In an interview with the Des Moines Iowa NBC affiliate, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) was asked about his previous comments regarding Huma Abedin’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. King did not back down. Salon reported on what King said during the interview but here is the full exchange (fast forward to the 1:38 mark if […]
Tag Archives | congress
Ben Affleck: Conflict of Interest at State Department?
It’s been all but confirmed that the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was a premeditated attack by al-Qaeda, which is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. As Frank Gaffney points out, the lack of security at the consulate, coupled with the false narrative of the Obama administration / State Department – that a video was the […]
More proof Walid not a fraud?
In 2011, Eileen Fleming libeled Walid by asserting that he was little more than a fraud and a ‘bin Laden wannabe’. Today, we notice that Ms. Fleming is not only running for Congress but is having her picture taken with noted anti-Semite Helen Thomas in hopes that it will boost her chances. Via The Peoples […]
Keith Ellison’s latest attempt at Islamophobia-baiting
Perhaps the most prescient statement from Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) in the video clip below comes at the end, where he says that those who attempt to divide the United States along religious lines “will fail eventually”. The truth is that dividing America along religious lines is exactly what Muslim groups in America seek to […]

Huma Abedin’s Defenders Outed
Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack Much has happened since Reps. Michele Bachmann, Louie Gohmert, Trent Franks, Lynn Westmoreland, and Tom Rooney fired off those five letters to various Inspectors General back on June 13th. Based on all that has transpired to this point, we thought it a worthy endeavor to chronicle the individuals / entities […]
Another Republican Congressman sides with Huma Abedin
Not sure how we missed this one but identifying all Republicans in Congress who are taking the side of Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin over Reps. Bachmann, et. al. is something we’d like to continue tracking. It’s safe to say that Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY) has chosen to employ Operation: Ostrich. Back […]
Video: Rep. Steve King standing with Michele Bachmann
It looks like the Bachmann five has now finally become the Bachmann six as Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has expressed support for the concerns of Bachmann, et. al. about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government in general and Huma Abedin’s ties to the Brotherhood in particular. At a town hall meeting, King expressed solidarity […]
Front Page Magazine interviews Andrew McCarthy about Huma Abedin, Saudi Manifesto
In his interview with Front Page Magazine’s Jamie Glazov, Andrew McCarthy covers a lot of ground but also hits on an extremely salient point, especially in light of all the evidence that’s been uncovered since Reps. Michele Bachmann, Louie Gohmert, Trent Franks, Lynn Westmoreland, and Tom Rooney sent those initial five letters to various IG’s […]
Idaho’s two Republican Senators, one Republican Congressman asked to denounce Bachmann; all Three refuse
Marty Trillhaase, at the Lewiston Tribune in Idaho, is reporting that one prominent Republican Congressman from Idaho and both of that’s state’s U.S. Senators were asked to repudiate Rep. Michele Bachmann for raising questions about Huma Abedin. Trillhaase is not happy with any of them for refusing to do so. Via JEERS … to […]
Another Republican Congressman comes out against Bachmann
The list of shame has grown by one (Democrats are excluded because they’ve migrated from the list of shame to a much more despicable list long ago). We can now add Rep. Mike Simpson (R-UT) to the list of Republican Congressmen / Senators (John McCain (R-AZ), John Boehner (R-OH), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Scott Brown (R-MA), […]
Predictable: Left blames Michele Bachmann for Sikh Temple shooting
Now that the Sikh Temple shooter – Wade Michael Page – has been identified by multiple news sources as a neo-Nazi, the Los Angeles Times writes in the very first sentence of this story that Page associated with ‘right-wing extremists’. Leftists are using twitter to blame the likes of Michele Bachmann and Rush Limbaugh. If […]
Slate’s Dave Weigel publishes letter sent to Boehner that defends Bachmann
The Huma Abedin controversy may not be playing out much in the liberal or conservative media but make no mistake; it’s playing out inside the beltway. John Boehner opened his mail to see a letter addressed to him by – among others – National Review’s Andrew McCarthy, Ret. General Gerry Boykin, and former Director of […]
Muslim Congressman promotes report in response to 16-Page Bachmann letter
Talk about a low-wire, left-wing circus act. In response to Michele Bachmann’s 16-page letter from three weeks ago, Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison apparently thought it a wise course to tout a report written by Peter Montgomery that included a meandering foreword about freedom of religion by left wing hack Bill Moyers. To call Moyers’ screed […]
Accuracy in Media’s Kincaid: Produce Huma Abedin’s Security Clearance Form and end the dispute
Michele Bachmann and four other Congressmen want assurances that people like Huma Abedin have been adequately screened and pose no threat to national security based on her known familial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. In response, they’ve been smeared by the likes of Keith Ellison, John (I? L?) Esposito, Huma’s sister Heba (Abedin? Khalid?), and […]
Trent Franks grills Asst Attorney General on criminalizing criticism of Religion (Islam)
Two very important names here. First, Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) is one of the five Congressmen who signed five separate letters to various IG’s. Those letters call for investigations into the potential of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government. Second, Thomas E. Perez is the Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department’s Civil Rights […]
Louie Gohmert on John McCain: ‘Numbnuts’
When you know unequivocally that you have the truth on your side, you are confident enough to make comments like the one made by Rep. Louie Gohmert on the Dennis Miller Show. It is obvious that Gohmert is disgusted by John McCain’s floor speech in which the Senator from Arizona defended Huma Abedin and her […]