The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation

Video: Egypt’s ‘Jon Stewart’ ripping the Muslim Brotherhood

His name is Bassem Youssef and he has been likened to The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart, a left-leaning comedian. Earlier this week, we posted video of Stewart ripping Egypt’s Mohammed Morsi for the arrest of Youssef, who allegedly insulted Morsi and Islam. Now, via MEMRI, we have video of Youssef from February in which he […]

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Pssssst. ‘Gate to Hell’ confirmed (it’s in Turkey)

12 “And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write, ‘These things says He who has the sharp two-edged sword: 13 “I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is. – Revelation 2:12-13 Well isn’t this an interesting development? Via Fox News: A “gate to hell” has emerged from ruins in […]

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Getting closer to why the U.S. Continues to support Syrian Rebels

Before checking out Diana West’s article entitled, Uncle Sam and the Saudi Crescent, consider op-eds penned by former president George W. Bush and his former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice last year; both were bizarre. In May, Bush expressed his continued support for the ‘Arab Spring’ and then in November, Rice continued arguing in support […]

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Jon Stewart RIPs Mohammed Morsi for jailing Egypt’s ‘Jon Stewart’

File this story in the ‘people wake up when tragedy hits a little too close to home’ department. Bassem Youssef is regarded as the ‘Jon Stewart of Egypt’. He’s also appeared on Jon Stewart’s program. When Bassam was arrested last week for insulting Egypt’s president Mohammed Morsi, it made news. It apparently also struck a […]

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Video: Smoking, Eight year-old Syrian Rebel learns how to blow things up while shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’

Apparently, Syrian rebels are breeding their children to become little smoking terrorists. In this case, the child is eight years-old and carries around a rifle while blowing things up and chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he does so. Via Ynet: He was meant to start school, learn how to read and write and meet friends. Instead […]

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Convict Murders his father in Church on Easter Sunday in the name of ‘Allah’

Reshad Riddle entered a local church in Ashtabula, OH on Easter Sunday and shot his own father dead while referring to it as ‘the will of Allah’. This would mean that Riddle was doing Allah’s will, would it not? Via Huffington Post: An ex-convict charged with killing his father at an Easter Sunday church service […]

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Is Boko Haram making Southward gains in Nigeria?

When it comes to the African country of Nigeria and its problems with the barbaric Boko Haram, it has historically been a problem for the north to be more concerned about. In the map below, you can see the city of Kano in north central Nigeria. However, these problems appear to be moving southward with […]

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Ben Barrack’s ‘Resurrection Day’ Show

There is an old saying that goes, “The truth always comes out.” 2000 years ago, the truth in the flesh was crucified but then the truth came out on resurrection day. Today, the truth is being crucified on nearly every front but make no mistake… It will come out. Such was the theme of Barrack’s […]

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Video: Egyptian Preacher calls for Arrest of Mohammed Morsi from Tahrir Square

During Friday prayer in Tahrir Square, this Egyptian preacher made it quite clear he didn’t have much respect for Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed Morsi. Here is a portion of what he said about his country’s president: “He is an elementary-school dropout. He is mentally insane.” If you believe in the notion of ‘what goes around […]

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Outrage: Defense Department rationale for why Fort Hood Jihad victims shouldn’t receive Purple Hearts

Ben Barrack This new development further demonstrates at least two realities. First, when the United States was hit on 9/11/01, declaring war on “terror” instead of on the actual enemy, was a grave mistake. Second, that mistake is being grossly exploited with legalese and political correctness, this time coming from the Department of Defense (DOD). […]

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Zawahiri: Coming to Egypt

By Walid Shoebat Several Egyptian newspapers like Masr Al-Jadeeda, Al-Istiklal and Medan had published the story of a secret meeting between Ayman Zawahiri, the main man in Al-Qaeda and Muhammad Morsi of Egypt in Pakistan. Morsi – according to the reports – had secretly met with Ayman Zawahiri, the leader of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda […]

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Video: Full Pallywood lesson in under 60 Seconds

If you want a lesson on how Pallywood works – from start to finish – in less time than it takes to watch a :60 commercial, be sure to view the video below. Step 1: Palestinians gather together and individually attempt to provoke Israelis. In this case, a Palestinian is hurling rocks at those he’s […]

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We Are Above the Law (So Say the Saudis)

By Walid Shoebat There is immense public and even governmental support for terrorists and criminals who originate from Saudi Arabia, a country that prides itself on Sharia and moral values. The irony of the cases we present is that not one of these Saudi nationals sentenced for crimes and even terrorism charges in the United […]

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Virtue is Freedom

By Keith Davies I was watching the Bill O’Reilly show last night (Tuesday March 26) and was struck by how he abandoned his own conscience by dismissing a fundamental tenet of his faith as a Catholic. He separated himself from his own faith and stated his own ambivalence to homosexual marriage. Is that really ‘lookin’ […]

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