Erdogan’s new caliphate presidential system will be taken to a referendum in early April, just two months from […]
The Coming Beheading Of Christians Will Spread Globally With The Rise Of Populism As Biblical Prophecies And Current Trends Reveal. Turkey, Austria, Germany, France, Japan to Poland, the Philippines, and Peru, the so-called populists are on the rise
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special, continuation of Part I, Part II) Reading Revelation 20:4 reveals that Antichrist will genocide Christians by beheading them. While many know this, so few examine how the world will get to this point. Will such massive beheading only occur on Muslim soil who are accustomed to beheading? While Islam prescribes beheading, […]
Theodore Shoebat Schools Europe’s Alt-Right Neo-Nazi Leader, He Is So Embarrassed That Now He Is Threatening To Have The Video Censored
By Walid Shoebat (A Shoebat Special) Most apologists for the Alt-Right and neo-Nazi movements have a policy to shy away from serious dialogue with the opposite side, and only appear on the media of their allies. They are, after all, in the propaganda business and not truth. But to reveal the truth we initially thought to […]
The Greatest Abandonment Of Christianity In The West Is Happening And The Whole World Is Being Plunged Into Paganism As Biblical Prophecies Reveal
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special, PART II, a followup to PART I) If you think that the rise of neopaganism infesting the West is a phenomenon that prophecy missed, I have news for you. Today’s neopagan symbols honors “the Sun,” that, coupled with the Muslim world that already honors “the moon,” perhaps it is time to unlock some of […]
Photo Evidence Reveals Ft. Lauderdale Shooter Is A Muslim Terrorist
By Walid Shoebat CBS now reports: In Nov. 2016, Santiago-Ruiz walked into an FBI office in Anchorage and claimed he was being forced to fight for ISIS, law enforcement sources told CBS News. He was sent to a psychiatric hospital after police were called, sources said. He was also investigated as part of a child […]
Muslims In Poland Murdered A Polish Man. Now Scores Of Poles Are Rising And Are Combating The Muslims By Burning And Stoning Muslim Restaurants
By Walid Shoebat Perhaps a self-test is necessary as you read this story to examine who is at fault. On Sunday, a 21-year-old local resident named Daniel threw a firecracker at an Elk café called Kebab Prince in the town of Elk owned by a Muslim and managed by immigrants from Tunisia. The café staff then […]
A Horrific Storm Of Evil Is Rising Up And Is Sweeping The World, It Is Leading Europe Into The Hands Of The Antichrist
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special, PART I) There is a tremendous movement brewing across Europe and other parts of the world where the players real agenda is not so obvious to the naked eye. The Church is extremely silent not daring to expose it. And it is all focused on invading Jerusalem. People do not stop and ask: […]
BOMBSHELL: (Major Scandal Uncovered) Pamella Geller and Robert Spencer Running An International Scam Involving Neo-Nazis, Anti-Christian Neo-Pagans, MAFIA, Thuggery And Terrorism
By Theodore Shoebat And Walid Shoebat Much was written by Geller supporting the neo-Nazi EDL movement, Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll as well as Paul Weston of the British Freedom Party (BFP) which Geller out of embarrassment had to publicly disassociate with. But what we have here dwarfs all this. For the sake of space we will provide but few […]
The Russian Ambassador’s Assassin Shouted Muslim Brotherhood Slogans You Stupid Worthless Media. This Means He Is Muslim Brotherhood.
By Walid Shoebat “Allah Akbar” yells Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş, a former police officer after he shot the Russian ambassador “Andrei Karlov” at the Turkish capital Ankara. He then shouts the popular Muslim Brotherhood favorite Nasheed (hymnal) “Nahnu Allatheena Baya’u Mohammedan A’lal-Jihadi Ma Baqqayna Abada”. English: We are the ones who gave our allegiance (Bay’at) to Muhammad to continue our […]
Jesus Christ Declared That Turkey Is The Seat Of Satan, He Will Return And Destroy The Satanic Empire Of Islam
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special PART II Continuation of PART I) When it comes to making it to heaven the two schools in Christendom offer the same exact view with two slightly different takes. While both Catholics and Protestants teach that “believing in Christ” takes one to heaven; the slight difference is that the Catholic school teaches that the word “believe” […]
Muslims Are Already Worshipping Erdogan. Is Erdogan The Antichrist? Does He Fit All The Scriptural Proofs?
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special PART I) Holy Smokes! Is this man, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Antichrist, who will demand worship in the Temple of God? Heck, Erdoğan is already accepting to be worshipped. But people still insist asking me: is he the Antichrist? Well, what we do know is that Turkey will produce the Antichrist. If you […]
The Rise Of Antichrist And How Will Donald Trump Deal With Him According To Biblical Prophecies (Learn A Secret On How To Predict The Future)
By Walid Shoebat So how will the Donald deal with the Kurds (wanting a state), Russia (wanting to expand) and Turkey (wanting to revive an Islamic empire and is already encroaching into Syria and Iraq) and including but not limited to the Russian-Turkish alliance which some fear is the “Magog Alliance”? These are some hefty issues […]
Is Donald Trump The Great Monarch Or A Cyrus As Predicted By So Many Prophecies? Is He One Of The Seven Shepherds Who Will Defeat The Antichrist?
By Walid Shoebat (A Shoebat Christmas Special) So is Donald Trump the Great Monarch, the Cyrus of our times (Isaiah 45:1,2) who was ordained in this hour to be a blessing to the nations? There has been much fascination over the rise the “great monarch,” a Christian King who is foretold to set up a new social order upon […]
Get Ready: Donald Trump’s Appointing Gen. James Mattis Is Prepping For The Coming War With Indonesia And Islam’s “Two Hundred Million Man Army”
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) Since prophecy dictates that a “two hundred million man army” will be coming against “Jerusalem” should we then wonder why Donald Trump is appointing “General James “Mad Dog” Mattis as defense secretary? This coming threat mandates the U.S. restrengthen for an upcoming time of war. It is not just “the economy stupid,” scriptures insists that […]
Muslim Declares War On Christmas Becomes Demonically Possessed Then Dies With Utter Horror On His Face Proving That All Who Hate Christmas Do Not Want To Make America GREAT AGAIN
By Walid Shoebat (A Shoebat Christmas Special) When the world renown anti-Christian, Muslim zealot, Ahmad Deedat, like a rabid dog, condemned Christians for celebrating Christmas on December 25th, he ended up a horrible death (watch the video below this video). Here is the end of Ahmad Deedat, the man who mocked celebrating on December 25th. Years […]