Hamas isn’t just finding an unsympathetic ear from Egypt in its fight with Israel. Egypt is telling the Muslim Brotherhood front group to go pound sand. This is not sitting well with Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. As Israel is stepping up its ground offensive in Gaza, Hamas is increasingly finding itself lacking the […]
Tag Archives | egypt
Hamas Orders Civilians to Stay in Homes Israel Warned would be Bombed
Hamas spokesman Ami Abu Zuhri defended the use of civilians as human shields. In a rant rife with twisted logic, Zuhri likened what’s going on in Gaza today with what happened in Algerian in the 1940’s. Zuhri then confessed that Hamas is “leading (Palestinians) to death” before catching himself and switched to “confrontation”. According to […]
Hillary’s Book Provides MORE EVIDENCE Huma Abedin a Stealth Muslim Brotherhood Agent
While broaching the subject in her book about the controversy surrounding her adviser Huma Abedin’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, which went mainstream a full year after those connections were discovered by Shoebat.com, Hillary Clinton has inadvertently provided more evidence that Abedin is a stealth agent for the Brotherhood. What may seem like a harmless […]
Muslim Brotherhood Imams BANNED from Preaching in Mosques
If westerners want to see how their governments should be dealing with Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, they should look no further than Egypt. After the overthrow of Mohammed Mursi last year, Gen. Abdel Fatah el-Sisi has been putting on a clinic when it comes to going on offense with these terrorists. Egypt’s new government is now […]
Top Muslim Scholar who wants Caliphate says Caliphate In Iraq Is VOID because it doesn’t fit Ottoman Model
Sheikh Yususf al-Qaradawi, the top Sunni Muslim scholar and the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood stated that the caliphate declared by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is null and void under Sharia law since al-Baghdadi’s version of a caliphate doesn’t comport with the resurrection of the Ottoman Empire. “We look forward to the coming, […]
Fox Reporter Avoids Egyptian Connection to Benghazi Attacks
When it comes to implicating Egyptian terrorist individuals and groups or the former Mohammed Mursi regime in the Benghazi attacks, there is a palpable reticence in the conservative media to do so. The latest example comes from Fox News reporter Adam Housley, who otherwise delivered some very important information. Sources on the ground in Benghazi […]
Setting Up Captured Benghazi Suspect as Obama’s Star Witness
By Ben Barrack Get ready. The same thoroughly discredited New York Times writer who gave us the Benghazi propaganda novel disguised as journalism last December – David Kirkpatrick – may be helping to lay the groundwork for helping the Obama administration to resurrect the video narrative. He’s using the apprehended “lead suspect” to do it. […]
Muslims Take Christians And Keep Them As Slaves For Twenty Five Years Straight
By Theodore Shoebat A Christian family in Pakistan was kept as slaves for twenty five years straight in a brick kiln. They lived without any basic comforts, such as toilets. As one report states: There were no reports of arrests, with police allegedly reluctant to further investigate the case. In statements obtained by BosNewsLife, Christians […]
Man Challenges Muslims, Muslims Take Man, Cut His Head Off, Wrap It In Plastic, And Dump His Head Into The Local Mosque
By Theodore Shoebat A man in Libya, Abdul Moaz Abdul Razk Turkawi, challenged some members of a Muslim jihadist group. The next day his head was found wrapped in a plastic bag dumped in a mosque. According to a Libyan report: The severed head of a Derna student who apparently challenged members of an Islamist […]
Countless Muslims Get Thrown Into Cages (A Sight Every American Wants To SEE)
By Walid Shoebat Every American who is frustrated with Muslims rarble-rousing, troublemaking, terrorizing and simply are annoying would probably like to see where such folks belong in this video we just obtained from our Middle Eastern sources: You must love watching the youtube video of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood defendants all dressed in white looking like […]
Where Allen West went WRONG about Benghazi
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** When will the right ever get it all right? While Allen West may be right about Benghazi being about weapons trafficking, he doesn’t have an answer as to the motives of the attackers. Would the terrorists who attacked the compound have done so because Benghazi was about […]
Muslim Brotherhood Caught Trafficking Terrorists while Obama Still Refuses To Call Them Terrorists
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Obama refuses to identify the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, while the same jihadist organization is currently and continuously participating in blatant acts of terrorism, to include bomb making. In a shocking admission, Egyptian General Abdel Fatah el-Sisi has claimed that in the days prior to […]
Obama Administration and Muslim Brotherhood involved in Weapons Trafficking
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The common cause between the U.S. and the Brotherhood sheds new light on the Obama administration’s support for the regime of Mohammed Mursi. National security investigations in Egypt discovered that under the regime of the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt procured weapons after receiving them from Sudan and Libya […]
Ancient Egyptians Invented Tom and Jerry Cartoons
Among other things, this particular ‘expert’ on Egypt says that ancient Egyptians invented the Tom and Jerry cartoons. The creepy music bed during the interview definitely adds… something… to the experience. h/t MEMRI
How Obama Administration works with Muslim Agents to Destroy First Amendment (A New Smoking Gun)
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** We all know too well that it was president Obama who once said: “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”. Which brings us to ask; what exactly happened after President Barack Obama called then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding Benghazi? […]
Obama Administration’s Plans to give Complete Power to Muslim Brotherhood
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** A relationship between the former chairman of a mosque in the U.S. notorious for breeding terrorists may help to further illustrate the connection between the Muslim Brotherhood, the Syrian opposition, Turkey, and unfortunately, the U.S. Government. At Shoebat.com, we have demonstrated that Bassam Estwani, who chaired the […]