While we can certainly appreciate the passion and sentiment of Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR) when it comes to being outraged by the Obama administration’s record on counterterrorism, the congressman’s attempt to use the previous administration as the benchmark displays a bit of naivete on his part. First, here’s the video, via the Weekly Standard: While […]
Tag Archives | George W. Bush
Got Déjà vu? Is Saudi National returning home after Terror attacks in U.S.?
After 9/11, there was a virtual mass exodus of Saudis leaving the U.S. After the Boston marathon, there appear to be some powerful people who want at least one Saudi national to share a similar fate. Fool me once… you know the rest. Via Clean TV:
Saudis don’t seem to think Assassinating U.S. President or owning Slaves is a crime
Walid Shoebat The Saudis apparently think it’s no big deal to plot to assassinate the President of the United States, nor that owning a slave in the U.S. should be illegal, provided that the slave owner is a Saudi national. One viral video in the Middle East sent out by Saudi Arabia calls for President […]
Getting closer to why the U.S. Continues to support Syrian Rebels
Before checking out Diana West’s article entitled, Uncle Sam and the Saudi Crescent, consider op-eds penned by former president George W. Bush and his former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice last year; both were bizarre. In May, Bush expressed his continued support for the ‘Arab Spring’ and then in November, Rice continued arguing in support […]
CAIR Word Police attempting to ban the term ‘Islamist’… We have a suggestion
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) suddenly doesn’t like the term, ‘Islamist’ and wants journalists to stop using it. Via IPT: After doing everything it can to ensconce a new word, “Islamophobia,” into conversational English, the nation’s most visible Islamist group is trying to stop use of a well-established word: Islamist. Council on American-Islamic Relations […]

George Bush’s Dubai Ports World deal vs. Al Gore’s Al Jazeera deal
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a mere 236 miles east of Doha, Qatar, where the headquarters of Al Jazeera is located. After the sale of Al Gore’s Current TV to the Arabic news network, Al Jazeera America is expected to broadcast from New York. Via World Atlas: In 2006, the Dubai Ports World (DPW) […]
Is World War II still being fought?
Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack In 2007, President George W. Bush spoke at the Islamic Center of Washington, D.C. and was introduced by the mosque’s director; the latter had a history that included time spent as a representative of an organization that has enabled Al-Qaeda. This was also the same mosque at which Bush spoke […]
1957 Video: President Eisenhower opens Washington, D.C. Mosque where Bush spoke six days after 9/11/01
In 1957 – barely a decade after President Dwight Eisenhower had seen victory against the Nazis – the former General visited the Islamic Center of Washington, D.C. for the mosque’s dedication ceremony. Via British Pathe’ (Click on image to see video): NEWS FLASHES – EISENHOWER OPENS MOSQUE IN WASHINGTON & U-BOAT SALVAGED FROM RIVER SCHLEI […]
9/11 Bombshell Report: 3000 Americans for Three Saudi Princes
Link to 21-Page 9/11 Bombshell Report below… Conspiracy theories about 9/11 are in abundance. Some even believe that it was an “inside job”. We reject this notion completely. However, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the Bush administration made a conscious and very ill-advised decision not to go after the real perpetrators of the attacks […]
The Man who should have been listened to in the days after 9/11
While doing some research for this post, I came across a document that appeared to have been written less than one month after 9/11; it was written in the form of a journal but did not have an author’s name (I have since learned it and reveal it at the end of this post ). […]
The Republican Establishment’s ‘Mike McQueary’ moments
When Penn State assistant coach Mike McQueary saw what appeared to be the penetration of a young boy by Jerry Sandusky in a shower in 2001, he saw evil. He punted when he told head coach Joe Paterno instead of going to police; Paterno knew evil had penetrated his program. He punted too, when he […]
Claims of Former National Security Council official against Bachmann ring hollow
Former National Security Council / State Department official (1993-2000), Eric Schwartz is the latest to come out against Michele Bachmann’s questions about the background of Huma Abedin. Given what happened at the State Department during his time there (Abdurahman Alamoudi was an Islamic affairs advisor in the Clinton administration during the late 90’s and is […]
It’s time for Karl Rove to come clean about what he knew
After publishing this post yesterday, which included a photo circa 2000 that shows Abdurahman Alamoudi meeting with George W. Bush and Karl Rove, I decided to look into the book that Rove was quite likely given by the delegation seen in the photo. It’s entitled, The Cultural Atlas of Islam and was written by a man […]
Report: Jihadists take over Syrian Christian village; residents expelled
Yesterday, it was reported that Republican George W. Bush suggested that the Arab Spring should be embraced. Meanwhile, Christians all over the Middle East are being sacrificed because of that mentality. Via AINA: Armed jihadist seized control of Qastal al-Burg village on Thursday, May 10, and ordered its 10 Christian families to leave, according to […]
George W. Bush’s disturbing take on the ‘Arab Spring’
After having eight years to study the motivations of America’s Islamic enemies, George W. Bush both curiously and disturbingly expressed a rather uneducated opinion relative to the ‘Arab Spring.’ Via MSNBC: A stone’s throw away from the White House, former President George W. Bush said today the world is in an “extraordinary” time for freedom […]