Tag Archives | Barack Obama

Christophobia at Florida Atlantic University: Obama Sycophant requires students to stomp on word “Jesus”

Imagine, if you will, the following scenario: A university professor instructs all of his students to write the word “Muhammad” on a sheet of paper, place that sheet on the ground, and stomp on it. Then imagine that a Muslim student who refused to do so was suspended for not doing so. Then, the student […]

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Obama speaks under large banner of man who claimed to fight for Hitler ally

While visiting Israel this week, Barack Obama spoke alongside Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority. Hanging directly behind and above Obama was a larger-than-life-sized poster of Yasser Arafat. Based on Arafat’s ideology and at least one of his mentors, there’s not much difference between a banner of Arafat and one of Hitler. Arafat once boasted […]

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White House map of Israel leaves out Jerusalem, Golan Heights

In a White House video intended to preview Barack Obama’s trip to Israel and Jordan, Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes appears as maps of the region are shown to viewers. Conspicuously absent in the map of Israel is significant portions of… Israel. Here is a screenshot of the map that was shown as Rhodes […]

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Did Senator accuse Barack Obama of Manslaughter in Benghazi?

It’s now a matter of record that Barack Obama made no phone calls during the many hours that transpired during the 9/11/12 Benghazi attacks. What’s also now a matter of record is the fact that Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) – whether he realizes it or not – seems to have made the case for Obama’s […]

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Source: Terrorists in Algeria used weapons provided to Libyan rebels by NATO

The ‘unintended’ consequences of the Obama-backed NATO effort in Libya apparently didn’t stop with the murder of four Americans in Benghazi. If reports are correct, weapons funneled to Libyan rebels by NATO may have been used in the recent terrorist attack / hostage crisis in Algeria. Via the Telegraph: Many of the Islamist terrorists shot […]

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Kupelian Asks: Why ISN’T Obama considered the first Muslim President?

If Bill Clinton was the first black President (even though his skin color belied the notion), why can’t Barack Obama be the first Muslim President, even though his Muslim father gives the president a legitimate claim to being Muslim? Shouldn’t Muslims be offended that he is not referred to as such. Why the hypersensitivity when […]

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George Bush’s Dubai Ports World deal vs. Al Gore’s Al Jazeera deal

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a mere 236 miles east of Doha, Qatar, where the headquarters of Al Jazeera is located. After the sale of Al Gore’s Current TV to the Arabic news network, Al Jazeera America is expected to broadcast from New York. Via World Atlas: In 2006, the Dubai Ports World (DPW) […]

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Responsibly Irresponsible and Insanely Sane

Keith Davies As I view the world and what is happening in every facet of society and politics, it seems everything that should make sense doesn’t. Every proposed solution to an issue will actually make whatever the problem is worse than it was before. Yet, the intellectual elites and the political class seem to think […]

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Syrian Rebels now outwardly Pledging Allegiance to Al-Qaeda in droves

As the Obama State Department was forced to acknowledge that Al-Qaeda in Iraq is part of the rebel fighting force in Syria, more than two dozen other rebel groups are now officially in support of Al-Qaeda there. The main Syrian opposition group – the Free Syrian Army (FSA) – appears to be among them. Via […]

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Liberal writer David Ignatius: Obama ‘enabl(ing)’ Muslim Brotherhood

Liberal Washington Post writer David Ignatius is coming to an interesting realization – Barack Obama is enabling the Muslim Brotherhood. Duh, David. We non-elites outside of Washington, DC have been sounding that alarm for quite some time. Don’t let us get in your way, though. Hit us with some brilliance. Via WaPo: How did Washington […]

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Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi in distress; Obama administration sending reinforcements

It cannot be underscored enough when digesting the story below that the wife of Egypt’s President, Mohammed Morsi, and the mother of Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff – Huma Abedin – are close colleagues as leaders in the Muslim Sisterhood. Barack Obama has also defended Huma. Now, with that as a backdrop, a question: […]

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Weeping for our Nation

Keith Davies What has become of us as a nation? Everywhere I look I see dishonor, dishonesty, corruption and malfeasance, both in our Government and in our society. America has become more wicked and self-centered than righteous. America has turned away from our founding principles; it has turned away from liberty and justice for all, […]

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Video: Obama admits that Susan Rice was Sent, not Sought, to speak on Sunday talk shows about Benghazi

The Weekly Standard’s Daniel Harper finds something cleverly hidden in plain sight here. It also might help explain why Barack Obama doesn’t like to answer tough questions; he reveals more than he’d like to even when he’s doing all he can not to. At an otherwise predictably controlled news conference, Obama was asked by ABC’s […]

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How Obama could lose the Media on Benghazi-gate in his second term

In Lyndon Johnson’s second term, it was his failures in Vietnam; Watergate broke in Richard Nixon’s first term but took him down after reelection; Iran-Contra dogged Ronald Reagan; Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice late in his second term; and George W. Bush’s second term was marred by failures in Iraq, […]

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Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: Timing of Petraeus ‘Affair’ wreaks of Chicago-style politics

During an interview with Neil Cavuto, retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters chimed in on the timing of the news of CIA Director David Petraeus’ extra-marital affair. Citing his experience as an intelligence analyst, Peters seems to think that the Obama administration has likely known about this affair for some time but revealed it less than […]

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