The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


Venezuela Declares Attempt To Switch To Fully Digital Currency

According to a story reported by Bloomberg, the South American nation of Venezuela, which has been suffering from veritable civil war for years now alongside the complete destruction of her currency, recently saw interesting statements from President Maduro, which said that he is planning to switch Venezuela to a fully digital currency. Venezuela’s government is […]

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Rheinmetall Gets Major Contract To Build Heavy-Duty Tractor-Trailers

There were several interesting movements taking place in the military equipment and supplier industries this week, but one that caught my attention in particular was that for Rheinmetall, a major German military-industrial supplier that I have warned about, based on my reviews, could become another IG Farben type company as she seems to be receiving […]

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Russia Furious At Azerbaijan After Helicopter Shot Down

The situation in Nagorno-Karabakh is far from over. While Azerbaijan may have won, Russia’s entrance into Armenia is the beginning of potentially something much more serious. Armenia and Azerbaijan were both part of the Soviet Union until her breakup in 1991. Azerbaijan, a Shiite Muslim nation culturally influenced by the Persians, ethnically influenced by the […]

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German Magazine Proposes Increased Shedding Of “German Guilt”, Greater Bundeswehr Role Abroad

It could be said that historically speaking, there are two modes of German history and self-perception. One is a mode of self-abuse and suicidal inclinations. The other mode is one of abusing one’s neighbors and murderous behavior. Certainly there are many examples behavior in between, but the fact is that these two strong passions give […]

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Waiting On The Third Check

First there was one check. Now, a second check. But not to worry if a third check will come, for as CNET news reports, there are already plans from the upcoming Biden administration for a third simulus check, similar to the $2000 stimulus check proposed by Trump and was recently voted down. Will the US […]

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Even Carl Bernstein Says That The Recent ‘Trump Tapes’ Are Awful

Yesterday, I wrote that Trump’s questionable phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger was at best highly questionable, and at worse, evidence of criminal behavior that in combination with other concerns about Trump, could be used against him to put him in jail or face other criminal penalties. I’m not a legal expert, […]

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Germany Approves One Billion Euros Worth Of Arms Deals To The Middle East

The USA, Russia, China, France, and Germany represent the largest arms dealers in the world, selling guns to many different nations and as a result, often times fueling conflicts for better or too often, for worse, especially from a humanitarian perspective. As Germany is also a major industrial nation, given that she is the industrial […]

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Humanitarian Crisis Explodes In Tigray, NGOs Cut Off From Access

  While life continues for most of the world, the northern Ethiopian region of Tigray has been wracked with horrendous violence following the recent conflict there that is potentially provoking another refugee crisis and wave of migration out of Africa. According to the National Catholic Reporter, the humanitarian crisis is growing as international aid agencies […]

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Did Trump Just Try To Commit Fraud?

It is noted that given the tremendous questionable patterns of voting behavior, there were a lot of ‘funny’ things that went on in the 2020 election that likely contributed to a Biden victory. This is very wrong, and needs to be investigated because there are many claims, not enough answers, and a lot of genuine […]

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Report- Religious Persecution Will Significantly Worsen In China And India

Religious persecution is increasing around the world, but China and India are two major hot spots to watch, since there is open hatred for all things Christian in both nations, and there has been no secret made, barely hidden, that there is a long-term plan to eventually exterminate Christianity and Christians from both nations in […]

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Turkmenistan Prepares To Build New Highway Network Connecting Turkey To Central Asia And East Asia

Turkmenistan is one of the most centrally controlled nations in the world, akin to North Korea. This nation, home of President Gurbanguly Berkhimudrov who recently declared that licorice root could cure COVID, has put forth a new plan to build a highway network connecting Turkey, beginning at the Caspian Sea coastline, by road to Afghanistan […]

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Jewish Man Arrested For Hate Crimes After Vandalizing, Burglarizing Four Synagogues In Crime Rampage

A Jewish man in New York City has been arrested for hate crimes after going on a crime spree vandalizing and burglarizing four synagogues. A Jewish Brooklyn man faces hate crime charges for allegedly scrawling messages on four synagogues, and burglarizing one of them, during an hour-long crime spree. Emil Benjamin, 39, was charged Thursday […]

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Censorship In The Name Of ‘Free Expression’ Is The Newest One Yet

One of the trends that I have discussed is long-term moves toward the return of Russia to Soviet times, and with that, the return of Soviet tactics such as not seen since the Cold War. Given that the only real major exports which Russia has are cheap guns, cheap vodka, and AIDS-infected prostitutes (ask yourself, […]

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