Tag Archives | anderson cooper

Pallywood Strikes Again with ‘Foot Soldier’

You can always tell when those Palestinians are desperate. They use the Pallywood card like the left in America uses the race card. It’s sure to come out when it’s the last card to play. The Palestinians’ latest attempt at blood libel brings a whole new meaning to the term ‘foot soldier’. Time to tweet […]

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About that CNN Hit Piece on Michele Bachmann…

Ben Barrack First of all, that CNN in general – Anderson Cooper in particular – is given any credibility is amazing in itself. CNN has a history of featuring dishonest flacks and news stories. Consider what Drew Griffin did to Walid Shoebat and Sarah Palin or what Sara Sidner reported from Gaza, or the Pallywood […]

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Video: CNN’s Anderson Cooper in Retraction mode for airing Pallywood scene

CNN’s Anderson Cooper has now retracted some Pallywood footage aired during one of his newscasts. We blogged about the incident in question back on November 17th. The BBC captured a Palestinian man in Gaza being carried away by other Palestinians. Moments later, the man was up and walking around as if nothing happened. Cooper’s report […]

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Video: CNN uses fraudulent Pallywood footage which makes Anderson Cooper’s report fraudulent

Earlier this week, we posted BBC footage that showed Pallywood on full display. A man in Gaza, allegedly injured, was carried away by several other men, only to be seen walking around moments later as if nothing happened. Whomever was responsible for running video footage during this Anderson Cooper news segment should be out of […]

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Shoebat Exclusive: Michele Bachmann’s Critics are ‘Lions in Peace but Deer in Fight’

Walid Shoebat While there are many chickens standing in line to peck at Rep. Michele Bachmann’s head while calling her shameful and demanding that she “fess up or shut up” perhaps its time to ask such ‘truth-phobic’ critics why they’ve chosen to indignantly point to “character assassination” when they, themselves are the actual practitioners of […]

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Video: Wafa Sultan exposes Religious Bigotry of Omar Bakri Muhammad

The left loves to point to the Christian right as a group of intolerant bigots who want to impose their beliefs on others. In reality, though Christians are commanded to hold very strict beliefs while ministering to others, they are absolutely not commanded to impose those beliefs on others or subjugate those who fail to […]

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Shoebat.com Response to CNN Smear Campaign

We’ve added a video to show to illustrate the integrity of the Journalist whom seemed intent on smearing the Walid Shoebat Foundation…. Click here to view: http://shoebat.org/videos/drewGriffin.php We have also replaced our “home page” temporarily with a ‘response’ article written by Walid Shoebat (http://shoebat.org/), from here you can view how absurd the smear campaign is, […]

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CNN to air attack of Walid Shoebat tonight (7/12/11) prompted by CAIR

Click here for accompanying video and other links: http://www.shoebat.com/videos/CairNewsNetwork.php Anderson Cooper 360 show at 10 p.m. on CNN tonight (7/12/11) will attempt to attack Walid’s credibility and advocate for the “Taxpayers” for inviting and paying him to speak for the Department of Homeland Security. They will be insinuating that this is a waste of tax […]

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