Tag Archives | christian warfare

Christian Militancy And The Crusades Are Good, Satanic Muslim Jihad And Islam Are Evil

By Theodore Shoebat Christian militancy and the Crusades are good, satanic jihad and Islam are evil. This is what I have to say to those modern Christians who always ask me, every time I speak of Christian militancy and crusading, “What makes you so different from the Muslims and their jihad?” or to those who […]

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Christ Is Coming Soon, To Lead The Last Crusade And Finally Destroy The Muslims And Islam For Good

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” (Proverbs 28:1) A great Christian militia has arisen out of the deathly depths of Mosul. Guided by the Spirit, and governed under the eyes of the holy law engraved upon their hearts, […]

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Muslims Want To Do Another Holocaust On Christians, And They Will Succeed

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims want to do another holocaust of Christians, and they will succeed, just as they did in the Armenian Genocide, the genocide of the Assyrian Christians, the Chaldean Christians, and all of the Christians who were slaughtered by Islamic regimes. Dr. Sebastian Gorka has recently made some prudent, yet harrowing statements of […]

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Pope Francis And The Vatican Fight Against The Islamic Persecution Of Christians, And Rescue A Christian From Being Killed By Muslims

By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis and the Vatican have fought against the Islamic persecution of Christians, and this is illustrated by their heroic action of rescuing Meriam Ibrahim, a Christian convert from Islam, from being executed by the Muslim North Sudanese government. This is confirmed by one source that stated: The Sudanese government allowed the […]

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200 Muslims Attack Church, Christians Fight Back, Slaughter Them, And Take The Victory For Christ

By Theodore Shoebat 200 Muslims attacked the Cherebeen convent in Syria, but Christian militants protecting the premises fought back, slaughtered the Muslims and took the victory for Christ. One of the head Christian militants, named Sari, said: We stopped them and we killed them but Christian guys from Saidnaya also died in the battle… The […]

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Muslims Demand Money From Christians, The Christians Say That They Don’t Have Money, Then The Muslims Steal Their Wives, Christians Get Enraged, Take Assault Rifles And Fight Off The Muslims

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq are demanding money from the Christians there, but when the Christians say that they don’t have money, the Muslims steal their wives. This type of violence is happening in the Christian village of Qaraqosh. A local shoekeeper said: They killed the Christians. They took money from them, and if […]

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CAUGHT ON FILM: Muslims Brutally Torture And Beat Innocent Woman

A Newly released video filmed in Afghanistan shows a woman being brutally beaten. Shoebat.com obtained a video showing the torture: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Genesis 3:15) AFTER WATCHING THIS, CLICK HERE […]

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Muslims Rape Christian Women, 600 Christians Take Up Arms And Make One Final And Heroic Stand Against Muslim Jihadists

By Theodore Shoebat After so much rape has been done against Christian women in Iraq, 600 Christians in Iraq have now taken up arms to make one final stand against Muslim Jihadists, members of the ISIS terrorist group, at the frontiers of the Christian settlement of Bartella on the outskirts of Mosul. These 600 Christians, […]

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The Future War Between Christians And Muslims Is Coming

The future war between Christians and Muslims is coming. It is being foreshadowed by the many battles that have occurred between Christians and Muslims in Central Africa and Nigeria, and the tensions between Russian Orthodox Christians and Muslim Turks. All of these are signs that the tensions and numerous instances of violence will result in […]

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We Are Living In Sodom And Gomorrah

By Theodore Shoebat We are living in Sodom and Gomorrah. We have tyrannical judges shutting down the votes of the American people who voted against homosexual marriage. This is all because of tolerance, and it is leading to the advancement of the sodomite agenda. Here is a video I made illustrating how the homosexual mafia […]

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Jesus Christ Did Not Believe In Tolerance And Peace, But The Punishment Of Evil Doers And Evil People

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Jesus Christ did not believe in tolerance and peace, but the punishment of evil doers and evil people. I never accepted the modern perception of Christianity, as a sort of peace loving religion. Christ Himself said: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not […]

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The Vatican Makes Itself The Seat Of The Antichrist, And Pope Francis Has Muslim Prayers Declared Within The Vatican For The First Time In Its History

By Theodore Shoebat The Vatican has made itself the seat of the Antichrist, because for the first time in its history it will be having Islamic prayers declared from its premises, a measure planned and organized by Pope Francis himself. Islam is the religion of the Antichrist, and for the Vatican to do this makes […]

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Catholic Priest Says Homosexuality Is Gift From God, And That The Bible Is Not The Word Of God, And Then Pope Francis Kisses His Hand And Praises Him

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat A 93 year old Italian priest named Michele de Paolis, considered to be Italy’s most rebellious priest and amongst the most universally notorious advocates for the Catholic Church to change its position on homosexuality, said: homosexual love is a gift from (God) no less than heterosexual. This same damned heretic […]

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Muslims Enter Church And Slaughter Nine Christians In Sheer Cold Blooded Cruelty

Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Abuja, Nigeria, entered a church and slaughtered nine Christians in an attack that can be described as sheer malice. A local Christians described what the event: As we were holding service, we started hearing gunshots and everybody fled, some through the windows, and ran into bush Another report states: Suspected Islamic […]

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Muslims Murder 90 Year Old Grandmother And Three Children, And Then Heroic And Courageous Militia Takes Up Arms And Drive Out Muslim Jihadists

By Theodore Shoebat A heroic and courageous militia has risen up in Nigeria, called the Civilian Joint Task Force (JTF), and they have been successful in driving out Boko Haram Muslim jihadists in numerous instances. The group is also known as the Borno Youth Association of Peace and Justice, and it was founded in the […]

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Christianity Is Not A Religion Of Peace! It Is A Religion Of War And Combat

By Theodore Shoebat Christianity is not a religion of peace! It is a religion of war and combat. This will be illustrated by a very recent event that took place in Central Africa, and then proven through a theological discourse by myself. Muslims in Bangui, Central Africa, attacked a church on Wednesday, called the Church […]

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