Conservatives find it so refreshing when a liberal outlet performs what is called – in the parlance of Rush Limbaugh – a ‘random act of journalism’ that they’re often willing to overlook the history of the individual who supposedly committed it. CNN’s Drew Griffin appeared to commit a ‘random act of journalism’ when he reported […]
Tag Archives | Benghazi
Gartenstein-Ross gives 2-wrd Response to our 16-Pg Rpt
It’s probably a safe bet that Daveed Gartenstein-Ross didn’t see much value in reading our June 30th report but he was asked to do so – and respond in writing – by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) at a House Joint Subcommittee hearing on July 10th. Much has transpired since that time but let’s go back […]

Frank Wolf asks his last Benghazi Question of the Day
Today, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) asked his last Benghazi Question of the day, which had to do with information presented in a CNN report yesterday from Jake Tapper. That report suggests that CIA officials who were on the ground in Benghazi are being intimidated into silence. Via Wolf’s website: Why are these heroes being told […]
Trey Gowdy talks ‘Phony’ Benghazi and IRS Scandals
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) appeared with Greta Van Susteren to talk about Obama’s reference to ‘phony scandals’ and said that the Obama administration is actually changing the names of Benghazi witnesses and scattering them across the country. The conversation starts with whether the IRS scandal is ‘phony’ and then turns to Benghazi at about the […]

Frank Wolf: Benghazi Question #11
Rep. Frank Wolf took to the House floor again today for his Benghazi Question of the Day, his eleventh such question. Wolf’s latest question, which was quite simple, had to do with who in the White House knew what was going on at the CIA Annex. Via Wolf’s site: Who in the White House knew […]
Congressional Witness tries to debunk Benghazi report
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross Fails to Scratch the Surface in response to our work on Benghazi By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack INTRODUCTION Daveed Gartenstein-Ross testified as an expert witness at a recent House Joint Subcommittee hearing about Benghazi. A couple of weeks later, he wrote an article entitled “Rumor Busting” and attempted to discredit our reports […]
Jason Chaffetz gives hat tip to CNN on Benghazi
Rep. Jason Chaffetz is giving CNN kudos for the work of one of the network’s reporters. This entry is a continuation of this post from just a couple hours earlier. In short, CNN reporter Arwa Damon spent two hours interviewing a ‘lead suspect’ in the Benghazi attack. This morning, CNN’s John King mentioned it but […]
CNN Interviews ‘lead suspect’ in Benghazi attacks
Quite a chain of events took place today. First, CNN’s John King reported that Arwa Damon, a CNN colleague of his went to Benghazi and interviewed a ‘lead suspect’ in the attacks for two hours. During this interview, King did not name the suspect but relayed that this individual said he had not been contacted […]

Frank Wolf: Benghazi Question #10
Rep. Frank Wolf took to the House floor again today for his Benghazi Question of the Day, his tenth such question. The subject of Wolf’s latest question had to do with why there was a CIA Annex in Benghazi to begin with. Wolf also wanted to know if the annex was involved in weapons collections […]

Frank Wolf: Benghazi Question #9
Rep. Frank Wolf took to the House floor again today for his Benghazi Question of the Day, his ninth such question. The subject of Wolf’s latest question was based on a report by Sharyl Attkisson of CBS. In that report, Atkisson cited unnamed senior administration officials who admitted that “mistakes” had been made on 9/11/12 […]
Blind Sheikh and EXHIBIT Z of our Benghazi Report
The Blind Sheikh (Omar Abdel Rahman) is prominently featured in our original report, Ironclad: Egypt Involved in Benghazi Attacks. Now, we’d like to draw your attention to the name Mohammed al-Zawahiri. He is the younger brother of al-Qaeda’s number one, Ayman al-Zawahiri. Check out what Thomas Jocelyn of the Long War Journal has to say […]
Gohmert raises Blind Sheikh angle in Benghazi attack
Rep. Louie Gohmert appeared on America’s News HQ this weekend on the Fox News Channel to talk about the Benghazi attack and the recent coming forward of David Ubben, one of the survivors from that night. Toward the end of this clip (starting at the 1:55 mark), Gohmert starts asking questions about why there wasn’t […]
Slew of Muslim Brotherhood Documents loose in Benghazi
Benghazi is in the news again but not because of 9/11/12. After a prominent anti-Muslim Brotherhood figure was assassinated, his supporters descended on the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood there and trashed it. Consequently, what appears to be tens of thousands – if not hundreds of thousands – of documents have been strewn about outside. […]

Hillary on Trayvon vs. Hillary on Benghazi
Hillary Clinton’s views on the death of Trayvon Martin compared to how she apparently sees the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi makes for an interesting juxtaposition. The Obama administration’s Justice Department conspired to gin up animus toward George Zimmerman, the man who killed Martin. Minority communities demanded justice; the New Black Panthers put a […]
Benghazi Survivor David Ubben coming forward
His name is David Ubben. Like former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Ubben went to the Special Mission Compound (SMC) to help save people. Also like Woods and Doherty, Ubben fought attackers from a rooftop back at the CIA Annex. Unlike his two brave colleagues, Ubben survived, though he was gravely wounded. To […]
Pat Smith to Obama: My Son is Dead, that’s not Phony
Pat Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, one of Benghazi’s four deceased victims appeared on Fox News Channel today with Stuart Varney. She was asked to give her reaction to Barack Obama’s reference to “phony scandals” on the campaign trail… uh…. well, during a speech. Americans who can process information separate from their brain stems […]