The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation

Confirmed: Al Gore is Evil; Silent on Al Jazeera’s Yusuf Al Qaradawi programming

Would you give a larger platform to an entity that regularly features an imam who says people who leave Islam should be crucified, by doing business with that entity? Al Gore would… and did when he sold CURRENT TV to Al Jazeera. Now he’s silent when asked about that despicable reality. Via The Daily Caller: […]

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Must-See Videos from the ‘Investigate Al Jazeera Now’ National Press Conference

Some might remember a letter sent by Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival to the new House Homeland Security Committee chairman, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), demanding an investigation into the sale of CURRENT TV to Al-Jazeera by Al Gore and his partners. Walid was also a signatory to that letter. McCaul failed to respond to the […]

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Did John Brennan’s actions play a role in Benghazi attacks?

When coupled with the shocking claim by John Guandolo, that Barack Obama’s chief counterterrorism adviser John Brennan, converted to Islam while a station chief in Saudi Arabia in the 1990’s, some of the details released from a new book written by a retired Green Beret and a Navy SEAL may take on added significance. Among […]

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Imam praised by Chris Christie to speak at Muslim Brotherhood event

Imam Mohammad Qatanani is the guy in New Jersey whom Governor Chris Christie has consistently defended and praised against those concerned with Qatanani’s ties to Hamas. Chris Christie infamously referred to people with such concerns as ‘crazies’ he was ‘tired of dealing’ with when he was asked about his appointment of Qatanani’s lawyer – Sohail […]

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Revisiting Boehner’s response to Huma Abedin question, in light of claim that John Brennan converted to Islam

In light of the shocking claim by John Guandolo, that he has sources who claim to have witnessed Barack Obama’s nominee for CIA Director – John Brennan – convert to Islam, the issue of Huma Abedin’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood should gain more credence. In particular, let’s revisit House Speaker John Boehner’s response to […]

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Mission to Rescue Ryan Stanton

** Update: Mission Success! ** Watch This Video: ————————————————– Ryan Stanton is a sixteen year-old boy who was falsely accused of Blasphemy under Pakistan Law section 295-C on 10th October, 2012. Immediately upon the breaking news of this case, our Pakistan partners contacted us about the possibility of us helping which we immediately agreed to. […]

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Nazi Style Government Will Be In Middle East

By Theodore Shoebat Twenty churches have been destroyed, abandoned, or damaged, and one hundred Christians have been murdered, in Syria. This is only going to get more and more severe as Islamic fundamentalism continuously wrests the Middle East. The patriarch of Antioch, Gregorios III, made this statement: Many of our sons have been kidnapped, and […]

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Tolerance Will Lead To Islamic Invasion

By Theodore Shoebat Today the modern church is worshipping tolerance. Why is this dangerous? History tells us the consequence of tolerating evil religions–in today’s case Islam. When the Byzantine emperor Heraclius defeated the Persian king Chosroes, the head of paganism in the Near East was given a fatal blow. The Devil thus ushered in a […]

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Shocking Claim: John Guandolo says Obama’s nominee for CIA Director converted to Islam

John Guandolo is not just some guy with an opinion; he’s a guy with sources who have access to the highest levels of government; he’s a guy who has a resume that is beyond impressive; and he’s a guy who claims to know people with firsthand accounts who say they witnessed John Brennan – Barack […]

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Defense Secretary Panetta: Obama and Hillary Absent during Benghazi attack

During the presidential primary campaign of 2008, a central debate issue was who was more qualified to answer that 3am phone call as president. Barack or Hillary? Based on Senate testimony given by Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta about the Benghazi attacks on 9/11, neither Barack nor Hillary is qualified. These are really fascinating admissions. […]

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Video: Rand Paul says he believes Obama administration involved in ‘Gun Running operation… in Benghazi’

Save for Republican Senator Rand Paul, the Senate Foreign Relations committee blew the opportunity to find out what was really going on in that Benghazi annex before the 9/11 attacks. Here is Paul on Fox News, talking about some strong evidence that weapons were being shipped from that annex to Turkey. When Hillary Clinton played […]

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Egyptian Prime Minister: Unclean Breasts cause diarrhea in newborns

If you’ve ever held the belief that the reason newborn babies have diarrhea is because their bodies are so under-developed, it’s time to re-think your paradigm. According to Egypt’s new Prime Minister, the cause is the unclean breasts of the mothers. The best part? The Prime Minister is a PhD. Via Al Arabiya: The PhD […]

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Video: Son of Blind Sheikh says leaving his father imprisoned is ‘direct affront to Islam’, sounds like Ground Zero mosque Imam

The Blind Sheikh – Omar Abdel Rahman – was convicted to life in prison for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The plan was to blow up one tower and have it collapse on the other tower. His intent was the same as those who took down both towers in 2001. Fast […]

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