Tag Archives | election


Video: Egyptian Commentators debate Mursi’s Vision for Egypt

The impetus for this debate was the speech given by Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi at a presidential campaign rally for presumptive presidential-elect Mohammed Mursi, back on May 1st. In that speech, Higazi said that if elected, Mursi would make Jerusalem the capital of an Islamic Caliphate. Mursi didn’t utter the words but he certainly seemed […]

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Egyptian Supreme Court rules to dissolve Parliament

Egypt’s newly elected Parliament was ordered to dissolve by that country’s highest court. Hit the hardest is the Muslim Brotherhood, which holds 46% of the seats in the legislative body. A consequence of the ruling is that the Military has declared martial law and is now in control. Via New York Times: Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional […]

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Report: Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Mursi in Run-off

As the first round of presidential elections begin to wind down, it looks like at least one of the two candidates who will end up in a run-off will be Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Mursi. Via The Blaze: The candidate of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood won a spot in a run-off election, according to partial results […]

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CNN Continues shilling for the Brotherhood

Regular readers to this blog know the truth about Egyptian presidential candidate, Abdel Moneim Abol-Fotouh. He is an extremely stealthy jihadist and ‘former’ Muslim Brotherhood leader. In typical CNN fashion, they are glowing in their praise of Fotouh while painting him as a ‘religious pragmatist’ and ‘moderate.’ Via CNN: Abdelmonen Abol Fotoh, an independent moderate […]

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Turkish Commentator’s wishful thinking: Leftists and Islamists all one big happy family

Walid Shoebat Mustafa Akyol is a Turkish political commentator who seems to be either fooling himself or others by implying that the left and Islam can coexist when their common obstacles are out of the way (Mubarak, Gadhafi, Ben Ali). The problem is that history doesn’t support that notion. Via the Dallas News: For years, […]

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‘Former’ (wink, wink) Muslim Brotherhood member leads Egypt’s Presidential race

The candidate that top Muslim Brotherhood cleric – Yusuf Al-Qaradwai – endorsed for president of Egypt is now the lone front runner. Curiously though, Abdul-Moneim Aboul-Fotouh was expelled from the group specifically because he ran for president, against the Brotherhood’s alleged wishes. Via CNBC: A preliminary count of votes for Egyptians living abroad has put […]

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Egyptian Philosopher: ‘Muslim Brotherhood (is) required to start wars’

His name is Murad Wahba and this entire video is worth watching. Basically, what he is saying here is that in Egypt, a major reason for the tension between the military and the Brotherhood is that the military is focused on fighting in the interest of national security / defense while the Brotherhood is interested […]

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Washington Post reports Egypt’s Coptic Christians fear ‘Ultraconservative’ Muslims

Leila Fadel at the Washington Post has now officially chimed in on the fears of the Coptic Christians in Egypt as a direct result of the removal of Hosni Mubarak last year. Interestingly, she affixes a curious label to the ideology of those who threaten the Copts. A year after an attack by ultraconservative Muslims […]

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Egyptian Presidential frontrunners both declare Israel an Enemy

If Jimmy Carter has anything to hang his hat on as president, it was the Camp David Accords. Yet, as the Middle East burns, he has expressed his support for the group that assassinated Anwar Sadat – the Muslim Brotherhood. Now, both Abdul Monheim Aboul Fotouh – expelled from the Muslim Brotherhood only because he […]

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Hamas calls for new French President to visit Gaza

Considering that French president-elect Francois Hollande garnered a vast majority of the Muslim vote in his race with Nicolas Sarkozy, he is beholden to Islamist to some degree. Hamas certainly seems to think so. Via ynet: Hamas has urged france’s president-elect, Francois Hollande, to visit the Gaza Strip and “correct” French policy towards the Palestinians. […]

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Muslim Brotherhood Presidential candidate vows to implement Sharia Law

Yesterday, we posted a video of Mohamed Mursi sitting behind an Islamic cleric, nodding as that cleric pledged that Mursi would make Jerusalem the Caliphate capital. Today, let there be no doubt that Mursi may as well have said the words himself. Via Ahram Online: Egyptian presidential contender Mohamed Mursi on Monday announced his intention […]

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Did the Muslim Vote elect a Far-Left Socialist as President of France?

Prior to the May 7th election that elected far left socialist Francois Hollande as France’s president – ousting Nicolas Sarkozy – there was widespread agreement that Hollande would garner a majority of the Muslim vote. Islam versus Europe reported that 95% of Muslims voted Socialist in the last French Presidential Elections. The results were somewhat […]

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Video: Former Attorney General slams Obama on Osama raid

Former Attorney General, Michael Mukasey appeared on Hannity’s television show and was quite forthright about what he thought of a memo penned prior to last year’s Osama bin Laden raid in Pakistan. If true, it’s quintessential ‘heads I win, tails you lose’ tactics by the Obama administration. Based on Mukasey’s take, the memo leaves no […]

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Report: Muslim Brotherhood group ISNA actively working to re-elect Barack Obama

Consider this one of the unintended consequences of not identifying the real enemy of the United States after 9/11. Instead of declaring war on a tactic (terror) – while identifying al-Qaeda as the target – we allowed other groups under the Muslim Brotherhood umbrella to set down stronger roots and accumulate power. Now, one of […]

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Emerson and Pipes: Chris Christie doesn’t have the “Moral Compass” to be Vice President

There is a lot of buzz about the potential for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to be tapped by Mitt Romney as a vice presidential running mate. Unfortunately, for as much as Christie seems to understand the dangers of teachers unions, he’s seemingly just as ignorant about Islam. IPT’s Steve Emerson and Daniel Pipes have […]

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2004 Video: Egyptian Presidential candidate supported Armed Resistance in Iraq

Regular readers of our blog know about Abdel Moneim Abol Fotouh. He is a finalist in the race for president of Egypt. In 2004, he said he fully supported the armed resistance against the United States in Iraq “100%.” In the video below from 2004, he said that he would take up arms himself against […]

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