The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation

CAIR New York goes after both U.S. Senators from New York (Democrats) for supporting Israel

Muslim Brotherhood groups in America have overwhelmingly found the Democratic Party to be the most welcoming party when it comes to the Muslim agenda in the United States. New York’s two U.S. Senators (Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand), who are both Democrats, are catching some flak from the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) for […]

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Video: Unhinged, Pro-Palestinian miscreant attacks 62 year-old man for filming anti-Israel demonstration

This short video of an anti-Israel demonstration in San Francisco picks up at the :45 mark when a protester (sex unknown) assaults a 62 year-old man, knocking down his camera and then kicking him. Watch to the end as you can see what a completely irrational human being looks like. Someone needs an intervention. **Language […]

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Video: Turkey’s Islamist Prime Minister condemns Israel for defending itself

Just to show that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s hatred for Israel is nothing new, take a look at this diatribe from 2010, in which he condemned Israel for defending itself during the now infamous flotilla blockade days earlier. Despite IDF video that vindicated the Israelis, Erdogan accused them of lying. Fast forward to […]

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Video: MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow doesn’t know what started fighting in Gaza

Israel reached its breaking point after years of Hamas rockets being fired into its civilian neighborhoods. It responded with a precision strike that killed the Hamas Military Commander. Yet, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow behaves as if Israel’s assassination of a terrorist organization’s leader is responsible for the fighting. Flat. Out. Lie. h/t WZ

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Forget Susan Rice; who gave Jay Carney his September 14th talking points?

As a direct result of the November 16th testimony given to House and Senate Intelligence committees by former CIA Director David Petraeus, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice has come under the public spotlight. Everyone wants to know who altered her talking points prior to her five Sunday show appearances on September 16th, five days after the […]

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Turkey’s Erdogan calls Israel a ‘terrorist state’; State Department spokesman refuses to condemn

Hours after Turkish Prime Minister Recip Tayyip Erdogan referred to Israel as a ‘terrorist state’, State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland was confronted by fiery AP reporter Matt Lee, who has had more than a few run-ins with Nuland over matters relative to State’s policies toward Israel. First, what Erdogan said via Reuters: “Those who associate […]

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Video: CNN’s Anderson Cooper in Retraction mode for airing Pallywood scene

CNN’s Anderson Cooper has now retracted some Pallywood footage aired during one of his newscasts. We blogged about the incident in question back on November 17th. The BBC captured a Palestinian man in Gaza being carried away by other Palestinians. Moments later, the man was up and walking around as if nothing happened. Cooper’s report […]

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What do CNN and Innocence of Muslims filmmaker share in Common?

On September 11, 2012 attacks on U.S. embassies took place all across the Middle East (Benghazi was a coordinated terrorist attack), most notably in Cairo. Attackers blamed an anti-Muhammad video called Innocence of Muslims. Magically, those who laid siege were not responsible for their own actions. There was evidence of foul play in the video’s […]

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Pallywood on Steroids: Hamas kills Palestinian child, blames Israel; CNN once again pushing lies

Before proceeding, it might be worth taking a look at this post, which exposes CNN’s Anderson Cooper as being involved in a report that used at least one staged scene in which a Palestinian man in Gaza faked an injury in order to portray Israeli oppression. The other person of import here is CNN correspondent […]

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Video: CNN uses fraudulent Pallywood footage which makes Anderson Cooper’s report fraudulent

Earlier this week, we posted BBC footage that showed Pallywood on full display. A man in Gaza, allegedly injured, was carried away by several other men, only to be seen walking around moments later as if nothing happened. Whomever was responsible for running video footage during this Anderson Cooper news segment should be out of […]

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