Tag Archives | Benghazi

USA Today: Mursi under Criminal Investigation

We very well may be witnessing a game of chicken between Egypt’s interim government / Military and the Obama administration. Not long after State Department spokesman Jen “the Lackey” Psaki called for the release of ousted Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed Mursi, Egypt seems to be upping the ante a bit. Not only is Mursi not […]

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Today’s Ben Barrack show

On Today’s show… Conspiracy by the DOJ to railroad George Zimmerman. What does the willingness of the DOJ to engage in conspiracies (Fast and Furious) say about the possibility that the attacks in Benghazi had to do with a conspiracy? Evidence is mounting… Also, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) introduced our report on Egypt’s involvement in […]

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Prosecuting Mursi over Benghazi… in Egypt?

The Egyptian military is open to doing the will of its people when its people show up in the streets and number in the tens of millions. These people are not the least bit happy with Barack Obama or U.S. Ambassador Anne Patterson. Since Mohammed Mursi’s removal, Obama has been playing with a bit of […]

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Rubio helps Hillary… again

Marco Rubio (R-FL) has hit rock bottom and continues to dig. Earlier this year at a Senate Foreign Relations committee hearing, Rubio rolled over and let former Secretary of State rub his belly during the five minutes he had to demand answers about Benghazi. This week, the same committee held a confirmation hearing for former […]

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Witnesses to Benghazi Attack: Ambassador specifically Targeted

Witnesses to what happened in Benghazi on 9/11/12 will absolutely play a part in getting to the truth. In addition to putting the video below in this post, we have also introduced it as EXHIBIT Y in our report / case against Egypt, Mohammed Mursi, and Ansar al-Sharia Egypt in the deaths of four Americans […]

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Senators inept while questioning Nuland on Benghazi

When it came to the manipulation of the Benghazi talking points, former State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland’s name surfaced in emails. In those emails, Nuland appeared to be an intermediary between the State Department and the C.I.A. On July 11th, Nuland appeared in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for her confirmation hearing after […]

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Ben Barrack appears on KTEK in Houston about Benghazi

After learning that Rep. Dana Rohrabacher had introduced our report into the Congressional record during a Foreign Affairs Joint Subcommittee hearing, Ben Barrack appeared on the Price of Business with Kevin Price on KTEK 1110 in Houston to talk about it. Here is segment 1: Here is segment 2:

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Compromise: Release Mursi… then Extradite him

Today, State Department spokesman Barack Obama Jen Psaki said the Egyptian military needs to release Mohammed Mursi and Muslim Brotherhood prisoners. In the exchange below, Psaki quietly dropped a bombshell relative to the Obama administration’s policy toward Egypt. Suddenly, after claiming that it was not taking sides, the administration is now demanding that the Egyptian […]

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Is Egypt, Mursi open to ICC Prosecution over Benghazi?

By Bob Michael Recently, I wrote a piece on the murder of our American compatriots and Ambassador in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. In that writing I asserted that American government persons were guilty as principals in those murders. At the time of the writing the on-scene co-principals of our government were not known […]

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Zimmerman, Egypt, and behavioral patterns

Eric Holder’s fingerprints may be on a smoking gun in the Zimmerman case. That smoking gun implicates the Department of Justice (DOJ) in a conspiracy to rub raw the sores of racial discontent against George Zimmerman in Sanford, FL. The irony is that the evidence implicating Holder’s DOJ may be stronger than the evidence implicating […]

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Rohrabacher cites Shoebat’s work on Benghazi in Hearing

At a House Foreign Affairs Joint Subcommittee hearing into the Benghazi attacks this week, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) introduced our report into the Congressional record. Upon doing so, Rohrabacher made the findings of our report the central focus of his exchange with witnesses. The witness list included Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, Director of the Center for the […]

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Janine Turner interviews Walid Shoebat about Egypt

Janine Turner interviewed Walid on her radio show today. They spoke on a wide array of topics to include what’s going on in Egypt, Obama’s Muslim family and why it’s so taboo to talk about the president’s Muslim background. New questions about what happened in Benghazi also came up. Is it a good thing to […]

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Where are the Egyptians Libyan Document says were arrested over Benghazi?

In our recent report, Ironclad: Egypt involved in Benghazi attacks, we made reference to and posted an image of a Libyan Intelligence document penned on 9/15/12. The document implicated Mohammed Mursi, then president of Egypt, and Ansar al-Sharia Egypt, along with several members of that terrorist cell. What we have done is updated that post […]

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Benghazi, Egypt, and that Innocence of Muslims Video

When it comes to the Benghazi attacks, the evidence against Egypt and its former president Mohammed Mursi is overwhelming. Based on that newly discovered reality that the Obama administration must have known, the administration didn’t just cover up for Ansar al-Sharia; it covered for Mursi too. Not only did it cover up for Mursi but […]

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Walid Talks Egypt and Benghazi with Janet Parshall

Walid appeared on In the Market with Janet Parshall today to discuss the latest developments in Egypt from both a political and Biblical perspective (Isaiah 19). Be sure to listen all the way to the end as the conversation turns toward the increasingly mounting evidence that Egypt in general, Mohammed Mursi in particular, was involved […]

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