Tag Archives | cair

CAIR: DOJ should go after Zimmerman on Civil Rights

CAIR – the Council on American Islamic Relations – is predictably on the side of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Eric Holder when it comes to George Zimmerman. Despite the lack of evidence necessary to prosecute, the case was prosecuted. Despite Zimmerman’s acquittal, Trayvon Martin’s civil rights were apparently abused. Via CAIR National: The Council […]

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Video: Rep. Louie Gohmert hits Mueller’s FBI for working with CAIR

One day after Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) became understandably frustrated with FBI Director Robert Mueller during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, he took to the House floor and railed against the FBI for working with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim Brotherhood group. Via MediaIte: One day earlier, Mueller shockingly admitted in his […]

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CAIR Michigan’s Executive Director dismisses Saudi man flying with Pressure Cooker / Altered Passport

The Saudi man who flew into Detroit from Saudi Arabia via Amsterdam, carrying a pressure cooker and a passport that was missing pages, also changed his story relative to why he was carrying that pressure cooker. Now, Dawud Walid, the Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Michigan (CAIR-Mich), is publicly stating that […]

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A Contrast in Phobias (U.S. vs Saudi Arabia)

According to an article in the USA Today last year, the number of mosques in the United States grew by 74% from 2000 – 2010. At last count, there were 2106 mosques in the U.S. In Saudi Arabia, there is a ban on all non-Islamic places of worship. We’ll have a word or two to […]

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Video: Bill O’Reilly grills CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad

Hats off to Bill O’Reilly for holding Nihad Awad’s feet to the fire. Note something as you watch. Awad says he was glad when the Tsarnaevs were killed and captured respectively. To the untrained American ear, this sounds like Awad is concerned for the welfare of the American infidels. As the leader of a Muslim […]

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Video: Keith Ellison says Boston bombers ‘probably’ motivated by politics, not Islam

During an appearance on MSNBC, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim elected to the U.S. Congress attempted to pin the motivations of the Boston marathon bombers on politics, not religion. In so doing, Ellison quite knowingly (because he is a devout Muslim) put forth a faulty premise that Islam is separate from politics. They […]

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Is John Kerry putting his In-laws’ family in danger by helping Syrian rebels?

There is much at stake for both sides in the war taking place in Syria. For the Turks and the Muslim Brotherhood, taking Syria would be a monumental victory for the neo-Ottomans who seek a return of the caliphate. For Iran, such a scenario would mean a major defeat. For all intents and purposes, Assad’s […]

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Are Associated Press and CAIR both afflicted with Islamophobia?

Exhibit A: the case for the AP having Islamophobia. “Islamist: Supporter of government in accord with the laws of Islam. Those who view the Quran as a political model encompass a wide range of Muslims, from mainstream politicians to militants known as jihadi.” – Associated Press style book prior to this week. That definition for […]

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U.S. Army Instructor makes the case for “Islamophobia” (sort of)

During a presentation, a U.S. Army Instructor whipped out a slide that identified examples of “Religious Extremism”. Note the photo of that list below. The second item on the list is “Muslim Brotherhood (Egypt / Muslim)”. At the bottom of the list? Islamophobia. Via Todd Starnes at Fox News Radio: Is it a good thing […]

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Is Sending a Ham to a Mosque a bigger hate crime than Murdering innocent Jews?

When is the last time you saw or heard a Muslim fundamentalist denounce the persecution of Jews and Christians as hate crimes? While you’re mulling that one over, when is the last time you saw or heard a Muslim fundamentalist refer to receiving a ham in the mail as a hate crime? Hint: the answer […]

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Syrian Rebels elect former leader of CAIR as first Prime Minister

As if we needed more proof that the mainstream media is either willfully blind – relative to western civilization’s Islamic enemies – or complicit in aiding and abetting them, here it is. As Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad has been getting creamed in the propaganda war, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood rebels, which are far more barbaric than […]

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Why do CAIR, Code Pink, Van Jones, and Cenk Uygur all support Rand Paul’s filibuster?

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) made big headlines this week in a showdown with the Obama administration over the latter’s refusal to unequivocally state that it would not use armed drones to kill Americans on American soil who posed no imminent threat to the country. Paul was relegated to eating candy bars during his twelve-plus hour […]

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Audio: Exchange between Walid and Muslim students that has CAIR up in arms

To be brought up to speed on this story, feel free to read this post first. Thanks to the Right Scoop, we now have the audio of the exchange between two Muslim exchange students and Walid at the Assembly of God Church in Perham, MN on February 24th. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN) charges […]

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