By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack When it comes to Middle East coverage, the western media is plagued with incompetent journalists (if in doubt, read here) who rarely do their homework. Today, there is no such thing as “professional journalism”. There are supposedly professional journalists who are simply cynics and agenda driven. So the story is, especially when […]
Tag Archives | Bill Clinton
EXPLOSIVE New Discovery Reveals Grover Norquist On Path to Becoming Muslim Double Agent During Reagan Administration and Has Helped Dirty Up Some Powerful People Along the Way
The already alarming connections of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) President Grover Norquist to Islamic terrorism have both come into sharper focus and gotten even more alarming. In an expose’ by Lee Stranahan, it’s revealed that being married to a Palestinian Muslim wife isn’t Norquist’s only connection to Islam through his family. In fact, the […]
Karl Rove Suggests Benghazi as Ridiculous to Investigate as Obama’s Birth Certificate in Apparent Effort to Protect Hillary Clinton, Dirtied Up Republicans, and Even Himself
During a recent interview with Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly, George W. Bush’s most trusted adviser during his administration – Karl Rove – made a stunning comparison. In so doing, it should be obvious why he’s doing it. While talking about the 2016 presidential race and Hillary Clinton’s chances, Rove suggested that people who want […]
While Arguing That Islam Is Not The Problem, Secretary of State Says, ‘We have to… Keep our Heads’
From the Secretary of State who insists man-made climate change is the greatest threat to the world comes another irresponsible and outrageous assertion that Islamic terrorists who commit acts of Islamic terrorism are not Islamic. Ironically, while making this asinine claim, Kerry used a bizarre metaphor that takes on added significance when paired with his […]
Ex-President and Muslim Brotherhood Leader Denies Collaborating with U.S. in Espionage Trial
Three days after the Obama administration came to the defense of the Muslim Brotherhood in response to an online petition demanding the group be designated as a terrorist organization, the trial of former Egyptian President and Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Mursi, began. Mursi is being tried for espionage and his legal team argued that Mursi’s […]
George W. Bush Says Woman With Muslim Brotherhood Daughter as Closest Advisor is like his ‘Sister-in-Law’
The relationship between the Clintons and the Bushes goes back many years, at least to when Bill was the Governor of Arkansas and George H.W. Bush was Vice President. As reported, if former Air Force Intelligence operative Terry Reed is right, the secrets held by both families necessitates each family must protect the other. […]
White House Began Working Toward Islamic Caliphate Long Before Obama Became President (Busting the Myth Of The Most Peaceful Brand Of Islam)
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Beneath the stealth of Muslim Brotherhood operatives in the west is an even more sinister and insidious level of deception that involves Sufi Islam and a brand of it known as the Naqshbandi Order. It is this order that the Brotherhood’s agents ultimately serve when they infiltrate […]
Ex-Imam of Mosque Attended by Muslim who DECAPITATED Oklahoma Woman placed at Event with Ex-CIA Director
In February of 2009, Suhaib Webb – the former Imam of the mosque attended by the Alton Nolen (the man who beheaded an Oklahoma woman last week) – was in attendance at the U.S.-Islamic World Forum (US-IWF), an annual event held in Doha, Qatar that’s co-sponsored by the Qatari government and the Brookings Institute, a […]
Like James Foley, Steven Sotloff Got Too Close to Muslim Fundamentalists
Reports originating from the SITE Intelligence Group (SIG) claim that a video shows the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff. Another American journalist James Foley was beheaded by the same group two weeks earlier. As was the case with Foley, Soltoff appeared to be sympathetic to the causes of opposition groups in Libya and Syria […]
Hillary Clinton Angers Muslim Sisterhood Leader in Interview
When Hillary Clinton went after Barack Obama in a recent interview, it was a political calculation meant to put daylight between her and the administration for Hillary’s 2016 Presidential run. It backfired when Obama wasn’t willing to let Hillary distance herself from the administration so much. When Hillary disrespected the former Muslim Brotherhood President of […]
Defending Reagan at all Costs is a Road to More Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration
No modern-era president is revered by conservatives more than Ronald Reagan. Those with connections to his administration proudly proclaim their place in it. After all, it has turned in to quite a resume enhancer. The Reagan legacy is built up to such heights that while his champions will concede he wasn’t perfect, increasingly, the defense […]

Ten Hours before 3000 Americans Murdered on 9/11, Bill Clinton said he didn’t Kill Osama bin Laden to protect 300 Afghanis
Ten hours prior to the 9/11 attacks, former President Bill Clinton answered a question about terrorism at a lunch in Australia. The audio recording of the speech and subsequent Q and A was recorded by Michael Kroger, an Australian politician at the time. The reason Clinton gave for not killing Osama bin Laden was that […]
Obama Conspires to Control Republicans from Attacking his Muslim Jihadist Brother
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** If ever there existed a scandal that dirtied up both Republicans and Democrats, it was Iran-Contra. In fact, it dirtied up both the Clintons and the Bushes. Both families – along with their respective parties – are so dirtied up that they dare not expose the President’s […]

Top Muslim Scholar who wants Caliphate says Caliphate In Iraq Is VOID because it doesn’t fit Ottoman Model
Sheikh Yususf al-Qaradawi, the top Sunni Muslim scholar and the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood stated that the caliphate declared by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is null and void under Sharia law since al-Baghdadi’s version of a caliphate doesn’t comport with the resurrection of the Ottoman Empire. “We look forward to the coming, […]
Why Neither Party will COME CLEAN about Muslim Brotherhood INFILTRATION
By Ben Barrack Nearly six years after 9/11, Lois Lerner – under the George W. Bush administration – granted CAIR, a Muslim Brotherhood front group, 501(c)(3) status. Four years later, Lerner granted expeditious and illegally retroactive 501(c)(3) status to a foundation whose President is connected to a State Sponsor of Terrorism and also happens to […]
Mosque Chaired by Clinton Friend led by Boko Haram Apologists
The notorious Dar al-Hijrah mosque chaired for many years by a man who curried political favor with the Clintons and other politicians – over the span of several years – is defending Boko Haram, the group making headlines for kidnapping hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls. The Daily Caller reports that the outreach director, who has held […]