Oklahoma State Rep. John Bennett is so far not apologizing for comments he made about Islam on his personal facebook page in which he said Christians should be “wary” of Muslims in America. That doesn’t mean that CAIR isn’t going to stop pressuring him to do so, as the video clip from a local newscast […]
Tag Archives | cair
Leader of Muslim Group Attacks Oklahoma State Rep. for Exercising First Amendment Right
ISIS is causing the same problems for stealth jihadists in the U.S. that al-Qaeda caused for them after the September 11th attacks. In short, ISIS is blowing the cover of groups like CAIR, which are having to go into damage control mode relative to the truth about them coming out. Case in point comes from […]
Ferguson Man would Rather get Beheaded than be told by Police to Stop Walking in Traffic
File this one under People with Firewalls behind their Foreheads and who can’t structure a sentence… There are actually people walking around in Ferguson wearing t-shirts that say they would rather be stopped by ISIS than by the Ferguson Police. Would love to know if this guy’s willing to trade places with one of the […]
Leader of Muslim Civil Rights Group Disgracefully Exploits Michael Brown Funeral in Ferguson
Why did CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad attend the funeral of Michael Brown, who was shot in Ferguson earlier this month? To say Awad had ulterior motives would be an understatement. Muslim Brotherhood operatives have been exploiting race and the civil rights movement to their advantage for decades. If Awad were truly concerned about healing […]
U.S. Fighting ISIS in Iraq while Bashar al-Assad Fighting ISIS in Syria
Exactly one year after the chemical attack in Syria which prompted calls from U.S. politicians from both sides of the aisle to launch air strikes on Bashar al-Assad, the two countries are fighting exactly the same enemy. Despite the increasingly obvious reality that ISIS makes up the opposition, some interesting figures are choosing to downplay […]
Edward Snowden’s Pro-Muslim Brotherhood, Homosexual Reporter Implies Jews to Blame for Ferguson Riots
Openly homosexual UK Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald – who achieved notoriety by by providing a platform for Edward Snowden – implied in one of his re-tweets that Israel had a hand in the Ferguson riots. To be clear, re-tweets should not automatically be considered an endorsement of the original tweet. In the case of Greenwald, […]
Head of Tax-Exempt Hamas Front Group Complains about U.S. Tax Dollars helping Israel
Nihad Awad, the Executive Director of Hamas front group CAIR spoke at a pro-Hamas rally in Washington, DC (video below) and expressed outrage over a lie that Palestinians are “being slaughtered” with his U.S. taxpayer dollars (h/t BNI). The truth is that Palestinians are being slaughtered by Hamas so stealth jihadists like Awad can blame […]

Hamas Protesters in Miami Express Solidarity with Obama’s Brother
Hamas has infiltrated the United States. In a video shot by a United West cameraman in downtown Miami, FL across the street from the Israeli consulate, protesters shouted ‘We are Hamas’. Throughout this video, the cameraman had to ward off protesters by telling them they would go to jail if he was touched. When watching […]
American Muslim Political Party Member Cheers Israeli Casualties and Hamas
A facebook post by Taher Herzallah, leader of one of the groups represented in a recently formed Muslim political party in the U.S., clearly celebrates Israeli casualties and the group that has caused them – Hamas. The post has since been taken down (screenshot below). As the National Campus Coordinator for American Muslims for Palestine, […]
NSA Scandal Reveals two More Stealth Jihadists in U.S. Connected to Sudan
On Today’s Ben Barrack show… In attempting to tip off and then later defend Muslims who were under NSA and FBI surveillance, Glenn Greenwald – through Edward Snowden – may have inadvertently revealed some shocking information about two such Muslims and their dealings with a State Sponsor of Terrorism – Sudan. Faisal Gill and Asim […]
Muslims Make Edict Saying Christians Can Never Build New Churches
By Theodore Shoebat The Muslim government of North Sudan recently reaffirmed a law decreeing that Christians are prohibited from building any new churches. The reaffirmation was made North Sudan’s Minister Shalil Abdullah, and as we read from one Christian activist: We are deeply concerned by Minister Shalil Abdullah’s statement reaffirming the policy to deny new […]
NSA Scandal’s Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden CAUGHT Aiding and Abetting Obama Administration, Muslim Brotherhood
New evidence, coupled with a timeline of events, shows how the NSA scandal was used by the Obama administration to both alert the Muslim Brotherhood and distract from other scandals. By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** More evidence has come to light that suggests anyone who has viewed Edward Snowden – the face […]
Is CNN’s Wolf Blitzer (a Jew) Waking Up?
Don’t look now but CNN’s Wolf Blitzer appears to be doing some legitimate reporting on what’s going on between Israel and Hamas. Objectivity is more than just a little bit out of character for both Blitzer and CNN but we’ll take it. In the first clip below, Blitzer interviews an Israeli soldier and relays to […]
Muslim Brotherhood Imams BANNED from Preaching in Mosques
If westerners want to see how their governments should be dealing with Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, they should look no further than Egypt. After the overthrow of Mohammed Mursi last year, Gen. Abdel Fatah el-Sisi has been putting on a clinic when it comes to going on offense with these terrorists. Egypt’s new government is now […]
Leader of Muslim Civil Rights Group sends out Anti-Semitic Tweet in support of Convicted Terrorist Financier
By Ben Barrack Nihad Awad, the national director for CAIR – a stealth Muslim Brotherhood front group with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status granted by Lois Lerner during the Bush administration – was caught blaming the Israeli lobby for the imprisonment of a terrorist. Awad sent out two tweets regarding the release of convicted terrorist financier […]
Michele Bachmann introducing Legislation to Label Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), known for calling out Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the past and being rebuked by members of her own Party for doing so, will be introducing a bill to identify the group as a terrorist organization. Said Bachmann: I’m working on legislation to do exactly that. I’ll be introducing the bill very […]